he only has 3 48 hr timecards and you couldnt post here during that time to ask him? or could you both not arrange a meetup on irc so you could hash out details? knowing his time was limited?Timedog said:Apparently Eissan changed his XBL account and username that he gave at the beginning of the ranbats for some reason so I wasn't able to play him during our scheduled time due to not knowing the correct username.
It should be obvious from my last post that I did not know that he was using timecards. We arranged a meetup and I didn't see the XBL gamertag that was listed in the OP online. I was not near a vacant computer.AkumaHokoru said:he only has 3 48 hr timecards and you couldnt post here during that time to ask him? or could you both not arrange a meetup on irc so you could hash out details? knowing his time was limited?
monday at midnight.virtuoso88 said:Is tonight the deadline? Come get your free 4 points DBJ!
Timedog said:It should be obvious from my last post that I did not know that he was using timecards. We arranged a meetup and I didn't see the XBL gamertag that was listed in the OP online. I was not near a vacant computer.
kiryogi said:When it rains, it pours!
kiryogi vs TToB
Ibuki wins! Vengeance is mine! Bring an umbrella next time.
eissan said:ummm I've been PMing you and telling you what my username was and trying to setup a time...I waited for you yesterday when you stated you'd be available and didnt show...
but we still have time so if you get one and check your pm's on here we can still play our match.
I dont think I got a round in that one dude.Timedog said:timedog vs eissan
fuck, i just got really high before we played. bad idea...
Timedog still high...eissan said:I dont think I got a round in that one dude.
eissan said:I dont think I got a round in that one dude.
I double checked the replay, yo. My figure is correct with Eissan winning that round. I think i'mma get high (on life) right this second.AkumaHokoru said:its ok to get high. just keep your eyes on your work
Timedog said:I was about to get expelled without winning a single round, and I was real nervous about it at the end of the 2nd round in the 2nd match. But since I was high(ON LIFE guys, c'mon, I don't do illegal drugs!!!), I'll defer to your judgement.
edit: nope, just watched the replay, you won the first round in the second match.
Well when I'm done work I have a dinner, but after 9pm EST I should make it. That isn't too late, is it?Relix said:LakeEarth if we can't get this done tomorrow night I forfeit to you. Weekend's been mad busy for me.
dragonballjoseph said:I'm fine for any time after 5.
Cool, I'm on now.Relix said:LakeEarth my sister is the one playing GoW3. Lol. She called me and I told her to message you back with an Ok. Ill be at 10PM there.
LakeEarth said:Cool, I'm on now.
LakeEarth said:Relix over LakeEarth
A bit laggy but ggs. I swear antiair ultra 1 works, despite evidence to the contrary.
I realize it's exceedingly poor form, but is there any chance of 1-2 hour extension? If it's going to fuck up your schedule, then forget it, but I think he'll show up soon, I just can't reach him.AkumaHokoru said:46 minutes left.
alright pressing on then. considering your opponent has nothing for me its time to update.Invisible_Insane said:Waited until 2 in the morning, tried to reach opponent through all channels, I have to go to work tomorrow morning. Sorry to have wasted your time, Kuma.