i feel like it was initially tho or somethingSection.80 was definitely not free.
i feel like it was initially tho or somethingSection.80 was definitely not free.
Sites like DatPiff and LiveMixtapes should be a part of Billboard's gold and platinum equation
As SPIN reported via Billboard last week, the Recording Industry Association of America announced that it will now count the number of streams an album receives towards its gold and platinum status. The services whose streams will be considered are MOG, Muve Music, Rdio, Rhapsody, Slacker, Spotify, and Xbox Music. Also, video views from MTV.com, VEVO, Yahoo! Music, and YouTube are going to be factored in. A hundred streams will count as one download, because, well, the RIAA says so.
Although this looks like an aging-out aspect of the industry acknowledging the present, it will have devastating effects for hip-hop and, ultimately, may leave the genre further out on the margins of the pop mainstream. See, the RIAA has not taken into account many of the locations where streaming rap music is most significant: Namely, mixtape sites like DatPiff and LiveMixtapes, and populist video websites like WorldStarHipHop. These are the places where regular, work-a-day rap listeners are consuming their music. Often, rap songs that later make it to the radio or MTV, or get placed on albums and, therefore, land on streaming sites like Spotify, begin on free-to-download mixtapes via sites like DatPiff.
LiveMixTapes even has an excellent smart-phone application that allows you to stream, say, the new Young Scooter mixtape. These streams must be tallied if the RIAA is looking for an accurate representation of hip-hop popularity. Consider rapper Chief Keef, who broke into the mainstream by way of a Kanye West co-sign and the "I Don't Like" remix, but whose success was significant well before those industry accolades. When Keef began receiving mainstream attention, the video for his song "Bang" was already pushing 500,000 views. Currently, the DatPiff statistics for his 2012 mixtape Back from The Dead are as follows: 396,567 streams and 506,225 downloads. And that's just from one mixtape-streaming website. If the goal of the RIAA is to reflect how people are consuming music, then taking into account the anomalies specific to hip-hop seems necessary. As is, all other genres receive a leg-up in terms of quantified success by way of streams.
Last fall, when Billboard made the decision to now consider digital download sales and data based on streaming music, the intention was to move away from genre charts, which are "fueled solely by radio airplay." It significantly diminished the importance of radio, a corporate-controlled monster in most other genres, but one that is far more listener-friendly in the world of hip-hop. The effect for rap was pushing K-pop phenomenon "Gangnam Style" to the top of the rap chart, even though the song received zero rap-radio airplay. By not acknowledging the contingencies of rap success in 2013, the same mistakes are being made by the RIAA.
The refusal to note the adjustments to hip-hop, at a time when the genre is being otherwise erased from the mainstream is not just a naïve oversight, but a misunderstanding of the genre and how it functions right now. RIAA Chairman and Chief Executive Cary Sherman told Billboard that the RIAA "felt that pure economics should not be the basis for acknowledging artistic achievement." That quote sounds encouraging a move towards accepting the free-culture elements of popular music in the 2010s. And rap's free mixtape culture, which the RIAA has not taken into account, is a prime example of "artistic achievement" ("achievement" really just means "success") separate from "pure economics." If the RIAA's goal is to adjust to changing times, they would be wise to consider the contingencies of hip-hop music consumption, as well.
i feel like it was initially tho or something
TBH all of TDE's releases that were "albums" should've been free.Section.80 was definitely not free.
You better not be referring to what I think you are. And if you are, cut that fucking shit out.Uh, to get in a less banny topic, we 2013 has been an enormous crash to earth. This entire year has sucked monkey anus.
Methinks this might have to do with them not passing through some sort of check to see if they can reliably count stream numbers. Sorta like how YT has an aggressive, behind the scenes equation for what they constitute as a view. Either that or they couldn't amend their site or system in time, being smaller sites and all.
:lolYou better not be referring to what I think you are. And if you are, cut that fucking shit out.
Uh, to get in a less banny topic, we 2013 has been an enormous crash to earth. This entire year has sucked monkey anus.
TBH all of TDE's releases that were "albums" should've been free.
You better not be referring to what I think you are. And if you are, cut that fucking shit out.
You kids and your Hip Hip music.I literally have no idea what you're talking about, bro. 2013 has sucked for music. (HIP HIP MUSIC JITTERS)
ahahahahahahqYou better not be referring to what I think you are. And if you are, cut that fucking shit out.
It's not even about quality, it's about distribution, marketing, market placement, etc. It's their prerogative to sell the tapes but no one bought it and if it was somehow stuck behind a paywall then Kendrick, Soul, and Q wouldn't be as big as they are now.I dont know, s80 is better than most albums released in 2011. Soul's album was great too. I think Q's should have been free, but thats because it was pretty hit or miss for me.
