Incredibly illegal, but I understand that urge.
So my roommate keeps his drawer open and I was about to smoke a bowl and couldn't find my lighter so I glanced at his drawer to see if he had one. Inside I discovered some adderall pills he must have stolen from me because he knows I have them, where I keep them, and they're my dose. Its only $7 worth but as a matter of principle I feel I can't tolerate that shit even if he is a good friend of mine. What should I do? I was gonna smash his bowl but then I realized I'm too drunk to make a rational decision so I took it hostage. How should I proceed? He's currently asleep
Edit: also I counted my pills and confirmed the number missing
He might try and deny that shit, if he does, then you know you gotta cut him off as a friend, dudes just got dropped down to "that guy that lives in that other room". If he doesn't and actually faces the consequences, then you tell him that you won't tolerate that bullshit happening to your property again. I guess whatever kinda threat, if any, is up to you at that point. I'd probably tell him that if he touched my shit again I'd start sticking items of his into a used toilet bowl, wipe it down and put it back. Never tell him what it was.
Yeah you should def not do that. You need a prescription/consultation for it I bet.
She does need to go into Planned Parenthood or a Clinic and talk to a physician because there are complications that can come from use. They do sell the morning after pill everywhere though, but that isn't what he's looking for.