Jo Shishido's Cheeks
Why do i feel sympathy towards people who die from drug overdose?
maybe because it's sad they could never get the help they needed. Being so addicted to something you can't stop no matter how badly you know you need to doesn't make you a fool. just because you can do whatever drugs you do and and keep it in moderation doesn't mean other people have the ability to that as well
My aunt got hooked on drugs a few years back and got her three kids, my cousins, taken away from her. Their father has started a new family and didn't want to know so they were placed in care.
My aunt knew this shit would happen but carried on anyway. She literally chose drugs over her own children. Apparently she's clean now but if she had died I wouldn't have thought 'oh that's so sad' I would've thought 'fuck her.'
She chose to throw her life away and in the process ruined the lives of others, all because of something she willingly chose to do.
That's the crux of my position, addictions are fostered by choice. If people willingly and consistently make the wrong choices and die by those choices, that's all on them.
It's sad in the sense that people die, of course, but the tragedy for me lies in the fact that people are stupid enough to fuck their whole lives up, especially when they have those around who love, support or rely on them.
thought GAF-Hop could appreciate this gangsta shit..
a message my homeboy got a bit ago
Oh fuck this is amazing!