I actually think hes a genius. My personal preference is his shit w/ Evidence
salt & vinegar?
Wtf am I reading, fish and chips shop with no salt and vinegar is going out of business yesterday.Waka lost. Salt and Vinegar chips fucking stink, get the fuck outta here
Wtf am I reading, fish and chips shop with no salt and vinegar is going out of business yesterday.
can you blame dude, he enjoys basic ass wal mart flavors like lemon pepper chicken
Alchemist is basic as fuck, making them beats that sound on par with kid toys you get from a gas station
I know youre trolling... but
I know youre trolling... but
Salt & vinegar chips are Godly. Malt vinegar on fries and fried fish is Godly.
Alchemist is basic as fuck, making them beats that sound on par with kid toys you get from a gas station
.The best fries are the ones that don't need condiments to make up for their suckage.
Get at me. No condiments, go straight raw.
how do i minimalism
The best fries are the ones that don't need condiments to make up for their suckage.
Get at me. No condiments, go straight raw.
no breh.
you sprinkle on some of this:
no breh.
you sprinkle on some of this:
I ain't even heard of this before, I'll have to step my seasoning game up.
I blows my mind when people think The Weekend is better than Frank Ocean. It really does. Everything The Weekend does, Ocean does better. His voice, his storytelling, not to mention he is way less whiny. The Weekend isn't even as good as Drake sometimes.
banger of the year
This seasoning actually has me intrigued. Will probably order some in the near future.
Good looks Esch.
The Weeknd hits a dark spot that Frank doesnt. Also, Channel Orange was kinda boring, and The Weeknd has delivered 3 quality mixtapes in a years time, plus bonus tracks that are some of the best tracks he has done. One more thing, the production behind Abel's voice is much better and more to my liking compared to Ocean's.
The Weeknd hits a dark spot that Frank doesnt. Also, Channel Orange was kinda boring, and The Weeknd has delivered 3 quality mixtapes in a years time, plus bonus tracks that are some of the best tracks he has done. One more thing, the production behind Abel's voice is much better and more to my liking compared to Ocean's.
The first one is the only one worth a damn to me. Thursday was terribly boring (I would say it is just downright bad), and Echoes of Silence had DD and that's about it. Opinions are opinions, but that is one that is just crazy to me.
You can find that junt in any supermarket dude. Its pretty commonplace/basic to be honest. Its real good as a flavoring for burger patties actually, kebabs, and ground meat. Works well as a base in greek, american, arab foods. I usually like to mix my own spices for individual recipes tho, or add/tweak an existing basic seasoning with a couple other elements. In fact i prefer these more basic blends to ones with more ingredients for that reason.
#BrownManInTheKitchen #GAFHOPonthegrill
Not everyone.Everyone knows the first one was the best.
Esch: Try that seasoning on some popcorn. Will change your life.
Everyone knows the first one was the best.
Yeah, I rarely ever mess with blends. My seasonings are pretty simple to begin with and usually just contain salt, pepper, paprika, garlic, and oregano.
Will give this a try..