Going to live stream this on 360 right now.
Ugh, the chat won't load for me at work. Will sub to your channel though. How do you crop out everything behind you? Green screen?
Going to live stream this on 360 right now.
Yep love IG weapons.These weapons are awesome. Insomniac always gets that right. I'm enjoying this a lot more than the usual Gears/COD meathead shooters. Also, Echelon is hard! Its hitting all the right buttons from Resistance 2 co op.
Ugh, the chat won't load for me at work. Will sub to your channel though. How do you crop out everything behind you? Green screen?
the guns are fun but, is anyone getting a bruteforce 2 feel from the game.
I went to Best Buy today and they didn't even have it on the shelves. I had to ask an attendant to go dig it out of the back for me.
Anybody else run into this? That certainly won't help sales.
What up js,my copy wont come until Thursday nothing can do about thatGlad to hear a bunch of you are having fun with the game in co-op. ill jump on some this week when Im back from this wedding and maybe caught up on Arrested Development ;-)
I had the same exact experience. But don't just feel bad for Fuse, Best buy didn't put out Grid 2 either.
I have been playing solo so far, only because Netflix was sapping bandwidth. I played only as Naya (warp gun is so awesome) because I pretty much forgot about LEAP. Probably woulda made the first boss easier.Is anyone that's playing this game solo just sticking with one character? I'm an hour plus into the first level and just don't see how anyone could play that way. Enemies hit way too quickly to just sit in one spot and try to chip away at them.
And count me in the minority but I prefer the more realistic look of the graphics. Being a huge Resistance and Killzone fan, I'm glad Fuse skews more towards them then Borderlands.
I might grab it as a Digital Download... i dont wanna wait a couple of weeks for a physical copy.
#82 on Amazon for 360
#122 on Amazon for PS3
I hope Insomniac is able to weather the storm.
Just picked this up this morning and four hours later I still haven't touched the campaign. I tried a match of Echelon mode when I first started the game and I just couldn't stop playing. Man... that mode is a rush so far at the early stages of leveling up your character. Just waves and waves of enemies and chaos happening at all times. It's just incredibly fun, especially when you get a full squad of human controlled players and work together to mow down some dudes while collecting some money bags. I can already see myself getting lost in this mode much like ME3's multiplayer. I'm still at the early stages of using Fuse credits, but I do hope they are able to support this mode in the future.
I doubt anyone I know will be picking this game up, so if anyone wants to add me for so co-op then feel free.
My Xbox 360 GT is: jtrov
Getting that R2 co-op vibe...and I plugged 50+ hours into that mode.
And that's just fine right now.
But seriously, have the players move AWAY from the exploding wall, IG!
#82 on Amazon for 360
#122 on Amazon for PS3
I hope Insomniac is able to weather the storm.
#82 on Amazon for 360
#122 on Amazon for PS3
I hope Insomniac is able to weather the storm.
#82 on Amazon for 360
#122 on Amazon for PS3
Its number 1 on my rankings. Just got my "release day delivery" copy delivered.I really wish people stop posting amazon rankings seriously.
Did they ever show the game running on ps3? Every demo I've seen was for 360.
"Hey Jacob, wanna come fight these dudes?"
"Nah, it's cool. I'm gonna stay at the beginning of the level."
Single player AI is just rough. I'm thinking of when JS was on Weekend Confirmed a week or two back and the gang was talking about how hard it is to balance companion AI in a game like this. If a Fuse 2 gets made I hope they go back to the drawing board find a better middle ground, both for AI and overall mission structure.
Did they ever show the game running on ps3? Every demo I've seen was for 360.
yeah. All review videos I seen is for the xbox 360
I really wish people stop posting amazon rankings seriously.
Well, you can get free by yourself eventually. It just takes a while.Man I hate the inflitrator units. You just lose track track of them with all the crap going on. I wish there was a way you could power out of their hold.
Man I hate the inflitrator units. You just lose track track of them with all the crap going on. I wish there was a way you could power out of their hold.
I really wish people stop posting amazon rankings seriously.
I am just saying those rankings are pretty worthless.I didn't do it out of any sort of malice. I hate to see that. But I think it's relevant given the game has only been out three days.
I didn't do it out of any sort of malice. I hate to see that. But I think it's relevant given the game has only been out three days.
I don't think you had any sort of intent for malice, however, it was made pretty clear in the beginning of the thread by a mod to avoid posting "bomba" related things, as it shits up the topic with meaningless discussion. Sales age stuff can stay in sales age threadsOr one of the other 40 Fuse threads discussing sales (like, perhaps, the review thread?).
No worries dude! You're a cool dude, no need to apologizeThat's fair. I wish I hadn't done it now. Sorry.
I liked the demo well enough, but I'm NOT interested in playing this solo, and none of my buddies play console games.
Would GAFers be up for some co-op this weekend? Might grab this tomorrow.
EDIT: Would love to know what the majority are playing on: X360 or PS3 as well... hope this type of post isn't frowned upon.