Reseterror Resettler
I know she is infuriating, but I also kind of hope she never stops and never loses her platform to be absolutely 19 year old self centric and tone deaf, because shit like the above? Chef's kiss.
Not even 24 hours and She started ANOTHER DRAMA making fun of her staff losing their job but its OK making Jokes, because she is fine"HURDUR drama to boost her career" No. She made a segment because she's frequently the target of harassment and she wanted to address it. You saying it was "Drama to boost her career" is nothing more than a friction of your own imagination.
^yeah...thisG4 still exists?
Not even 24 hours and She started ANOTHER DRAMA making fun of her staff losing their job but its OK making Jokes, because she is fine
Good job showing us how retard you are in front of everyone, simping for that piece of shit
I think that's an impression not really her.This is only the second Frosk video I've ever seen (due to whatever is posted in this thread), but Frosk sure seems insecure talking about jerking off to her in hopes people love her. She does this in a joking way, but deep down means it.
For people who know her better and seen more videos, is she always this loud and attention seeking? Does she ever just do some chill podcasts or YT talking games?
Not even 24 hours and She started ANOTHER DRAMA making fun of her staff losing their job but its OK making Jokes, because she is fine
Good job showing us how retard you are in front of everyone, simping for that piece of shit
Not even 24 hours and She started ANOTHER DRAMA making fun of her staff losing their job but its OK making Jokes, because she is fine
Good job showing us how retard you are in front of everyone, simping for that piece of shit
Not even 24 hours and She started ANOTHER DRAMA making fun of her staff losing their job but its OK making Jokes, because she is fine
Good job showing us how retard you are in front of everyone, simping for that piece of shit
Have you seen her dead, gray front teeth?If you'll all allow me to be a simp for a moment, I just have to say that this Frosk lady looks really cute. This alt-rock style looks like shit on most people.
Bottom row too. She's got major dental issues and according to google she's only 31 years old. No joke, when my parents were 60, their teeth were as good as Frosk's and they grew up as poor immigrants as teenagers and never saw a dentist until coming to Canada.Have you seen her dead, gray front teeth?
As a matter of fact, I did.Have you seen her dead, gray front teeth?
If you'll all allow me to be a simp for a moment, I just have to say that this Frosk lady looks really cute. This alt-rock style looks like shit on most people.
Not even 24 hours and She started ANOTHER DRAMA making fun of her staff losing their job but its OK making Jokes, because she is fine
Good job showing us how retard you are in front of everyone, simping for that piece of shit
I LOVE that gif. It's my favourite ever.
Shitting on the people who made you successful to own your haters. A narcissism tale as old as time.Really does feel pretty shitty to go to a social media platform of any form, especially with a public profile, and boast about "surviving" a layoff. Extremely tone deaf.
If you'll all allow me to be a simp for a moment, I just have to say that this Frosk lady looks really cute. This alt-rock style looks like shit on most people.
Color me disappointed
Yeah X-Play is a giant turd now. It could have been something special-IF they found a duo with chemistry (Like OG Sessler and Webb had) to host.I hope Attack of the Show survives. It's pretty much just like it was on the original network, just with some new faces surrounding Kevin and some adjustments given the realities of how the world changed between 2010-ish to now.
I gave up on X-Play months ago. I couldn't care less if it goes away. Sessler was barely around, which is understandable - apparently both his wife and him have some health issues. The rest of the hosts seemed barely interested or informed about games, which reveals that their producers (writers) don't know much or really care about the hobby.
All in all they seemed a little top heavy. I know they have multiple revenue streams and all, but they simply had too much staff given the active viewer counts of their flagship shows.
Lol I’ve only seen her in pics but she looks like a chimp wearing a wig dressed like a 90s meth addict .If you'll all allow me to be a simp for a moment, I just have to say that this Frosk lady looks really cute. This alt-rock style looks like shit on most people.
EXCUSE ME. She does not EXIST to be easy on the EYES.If you'll all allow me to be a simp for a moment, I just have to say that this Frosk lady looks really cute. This alt-rock style looks like shit on most people.
With this being a few days old now and with the backlash and it's still up shows you her opinion on all of this as well. She's a horrible person.What a tone deaf tweet eh? Like read a damn room FFS.
What do you expect? It's video game people. Social media whores with zero filter.What a tone deaf tweet eh? Like read a damn room FFS.
When it comes to social media whores or celebs doing or saying dumb shit for attention, who knows. They might be smarter than all of us and they do it for the "any publicity is good publicity" to boost up the visibility and follower count. Even content you'd think is negative could be a career booster.It's almost as if people like her are completely fake and it's all a facade to hide that in reality they're far more venomous than the people they preach and talk down to.
Nah, couldn't be...
Thats a body without cocaineWhats wrong with him?
Thats a body without cocaine
He does NOT exist to look sober on the eyes to you. People come up to Sessler and tell him "you're not as sober as Morgan Webb or Olivia Munn," Well, the buck stops here! If you don't like it (or are Republican) you can drop dead.
"Reseterror Resettler"
Tag checks out
Who knew someone that came onboard that was all about herself, is still all about herself.
They needed to fire her, Adam and Blair to stand a chance. All three of them are toxic and just burn bridges.
DrugsWhats wrong with him?
If he has balls he will. He certainly talks a mean game behind a screen.$10 says Sessler pulls the plug in protest next.