I stopped there too. Liked Ghostface's last album for the most part though, but it wasn't all that. It's just Wu-Massacre was supposed to be amazing, those trailers and everything man. :'(
That was a travesty. When was the last time an album cover was big news, outside of Kanye? The trailers...the promo posters...and then we got that "for the ladies" song/video. How do you spend MONTHS hyping a grimy throwback album, then come out the gate with a weak radio single? Still, I figured "aite it's just a single, this will still be good..."
Nope. That shit doesn't even sound like it was mastered, multiple songs were old/recycled, verses were emailed, etc. Production was mixtape quality, and the "skits" were stupid as fuck. Oh well, at least it gave us another classic Ghostface song (Pimpin' Chipp).
Domino Kid is right. These ninjas just pocket label money, throw out some cheap bullshit on the album, then complain that their careers aren't going anywhere.