What are you even saying?It's not even about quality, it's about distribution, marketing, market placement, etc. It's their prerogative to sell the tapes but no one bought it and if it was somehow stuck behind a paywall then Kendrick, Soul, and Q wouldn't be as big as they are now.
20/20 and RAM are at the top of my list for albums I like this year. But if I had to come up with the best hip-hop thing I listened to this year, all that comes to mind is Rocky's solo. And then I'm sad because that's the best I can think of and I though it was okay, but not something I'd consider top 10 material. I spent most of the year catching up on the previous year's stuff.Maybe for you, but most of the stuff I listen to on the daily is from 2013. Add in other genres( 20/20, RAM, etc) and it has already been a fantastic year, for me at least.
20/20 and RAM are at the top of my list for albums I like this year. But if I had to come up with the best hip-hop thing I listened to this year, all that comes to mind is Rocky's solo. And then I'm sad because that's the best I can think of and I though it was okay, but not something I'd consider top 10 material. I spent most of the year catching up on the previous year's stuff.
Don't play stupid. We know you were stealth asking for a dirty download of that Vampire Weekend.Goddamn it. plz to explain to the old man wtf is going on...lol
Don't play stupid. We know you were stealth asking for a dirty download of that Vampire Weekend.
20/20 and RAM are at the top of my list for albums I like this year. But if I had to come up with the best hip-hop thing I listened to this year, all that comes to mind is Rocky's solo. And then I'm sad because that's the best I can think of and I though it was okay, but not something I'd consider top 10 material. I spent most of the year catching up on the previous year's stuff.
That sure looks like your profile on the front page of Napster.Napster still a thing? I dunno. I buy all my music on cassettes.
Enter the 36 made a bit of a sideline begging for assistance finding 'something' and CRS got heated. thats what Maccas post is referring to.Goddamn it. plz to explain to the old man wtf is going on...lol
That sure looks like your profile on the front page of Napster.
Enter the 36 made a bit of a sideline begging for assistance finding 'something' and CRS got heated. thats what Maccas post is referring to.
That sure looks like your profile on the front page of Napster.
Enter the 36 made a bit of a sideline begging for assistance finding 'something' and CRS got heated. thats what Maccas post is referring to.
You better not be referring to what I think you are. And if you are, cut that fucking shit out.
Dont they teach GOOGLE in school in leprechaun land?
Nah man, all we learn in school is how to lift pints of Guinness, peel potatoes and smack our wives
I don't know I sometimes get a bit depressed how little of rap I've been digging, but then I realize the few that I like, I seem to like a lot. Other genres I've been pretty pleased with though like Vampire Weekend and Mikal Cronin
Yep. Good Kid is his first on a major.wait so people consider Section 80 Kendricks debut album?
wait so people consider Section 80 Kendricks debut album?
Is was an album that he charged for that came out before GKMC. However you want to classify that is up to you.
I think I get how it's discriminatory to hiphop, but it becoming a measure of music being consumed free or not is a whole different thing. These charts are just normally about sales either physical or digital, so I don't know how livemixtapes or datpiff downloads and whatnot are going to figure into that shit. Until they can figure out a way to monetise exposure and youtube views (although there is evidence views have already been monetised particularly with Bauer's Harlem Shake) i'm not sure how aforementioned download sites are going to be be considered for charts. Saw another article making some observations on chart changes that are kind of interesting although it has a pretty racial bias here
Overly Dedicated was the first he charged for though. Not Section 80
Oh yeah Rockie Fresh' first was good.KRIT tape, Rocky Fresh had two tapes, J.Cole had two mini tapes. Ace Hood with Starvation 2. Ethel Wulf had a dope short mixtape. That is just off the top of my head, I bet if I looked I could find a lot more.
Yeah, since 2010 TDE artist have been selling their projects, then they release them for free. Q - setbacks was charged for, same with Ab Soul- long term mentality.Was it? Shit, GKMC wasnt even his sophomore effort.
Yeah, since 2010 TDE artist have been selling their projects, then they release them for free. Q - setbacks was charged for, same with Ab Soul- long term mentality.
My favorite release of the year is probably Chance The Rapper - Acid Rap. It's so ridiculously catchy for me and I don't know, it has really grown on me a lot.
Oh yeah Rockie Fresh' first was good.
You know I fucks with that KRIT tape a lot but it didn't get a lot of burn from me for some reason.
I still need to check out the Ethel Wulf people were hyping, what was the tape called?
Holy hell, fam. The Premium DLC for BF3 is nearly 15gb of shit. Anybody in here still on that?
Holy hell, fam. The Premium DLC for BF3 is nearly 15gb of shit. Anybody in here still on that?
they comparing who's closer to Larry Holmes?
Rick Ross, Meek Mill & Future - Drug Money
this is Yo Gotti's song originally...but nobody cares about Yo Gotti so whatever.