Speaking of that, I have a story. A few days ago I bought 2 pills of adderall off a friend. They are the 20mg extra strength ones or whatever they're called. So I took one that night and felt nothing, granted I was already REALLY high from smoking weed all night. So yesterday, I had this paper to write and I wanted to use the second pill for it. I took the pill on my way to work in the morning thinking that it would take a few hours to kick in and by the time I got off work and was ready to write my paper I would be feeling it. Nah, that shit hit immediately. Worked hard as fuck at work, then when I got off and was driving back up to school, I was hitting my one hitter of weed on the drive and omg... never felt anything like it. I felt a legit body high. My arms were numb, legs, and hands. I would compare it to the feeling of being on ecstasy. I was borderline tweaking and almost had to pull over. I pulled into a Wal-Mart on my campus and when I got out of the car it took me a second to walk because I couldn't feel my legs. The peak of the high in that form lasted about an hour I think, then after that it returned to the normal feeling of energy like I had felt at work earlier. All in all.... it was amazing and I'm kinda worried cause I could see myself getting addicted to that.