who is hynie?
also, who is this jo jo dude?

who is hynie?
also, who is this jo jo dude?
I thought that was Jay Electronica who was his DJ for a second
i love gafhop n/h
pretty much everything. bout to go in on some white girl. tybg
NawThink of us while you go in, breh
Nah, it'll help you last longer. You won't believe how many GAF posts I thought up while balls deep in poon. Gotta keep your mind busy so you don't bust.
Nothing weird about itThe weird thing about this picture is R Kelly is the freakiest person in it. Tyler would be hard pressed to write lyrics that match stuff R Kelly has done on tour buses between shows.
Also stayed for 2 drake songs and bounced it was what I thought it would be and everything big ghost said it was. Dude is the Justin Bieber of Rap.
I know this is brought up a lot but damn rappers really need to step up with their live shows then start releasing live albums. I don't know how everyone else feels about them, but there's just something I really love about them and hearing the crowd and such
avghjggjgh feels like someone played hacky sack with my brain. shit sucks. time to gulp water in the fetal position for 24hrs
I hear modern Nas albums are good insomnia cures.
Life is good was one of my fav albums of last year. Don't know what yall talking about.
Also anyone remember Jai Paul? Not hip hop, but he finally released his album:
NahLife is good was boring for me. Maybe I should go back to it.
Life is good was one of my fav albums of last year. Don't know what yall talking about.
Also anyone remember Jai Paul? Not hip hop, but he finally released his album:
Don't remember off the top, but maybe like 25 bux?
pH approaching 0Y'all love to listen to beats and ignore the lyrics, go listen to Wayne's new album. I'll let Nasir's words paint me new worlds.
pay your fine or whatever you have to do and carry on with your life? maybe consider not having drinks in your car while you're driving, going forward.
Y'all love to listen to beats and ignore the lyrics, go listen to Wayne's new album. I'll let Nasir's words paint me new worlds.
Y'all love to listen to beats and ignore the lyrics, go listen to Wayne's new album. I'll let Nasir's words paint me new worlds.
pH approaching 0
I can show that line to a 100 people and 90% of them will say that line is aimed at whoever Hova is. At the end of the day the line is ambiguous for a reason you can interpret it however you want.