how you feel about say Com's Electric Circus tho? ive always wanted to know who that album was for
I don't feel that way at all. I made fun of Shaking The Habitual for BEING arty.I know lots of people like Jitters irl. Y'all are confused by it because you're too old to spot the rap listener demographic of Pitchfork type reading dudes that see rap albums getting BNM and then check them out because they 'listen to everything'. These cats are about 2 things; thinking something is art, and dickriding anything with a unique aesthetic. It's all about flavor of the week and whatever sounds different. I see what they're coming from because so much new shit nowadays sounds the same or rehashed or clumsily borrowed from other artists/genres, but yeah scust
I would like a new Cities Aviv and Shabazz Palaces tho real talk.
I like the former better than the latter, i think most people here would disagree.I would like a new Cities Aviv and Shabazz Palaces tho real talk.
I would like a new Cities Aviv and Shabazz Palaces tho real talk.
I don't feel that way at all. I made fun of Shaking The Habitual for BEING arty.
how you feel about say Com's Electric Circus tho? ive always wanted to know who that album was for
Man I did not like Cities last release. I prefered the sparse style of Digital Lows over that noise influece on Black Pleasure. I still bump "Doom x Gloom" and "sixsixsixes" a lot.
I can see where Jitters is coming from, somewhat. That new Gibbs hits hard, but it's the same ol stupid shit. I've learned to enjoy it, but put that stupid shit in perspective.
But do you tolerate shit that isn't arty? Could you even sit through a Sean Price album? What about a full DMX LP? Any actual gutter southern rap album?
Now I feel like a dick for recommending Hopsin in that guys thread. Lol.
I would like a new Cities Aviv and Shabazz Palaces tho real talk.
My disliking of them has nothing to do with them not being arty. They are just lame.
Nothing arty about Ghostface or Nas and I love them.
E:Sorry for double post.
man i aint about to be too old to see some shit i didn't pay no mind to in the day neither tho
i like unique experiences too, but that's a false dichotomy there...its like dudes on gaming side that only fuck with indie shit, wanting to be in on the ground floor. don't get me wrong, i think indie shit very much has it's place & should be a part of any well rounded experience but mocking AAA or seemingly rehashed nintendo shit while celebrating 2D platofmers/shooters out the ass like they're reinventing the wheel makes no sense to me either. we still got at least a few people i spot on the regular talmbout how the top 10 games this year are all on ios...i mean, yeah okay, congrats on being that dude
you should never feel bad for preaching the gospel
i also want these things, yes
occum's razor: sometimes, the simplest answers in life are the correct ones
I didn't know there were Indie Video Game elitist. Thought that was just movies and i aint about to be too old to see some shit i didn't pay no mind to in the day neither tho
i like unique experiences too, but that's a false dichotomy there...its like dudes on gaming side that only fuck with indie shit, wanting to be in on the ground floor. don't get me wrong, i think indie shit very much has it's place & should be a part of any well rounded experience but mocking AAA or seemingly rehashed nintendo shit while celebrating 2D platofmers/shooters out the ass like they're reinventing the wheel makes no sense to me either. we still got at least a few people i spot on the regular talmbout how the top 10 games this year are all on ios...i mean, yeah okay, congrats on being that dude
take that ether to gaming-side.
i like unique experiences too, but that's a false dichotomy there...its like dudes on gaming side that only fuck with indie shit, wanting to be in on the ground floor. don't get me wrong, i think indie shit very much has it's place & should be a part of any well rounded experience but mocking AAA or seemingly rehashed nintendo shit while celebrating 2D platofmers/shooters out the ass like they're reinventing the wheel makes no sense to me either. we still got at least a few people i spot on the regular talmbout how the top 10 games this year are all on ios...i mean, yeah okay, congrats on being that dude
Literally what the fuck are you talking about..... Ghostface is a Wu member, one of the most abstract and unique emcees in his use of wordplay ever. His music is very artful and one of the reasons he's always gotten indie/hipster play. Hell, this is the guy making an LP with MF DOOM.
And as for Nas, he might be a gangsta rapper but his music is chock full of pretensions toward being art, be it in having a complex rapping style or spreading a message, concept or knowledge. Hipsters and artsy people fucking love Nas and Ghostface. I thought you used Lastfm?
damn this is killing me rn
looooooooolwe still got at least a few people i spot on the regular talmbout how the top 10 games this year are all on ios...i mean, yeah okay, congrats on being that dude
I think Antwon handles the noiser style beats better (a bit of that was on Dark Denim). Always feel like we never talk about Antwon enough in here. He's a very likeable dude haha.
Maybe I am just a hipster then. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
I just didn't think they were arty in the way we were talking. Like sound wise, I guess.
It all depends. I love some indie shit, but a lot of Indie stuff is just cheap feeling throwback 2d boring shit (kind of like 99% of bandcamp boom bap borefests).i was feeling exactly like what irishninja was saying for a day. burnt out on aaa stuff.
and so i played to the moon for the evening. and then i was like lol fuck this shit and snapped out of it. and now i am enjoying battlefield 3.
there is room for indie games but not exclusively
Hey Jitters, what kinda music was/is your significant other/s into?
It all depends. I love some indie shit, but a lot of Indie stuff is just cheap feeling throwback 2d boring shit (kind of like 99% of bandcamp boom bap borefests).
AAA gaming is truly shit right now though, that's why i'm enjoying smaller projects and stuff from foreign countries more now.
take that ether to gaming-side.
yes. please do
I didn't know there were Indie Video Game elitist. Thought that was just movies and music.
There a lot of that shit, but this is isn't it. It's like, and let me get my p4k on here, I couldn't give something like Trap God III a 10/10. Artistically, that shit just isn't novel enough to move me like that. It may even be a solid 6~7. I don't write it off, but Gucci's not fucking with any boundaries. Shit gets me hype, but he's not raising bars.
Something like Yeezus that melds genres is totally open to that 10, though. I don't think it is that 10, but it does something with the time in the LP that a lot of other hip-hop artists just aren't fucking with.
I only play indie games
i was feeling exactly like what irishninja was saying for a day. burnt out on aaa stuff.
and so i played to the moon for the evening. and then i was like lol fuck this shit and snapped out of it. and now i am enjoying battlefield 3.
there is room for indie games but not exclusively
And then they dead ass recommended Kyle.
Good night Gaf.
I think you would like the last Left Leberra, if you can get past the fact that the cover has titties on it.
That or Illmatic 2
well i did hear that the new boys couldn't jerk him
do you see that shit right there, maccas
that's how you evolve into your final form
What's everyone's final form? I identify a lot with the transformation of Magikarp into Gyarados.
i dont give a fuck about pokemon but i have a strange connection to these things, fucking love em.