First post in GAF-Hop, hello!
Where'd you get your username? Inside joke with a friend, also occasional sex joke
Age? 22
Where do you live? Toronto
How'd you end up where you are? Immigration and not getting deported.
First Hip Hop Album? Eminem - Marshall Mathers LP
Top 5 Video games? EA NHL series, Assassin's Creed series, Mass Effect series, Uncharted series, MLB: The Show series
What did you watch last? Colbert Report, Daily Show, Key & Peele
Favorite Drink? Water
Play any sports? Not lately. Soccer was my thing, I wanna get into hockey
How was your high school life? Decent. Should've/Could've/Would've
Employment? Bookstore employee
Hobbies? Gaming, watching movies, being lazy
If you could slap one artist in the face with a sock filled with quarters? Kanye West
Why'd you end up on gaf? Stumbled upon the GAF Collection thread
Threads you avoid like the plague? Religious threads, ponies, anime (not that anime is terrible)
Most significant hip hop album to you (note not best or greatest, just most significant)? Marshall Mathers LP
Best thing about hip hop? Raw energy and storytelling aspect
Worst thing? Generic "I got money" songs
Shittiest thing you've ever done? Stole from a store a couple of times - never again
Where'd you get your username? Inside joke with a friend, also occasional sex joke
Age? 22
Where do you live? Toronto
How'd you end up where you are? Immigration and not getting deported.
First Hip Hop Album? Eminem - Marshall Mathers LP
Top 5 Video games? EA NHL series, Assassin's Creed series, Mass Effect series, Uncharted series, MLB: The Show series
What did you watch last? Colbert Report, Daily Show, Key & Peele
Favorite Drink? Water
Play any sports? Not lately. Soccer was my thing, I wanna get into hockey
How was your high school life? Decent. Should've/Could've/Would've
Employment? Bookstore employee
Hobbies? Gaming, watching movies, being lazy
If you could slap one artist in the face with a sock filled with quarters? Kanye West
Why'd you end up on gaf? Stumbled upon the GAF Collection thread
Threads you avoid like the plague? Religious threads, ponies, anime (not that anime is terrible)
Most significant hip hop album to you (note not best or greatest, just most significant)? Marshall Mathers LP
Best thing about hip hop? Raw energy and storytelling aspect
Worst thing? Generic "I got money" songs
Shittiest thing you've ever done? Stole from a store a couple of times - never again