Thank you, both of you guys! I feel like such a moron haha
Thank you, both of you guys! I feel like such a moron haha
Woohoo!20% Plus discount for EU is a nice surprise. Thanks 17-BIT for not being as stingy as metanet![]()
I wish Galak-Z: The Dimensional wasn't so fragmented, because the core experience is a treat for roguelike and space combat fans alike. Even 15 hours through I was still seeing new items and upgrades, which is a testament to its lasting power, warts and all -- I just need to take breaks from the tedium every so often.
This may be painfully obvious, but playing slowly and strategically is key. I don't find that this is a game I can speed through like similar looking games.I've played hours and hours today and I keep losing. I know I have never been very good at games, but this is very harsh. Any tips? I never get past season 1 episode 3...
This may be painfully obvious, but playing slowly and strategically is key. I don't find that this is a game I can speed through like similar looking games.
Agreed. You aren't that durable compared to your enemies shields.This may be painfully obvious, but playing slowly and strategically is key. I don't find that this is a game I can speed through like similar looking games.
I really don't like the art style. Feels half assed.
Huh? What about it feels half-assed? The characters themselves and the main bridge of the Axelios aren't much to write home about, but otherwise the game is damn pretty.I really don't like the art style. Feels half assed, considering how much they tout the anime influence.
I hate to say it, but if you have a USB, I'd suggest backing up your save data at the end of Seasons. That's what I've doneGot a crash and corrupted save. Now I'm back to season 1...
that's what i've said all along. get the 100% melee charge upgrade and you're dealing serious damage. i'll usually start off as a ship, lock-on missiles from range, then transform to take them out with melee. bouncing enemies off the terrain with your sword also stuns them so that's a plus.I think mech is really strong. Am I the only one who using mech more? I'm about 60% mech/40% jet.
Yeah the mech is great. But holding down four buttons (thrust, boost, shield, melee charge) at the same time is a total mindfuck during heated battles. I think I'd need to grow a couple extra fingers if I wanted to incorporate strafe and back thrust too.Grimløck;174352131 said:that's what i've said all along. get the 100% melee charge upgrade and you're dealing serious damage. i'll usually start off as a ship, lock-on missiles from range, then transform to take them out with melee. bouncing enemies off the terrain with your sword also stuns them so that's a plus.
Dumb question: how do I actually sell the Crash Coins? I have three but haven't been able to sell any since the tutorial came up.
Am I the only one who using mech more? I'm about 60% mech/40% jet.
The Asian releases are coming, for the first round we chose to focus just on NA and EU, the submissions process is long and involving, and we only have one producer who hasn't slept properly in weeks. Once we get over this launch hump we'll start zeroing in on the JP and Asian releases.
Also, for the first time ever, the entire company (all whopping 9 of us) are in the same office up through PAX, here in Seattle. I don't want to start the Japanese Press tour hardcore until I'm back in Japan and can dedicate full resources to it. Should be ready to go early fall? Maybe right after TGS?
why do i keep losing my resume point mid season? i'm exiting out at the ship screen too. 80 minutes down the drain
Sooo, I'm stuck inside a wall, grabbed, and can't get out. I'm on 1-4. How fucked am I?by a pink monster
Can you provide any more details Alucrid? We've never heard of anything like that and even after a programmer brainstorm we can't think of how thats even possible. It's a QUICKsave, meaning you only get to use it once. If you quit while in the main Mothership, the next time you play, the option to resume from where you left off will be there, but if you die that save will no longer be there, and you'll have to start again at the beginning of the current season.
Does that clear things up or was it something else? Thanks for your input!
Damn nice. It took me like 10+ triesMONEY IN THE BANK
Finally got a chance to sit down and play for a bit, beat Season 1 on my first try.
I'll chalk that up to a few hundred hours of Spelunky, situational awareness and risk assessment.
Still adjusting to the controls though.
I've played hours and hours today and I keep losing. I know I have never been very good at games, but this is very harsh. Any tips? I never get past season 1 episode 3...
Liking both the mech and jet equally. Jet for out doors dog fights and long range sniping, the mech for close quarters and throwing environmental explosives. Breezed through season 2 pretty easily so far, just the final mission left now, would hate to die at this point lol...I think you should retain all your stats and buffs if you use 5 coins to revive, otherwise it seems rather pointless.
Get the feeling season 3 is going to be a lot harder. Lord knows what season 4 and 5 are going to be like!
Prepare for the last boss of s-2. He sucks. You could possibly die to him.
I watched the Giant Bomb quicklook. This game looks real hard.
Does anyone regret buying it because of difficulty?
This game feels so damn good to play.
I keep making dumb mistakes when things get rough so I haven't even finished Season 1 yet but it's not frustrating. I like the basic gameplay so much that it's just more opportunities to practice.
This game feels so damn good to play.
I keep making dumb mistakes when things get rough so I haven't even finished Season 1 yet but it's not frustrating. I like the basic gameplay so much that it's just more opportunities to practice.
-Don't buy missiles, get them from killed enemies. Save your salvage for ship repair.
-Explore. A lot of upgrades are free, you just need to find them.
-Use boost. It can be used in conjunction with your backward thrusters and strafe.
-Strafe is key to decimating foes. Boost it to evade enemy fire and lay down the pain.
-Don't forget juke. Its great for evading when real close to opponents.
-If you are overwhelmed... juke, boost, and run.
-Be patient, move slowly, don't rush into fight. (With the right joystick you can tap in a direction and expand your view a bit beyond the normal boundary... Which is useful for scouting ahead)
-Use the map, it can help you find hidden areas.
Strafe boost in the ship is so good. I still lack confidence with the mech though. Having a hard time managing close quarters offense & defense.Controls and combat finally clicked for me today. Strafing boost and retreat boost are life savers, and it doesn't hurt to have a bad ass weapon upgrade. Mech is awesome, though I find the shield a bit finicky at times. But yea, slow and steady wins the race. This game does not reward rushing. Overall loving it so far.
I think mech is really strong. The shield you pull out is independent of your main shield. The charged sword attack destroys big enemies quickly and you can charge it behind the safety of the shield. The shield behaves similar to Smash Bros except it doesnt deteriorate over time. It takes about 3-5 laser shots from smaller enemies to disappear which is pretty generous. Also it feels different but easier to control movement wise with boost than it is as a jet. It doesn't actually seem like the mech is that much slower if it is at all
Am I the only one who using mech more? I'm about 60% mech/40% jet.
One thing that really makes the mech shine for me, which might be a good tip for those who think it's weak: The built in parry for the shield works on bullets, too. And any bullets deflected in this way don't seem to effect the shield's integrity. I pretty much just fly straight at ships with a charged blade, time my shield so that I deflect most of their shots, then smack them with the sword.
The grab is also super incredible if you use it correctly. Firstly, it instantly breaks any Raider's front-shield. Throwing environmental hazards at groups of enemies is also super effective.
Also, I'm pretty sure the mech is actually faster than the jet. Every time I boost around in the jet I feel way less agile. Might be my imagination.