Duuuude what this comes out tomorrow?
I want it.
Midnight EST.
Duuuude what this comes out tomorrow?
I want it.
Now this game is just straight up only $20 and that's it right? If so I might go get a PSN card and get this so I can play it tonight.
Small scale downloadable indie titles are not allowed to have Platinum Trophies. None of them do.
On the GB quick look, they mentioned it took one Sony QA tester 22 hours. Let's not forget episode 5 is coming a bit down the line.The length and replayability of the game is currently the big question mark for me. I guess we'll see when the reviews hit.
Small scale downloadable indie titles are not allowed to have Platinum Trophies. None of them do.
Small scale downloadable indie titles are not allowed to have Platinum Trophies. None of them do.
Since when? Heaps of them have them -
Rogue Legacy
Binding of Isaac
Hotline Miami 1/2
And loads more.
For me like I said the list isn't disappointing because it's missing a Platinum trophy, it's disappointing because the list is so basic.
They just require you to beat the game, rather than adding some extra challenges or incentives to replay the game in different ways.
Even Sound Shapes has a platinum and it is not a very big game.
Whelp you learn something new everyday
Now this game is just straight up only $20 and that's it right? If so I might go get a PSN card and get this so I can play it tonight.
IIRC the octodad devs said they didn't get a platinum because it was an extra certification pass. Plenty of fairly small indies (Lone Survivor, which was like $12 IIRC) have 'em.Sony should make it easier for devs to just always have them.
Well, it is after your 5th hour of retrying bullshit Death Mode levels hoping for the right RNG
The wait for EU is too much. Is it possible Sony will just put it up for EU at midnight?
Small scale downloadable indie titles are not allowed to have Platinum Trophies. None of them do.
Adding difficulty levels might go a ways to helping that cause.The length and replayability of the game is currently the big question mark for me. I guess we'll see when the reviews hit.
Looking forward to the PC version. Any word on co-op (perhaps DLC)?
We'll be streaming it tonight at around 5 p.m. Central
I haven't seen anything mentioned about co-op, but I just read this on PC Gamer website:
"PS4 isnt locked at 60. It plays at 60 a lot and doesnt go below about 40 something, but the PC versions definitely got a better framerate, even on a mid-range PC."
Sort if making me want to wait for the PC version. I didn't expect this game to run under 60fps.
Good Lord. I'm still concerned I won't have the patience for this game, but damn that looks fantastic.A new GIF:
I noticed a really annoying framerate stutter in episode 2-3. I can't remember exactly what was going on that might have caused it to stutter then, but it was aggravating...but that's the only time I've really noticed anything.Sort if making me want to wait for the PC version. I didn't expect this game to run under 60fps. Anyone have any impressions, regarding framerate, on the current PS4 version?
I may be behind in this thread, but the 7/15/15 Eurogamer preview mentions it used to be an open world game but is now Rogue-Like.Changed it from what? Even gameplay video from 2013 looked like it does now, minus the mech and procedural generated environments.
Can't they just release the US version in the european SEN store?
They're not translating this into french and german and stuff, right??
They totally could (and will), but SCEE doesn't allow it on their store until they did their own certification, even if it was 100% okay for SCEA
It's fucking stupid.
I could totally go on a rant about "certified" broken ass games and 5 gig day1 patches that don't even address half of the games problems, but let's skip that...
You think we are talking about days or weeks for the EU release? I could see myself going for some shadow complex to bridge the gap if it will be another week or more.
In the OP:When are the reviews going live?
reviews themselves are embargoed until Tuesday (Aug. 4th) at 9am PST.
Man, I hope... In any case, pretty sure my hype is sustainable until it reaches europe.I'm thinking it'll be next week if it misses this one. Can't see why it would be any later.
Small scale downloadable indie titles are not allowed to have Platinum Trophies. None of them do.
Like I said on the last page, I think Sept/Oct. has been floated.Wonder how long we have to wait for the PC version
Combat feels quite good, I'm already feeling limited by the variety of enemies and encounters mid season 2, hope things keep opening up as much as they did through season 1
I finally game over'd on 2-3. Feel the same way about the mech, not sure how vulernable it is during melee assaults and I always get scared, boost off, and return to blasting enemies while in ship form. Always feel like I have too much to lose but now that I got destroyed I think I'll play around a bit more.Okay, the patch is legit, no performance problems anymore. Don't play it without the patch, lol.
Combat feels quite good, I'm already feeling limited by the variety of enemies and encounters mid season 2, hope things keep opening up as much as they did through season 1
I like the idea of the mech (and kind of wish it weren't so thoroughly spoiled) but it feels very risky so I haven't played with it as much as the ship yet.