eck. I'm really a fan of the production in the original so another version is a no go.
eck. I'm really a fan of the production in the original so another version is a no go.
Wow. Your posted about the Xbox before that Travis Scott!
eck. I'm really a fan of the production in the original so another version is a no go.
It's Macaroni Time #BangBang
You're right, but I didn't even listen to Lupe because the AFP beat is no bueno.You werent gonna like it no matter what.
GAF-HOP too scared to talk games on the gaming side
Travis plz. Yeezy need to jerk this boy up.
I still don't understand WTF that's supposed to say.I was reading this and I didn't have Owl Pharoah downloaded. I was sitting here thinking why the hell does he keep saying naked
define borderline?How thick are you willing to go with a girl GAF-hop? Borderline fat? Borderline fat.
How thick are you willing to go with a girl GAF-hop? Borderline fat? Borderline fat.
how drunk/bored are we talkin hereHow thick are you willing to go with a girl GAF-hop? Borderline fat? Borderline fat.
I'm gonna need some reference pictures.
how drunk/bored are we talkin here
no straight fatties but ive been with girls that prolly run 9 minute miles
How thick are you willing to go with a girl GAF-hop? Borderline fat? Borderline fat.
If there is ambiguity, you probably shouldn't.How thick are you willing to go with a girl GAF-hop? Borderline fat? Borderline fat.
GAF-HOP too scared to talk games on the gaming side
how drunk/bored are we talkin here
no straight fatties but ive been with girls that prolly run 9 minute miles
i live life on the edge! post way more in gaming
OT's fun but ya'll act like it ain't straight embarrassing here in dating/ye threads etc
haha this is an excellent description right here, best ive heard since my man busted out "ho was a biscuit shy of a deuce"
How thick are you willing to go with a girl GAF-hop? Borderline fat? Borderline fat.
re: ivy doomkitty, chicks w/ builds like that are unicorns basically. i bet she has to work out a lot to maintain that because otherwise she would blow the fuck up. that's one thing that surprised me about music video girls. how much they work out.
right?! and what kills me is i fuck with chicks like that, and if i stay around, they blow up
like, i tried being nice, bein mean about shit, indifferent, whatever...shit just happens like my dick is made of burgers or something, then you call it off and they get right
related: i see now
right?! and what kills me is i fuck with chicks like that, and if i stay around, they blow up
like, i tried being nice, bein mean about shit, indifferent, whatever...shit just happens like my dick is made of burgers or something, then you call it off and they get right
related: i see now
thats likely related to the the "having sex regularly = bigger ass" theory of females bruh.
If you start sleeping with a girl her butt will get bigger just from sex. When a girl is a few value meals away from being fat weight gain on any part of her body will have the domino effect of them gaining weight all over.
So next time do yourself a favor and employ a 20 pound fat buffer between them being fat before you hit it and them after getting the D regularly.
i wonder why lol.
ive heard that theory forever, but are we just talking active hormones from fucking or what? i mean i get the science if she's on the pill, but how legit is this really? because it's always the dude telling me about the healing power of badissy fumes that starts down this road
i mean i know i'm far from the only dude this happens to but im talkin even active/athletic chicks
this one chinese girl was a cheerleader when we started hooking up, 3 years later i wanted to throw bamboo at her & call her a panda cause we're talking 50+ pounds man, all while i'm boxing & getting in shape and all...shit ain't right
... Well the theory is 1/2 the pill 1/2 their bodies going through hormonal changes in preparation of childrearing due to having sex the perk being their hips get bigger and the ass shows it...
But Domino brings up a good point..... Are you feeding them though?
Trap House 3 is hard
All of you acting like you ain't messing with the BBW chicks with pretty faces. scust
Pretty much. Don't get me wrong I don't give a damn about any other stereotype. I will eat chicken as much as I want to, but I will not be another black man dating some fat chick. Some do have pretty faces tho. But If you wanna put that work in go for itlol im a short dude anyway. i cant be walking around looking like the number 10 too.
plus i'm black too? i aint walking into that stereotype.
my boy has a theory that a lot've these girls are just used to not working hard to keep a bangin' figure they expect to stay till their 40's but don't realize the expiration date is like early to mid 20's when they stop exercising and shit, so there's that too
lol im a short dude anyway. i cant be walking around looking like the number 10 too.
plus i'm black too? i aint walking into that stereotype.
haha @ that link, i aint miss much it seems
i mean, full disclosure: the chinese broad was my early 20's and i had/have that crazy metabolism so between that & training i could do mc D's way more than i shouldv'e (and homegirl would fuck up anything beyond making hamburger helper but you make compromises for asian broads with both ass & titties in life), so much of that might've been on me, plus she stopped swimming and shit
indian one after that though, she was on some west coast healthy living so iunno what the fuck happened there, phillipino masseuse thankfully blew the fuck up after me but my boy has a theory that a lot've these girls are just used to not working hard to keep a bangin' figure they expect to stay till their 40's but don't realize the expiration date is like early to mid 20's when they stop exercising and shit, so there's that too
this palestinian one had huge family issues (i clearly have a type), it was only this one amazonian irish/german white chick that had that X gene where the weight went to her ass & titties, lord knows i wanted to keep that around but she found jesus & the tea party and a man has to draw the line somewhere nahmean
TL;DR okay yeah i'm part of the problem, thanks for listening zeus
I didn't think one man could do it, but he has managed to embody the absolute worst aspects of Jay-Z, Nas, Pac, Ice Cube, and Common while distilling any of their valuable qualities from the mix.
