Word, we need a quarter roundup.I still have to listen to that Alc & Prodigy, it's iin my list with quite a few other albums like Bronson
On I Am a God is he practising screaming for the birth?
Why do I like this sappy shit like Hold My Liquor
Word, we need a quarter roundup.I still have to listen to that Alc & Prodigy, it's iin my list with quite a few other albums like Bronson
He is not a god, but, like one, he generates equal amounts of love and hate.
After I hear the new Statik and Deniro Farrar I might wrap up the second quarter early.
hold my liquor is the best
Got that and the new Hyetal. Oh and the new Alch x Prodigy is nice too.
hold my liquor is the best
let sean p loose on that shit.
Another Pitchfork writer, saying it's amazing
"Before Kanye, the last person to have a six-album run this dazzling was ... Prince?"
"Yeezus isn't formally perfect. But it will take another five to ten years for anyone else to even begin to catch up him after this. Again."
"Another thought: This is Ye's most purposeful, and pointed, use of guests ever."
dat pitchfork 10 upcoming
Blood On The Leaves>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Im In It. Review will be shit confirmed.
I think he's referring to I'm In It leading into BOTL. Don't think those are "greater than" symbols based on the context.
"Yeezus isn't formally perfect. But it will take another five to ten years for anyone else to even begin to catch up him after this. Again."
it must feel weird and confusing to make 20 year old music.Reading twitter reactions....Statik and Phonte don't like the album, but respect Kanye for doing something different.
it must feel weird and confusing to make 20 year old music.
also lol @ everyone pirating this openly no fucks given
it must feel weird and confusing to make 20 year old music.
also lol @ everyone pirating this openly no fucks given
got damn yeezus is bad. bound 2 i might go back to every once in a long while but on some real shit i dont know if ill ever listen to any of these songs again. yall can say kanye is evolving and progressing hip hip or whatever the hell yall wanna say but shits terrible to me.
cole got the AOTY at the moment.
I was respecting you until the cole comment lmao
rap car complaints to go up 66% after this is out
Man, I been on a complete blackout for this. Wasn't even expecting to like it from impressions.
First listen in the car, I had to pull over and take all the loose change outta the door pockets. The bass with my new sub had them bouncing all over the place.
I like it. A lot. It sounds fucking crazy though, its not even a rap album. Just some crazy music. If you don't have mean subs in your car your losing at life. This shit bangs.
Black Skinheads immediately reminded me of that song thats always in American football movies, I think its in The Waterboy...
Gonna see some crazy mixed reactions to this though, people will either love it or hate it.
I definitely fuck with it though.
got damn yeezus is bad. bound 2 i might go back to every once in a long while but on some real shit i dont know if ill ever listen to any of these songs again. yall can say kanye is evolving and progressing hip hip or whatever the hell yall wanna say but shits terrible to me.
cole got the AOTY at the moment.
Yeezus or The 20/20 Experience for release of the year?
Hold My Liquor is my favorite track, at the moment. Justin Vernon on three songs. This can't be real life. Also, check out the production spots. Daft Punk is runnin' thangs.
It's done on purpose. It's like an opposite on sight.is Bound one of kanye's worst songs? the transition from the verse to hook sample is the most jarring shit ive ever heard lol.
is Bound one of kanye's worst songs? the transition from the verse to hook sample is the most jarring shit ive ever heard lol.
filled with stupid fluff. some nice singles no doubt but cmon.People think 20/20 Experience is aoty quality?
is Bound one of kanye's worst songs? the transition from the verse to hook sample is the most jarring shit ive ever heard lol.