Ya'll wanna get plugged tonight?
I remember when you posted it how long ago did you make the order ?
It's fineTry Ladyhawke's first album if you like 80s influenced pop/rock/dance stuff. I wore that shit out night driving in Burnout Paradise.
edit: oh you were talking about rap. still my point stands. i recommend that album highly.
Gucci Gucci
you know I gotta
I would but I got RAM on repeat. Sorry.
Want to get a listening session going somehow?
As for plug, it's the same thing for me, Des. RAM on repeat.
im no film fiend. ive seen 40% of it tops.Silence of the Lambs...C'mon man you've probably seen that like twenty times.
im no film fiend. ive seen 40% of it tops.
im no film fiend. ive seen 40% of it tops.
Look fam I'm going to breakdown the whole film with a 30-second clip
They sell 'em in Canada so I'm sure they do in the US.those things are fucking INCREDIBLE. do they sell em anywhere in america? last time i was in europe i was eating a couple of those every day.
Their shirt today is pretty cool for people that like Minecraft. Might even be wearable outside. Maybe.shirt.woot?!
Damn it. Copyright violations make this a no go.
Des, what was that turntable clone that you used for a minute?
finish it. Watch the tv show.
Life After Death is my favorite Big album. I'm not sorry.
If a certain kind of sound is suddenly in demand, labels might rush to sign similar artists — either to profit off them themselves, or to simply sit on them and claim them, Rae says. “Maybe it makes sense to sign you, get you under contract, and keep you off the streets, so nobody else has you. But they don’t actually care if they do anything with you.”
When a label goes through transition, losing the initial person who was pushing for you and had your back can be really confusing — and lonely.
“A lot of times, historically, how this would happen, an A&R guy would be like, ‘Oh, I’m so excited about this new band! You guys are gonna be big!’” says Casey Rae, deputy director of the Future of Music Coalition, an advocacy group for musicians. “And we get you on the label, and everyone’s all excited, and then all of a sudden that A&R person loses their job and you’re just out in the wilderness, and maybe you’re just a line item on some accountant’s ledger sheet. And you can easily be X’ed out because, well, we have other priorities.”
We sometimes talk about how label politics make no sense in here so I thought some of you would enjoy this article:
What Its Like When A Label Wont Release Your Album
Some points I've brought up talking to some of you here:
That Dark Souls mask is still badass. Yup I said it WanderingWind
sn2: how the hell did plug catch on and not turntable? first time i'm using it and it's the same thing pretty much.
Users outside the states can join in too
plug had video support first. killer. and soundcloud.
If I were to guess from Yay Yay, Gangsta, and Man of the Year, I think Q Is going to drop a bomb on hip hop that will leave people divided between him, Ye, and Danny Brown until December.
I love Q, but it's gonna be hard to top Danny for me.
Watch OLD suck.