He's a diva and a demagogue, a bratty fashionista, a shameless opportunist, a convenient social critic, a man who will cum on the blouses of hampton spouses while simultaneously wifing up a beverly hills socialite who embodies whoredom in nearly all possible aspects of the word. He's the ultimate black limousine liberal, the college ***** talking in coded academic language about inequity, black self-love, black owned business, leading pointless "black out" days in front of the campus library, then joining a Fortune 500 company as soon as he graduates and marrying a white chick first chance he gets.
The leader of the meaningless new world in which complexity has been reduced to Che Guevara wearing bling, where 40's the new 30 and nonsense is the new complexity, where inchoate juvenile temper tantrums are the new grist for the mills of revolution.
A man who's mother's death is tied to the ultimate act of vanity and insecurity, who gets riled up after bumping his head on "wrong way" signs like a weak, spoiled, confused child, whose pursuit of the mother of his child was inspired by her online sextape.
He who shall speak truth to power, our great provocative, populist artist, thugging it out with the Gwyneth Paltrows of the world referring to him as her "*****." Ghostproducers, ghostwriters, shallow lyrics that tap into the emptiness and disconnectedness of the black middle and upper middle class, cliche takes on interracial dating, consumerism, sex, and blackness that would shame the most tired slam poet. The type of black person who doesn't feel a sense of authenticity in the white or black world and feels the urge to align himself with whichever one fits his mood for the day, as he tries on philosophies, indignation, and societal outrage like one of his funky leather outfits or a pair of designer shades - what will look best this season, and to whom? As even activism and justice become just another name brand or champagne, something so bathed in capitalist ethos that it rates and resonates as a buzzword or a quip.
Our great prophet of megalomania, the attention whore who resents the trappings of attention, Mr. anti-Hamptons with his Beverly Hills family, the man who hates to be a celebrity so much that he impregnated a woman who is a celebrity for the sole sake and reason of being a celebrity. You gonna just snap my photo while I'm on my way to a shi shi lunch? Well then I'm gonna expose the prison-for-profit system! The master of substituting empty, over the top rhetoric for insightful or meaningful thoughts, buffoonish gestures for truly defiant acts. Kanye ain't a celebrity, he for the people - which is why his malformed chipmunk face was the main image he chose to project on a bunch of big *** buildings across the country, and why he's calling his album Yeezus.
And he's crack for a lot of black people, the same way Ayn Rand is for a certain lot of whites, because both appeal to a warped sense of persecution while confirming their most basic, shallow notions of how the world is and how it should be, a world in which contradictions empower rather than hinder a person's character or message.
I never thought I could find anyone in hiphop more vile and reprehensible than Puffy, but Kanye has surpassed him at this point for the simple fact that a lie disguised as the truth is always worst than an outright lie.
All of you acting like you ain't messing with the BBW chicks with pretty faces. scust
lol im a short dude anyway. i cant be walking around looking like the number 10 too.
plus i'm black too? i aint walking into that stereotype.
First let me say congrats on the international flavor too many dudes don't realize the greatness of variety. But yah your boy might have a point. I know a dude who use to find big girls with cute faces and low self esteem to hook up with just so he could get them to the gym and once they were bad he felt they wouldn't roam because they wouldn't be able to accept they were bad.
But he brought up your boys point about having to weed through the girls who had been cute and just got lazy and didn't adapt to the changes in their metabolism as they got older....
The only caveat to that is the odds of that happening to girls you were with would be unlikely unless you had at least 3 yea long relationships with them and even then the odds of you ending up in relationships with multiple girls who it happened to and and it not being your type just seems low
there it is. that's one thing my mom (a health/fitness nut) has always been a shark for. forecasting on girls, and damn if she isn't always right.
yo irishninja where are you that you keep meeting these diverse type of chicks if you don't mind me asking?
also hristina Hendricks is the definition of a value meal away girl. Her use of corsets is top tier if you ask me. She is beautiful and I would love to hook up with her but I would do that with my eyes open to what would happen later on as well.
yo irishninja where are you that you keep meeting these diverse type of chicks if you don't mind me asking?
also hristina Hendricks is the definition of a value meal away girl. Her use of corsets is top tier if you ask me. She is beautiful and I would love to hook up with her but I would do that with my eyes open to what would happen later on as well.
Eh I don't care for this.