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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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im watching it now, and im so bored :<

sam's bits put me to sleep ;__; will this go some other places at all, or is this going to be whole full episode of the wall? ;___;


Hopefully next week really delivers. Usually season finale's have been more of clean up/ set up episodes than anything. I really could use one last heavy dose of political intrigue and scheming before the year long wait.

There's too much that still needs resolution. There's got to be something in the final episode besides mere setting up of the next season. We'll probably get Littlefinger and Darth Sansa's plan in small bits. Whatever's going down with Tyrion will happen presumably. Plus, we need resolutions for Arya's, Stannis', Bran's, and Brienne's plotlines. Maybe something interesting will happen with Dany too.

Jon challange Mance at duel and kills him... becoming their new leader and thus keeping them away from the wall (this would be cool as fuck)

(I don't know why we're tagging speculation, but whatever.)
...The true King in the North?
lol do people just switch off their brains when they watch the show?

Come on, Mance was in Season 3 and cannibal guy was only in Season 4 and he clearly wasn't the top dog of the wilding army.

It is amazing to me how people are struggling to keep up with the show. If you actually bother to pay attention then it isn't all that difficult to follow.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I don't get how anyone could not like this episode, it was leaps and bounds better than Blackwater and I loved Blackwater.

Action vs. plot. I like the action but despite being a medieval fantasy drama will a whole lot of swords and sorcery I don't watch it for the fights. For me, the fights even at their best are just a path for the story. While the fighting was far, far better in this episode compared to Blackwater (really awesome choreography), the political and narrative ramifications couldn't compare. At the end of Blackwater my head was going all kinds of places wondering how certain character and plot arcs would change. Who tried to off Tyrion? How is Stannis going to recover? What does this mean for Robb's war now Tywin is at Kings Landing? Where is the Hound off to? Why did Sansa stay? What are the Tyrrells planning by getting involved? Etc. The thing with Blackwater is that it was more than a battle. It was a singularity for a multitude of very important and significant narrative arcs.

This battle can't really compare to that. It was very important, but I'm left with fewer questions and the situation hasn't changed much. I'm anxious to see what Snow is going to do with Mance, and I look forward to seeing more of Mance. I'm sad some fun buddies to Snow were offed. Red beard dude is rad and it sucks he's captured. Snow's ex-lover is gone, okay. But still, the wall held off one attack, Mance still has the bigger army, and their fucked for Battle No.2. Everything everywhere else in Westeros remains the same.

It is amazing to me how people are struggling to keep up with the show. If you actually bother to pay attention then it isn't all that difficult to follow.

I wish we'd seen more of Mance. I remember him clearly but I'm not shocked some have forgotten. I found him very interesting and I wish more time had been spent on developing his perspective and that of the wildlings. Unfortunately much of the wildling development since has been difficult to empathise with. They're no less ignorant, murderous shitheads stuck so far up their own arses than anybody else.
oh okay. episode is over. zzzz. very little happened, except hack-and-slash actions and ygritte's death.

was boring for me. bring on the next one please
I wish we'd seen more of Mance. I remember him clearly but I'm not shocked some have forgotten. I found him very interesting and I wish more time had been spent on developing his perspective and that of the wildlings. Unfortunately much of the wildling development since has been difficult to empathise with. They're no less ignorant, murderous shitheads stuck so far up their own arses than anybody else.
I'm firmly against the wildlings. We may get one or two good ones but for the most part they seem like the uncivilised and barbaric people everyone says they are. No wonder they were left north of the wall all those years ago.


Action vs. plot

I think the series, well the show as a whole, has warrented at least one episode to be dedicated wholly on one place concerning a battle - every episode advances the storyline for multiple characters - and I disagree that this was just all action. It tied up Ygritte and Jon, in the end she was just all words, and they still loved each other. It would be interesting to see what happened if Ollie (?) hadn't shot her. Then there's the question of what will happen to Jon in beyond the wall, will he meet up with Bran perhaps? Will Mance kill him, will they strike a bargain, or will Jon kill him. Plus surely word would get out to the other kingdoms, is anyone going to supply an army to help protect the wall? The only person who has taken note of the situation in the North is Stannis, so is he going to send people there somehow? If so how does his war for the throne go along with that. If all goes well will Jon be able to become the commander, when he hears what's happened to his family will he seek revenge? Sam, sort of, surprisingly survived, I think Maester Aemon too, I doubt they're going to stay at the watch so if they don't, a night's watch vow surely will no longer hold him to not laying claim to the throne, being a Targaryen after all. Then if I remember correctly, didn't he say he had a kid with someone, therefore they have claims to the throne too.

Ninja edit: A lot of people don't seem to pay attention to the show, the orange haired wildling has clearly been called Tormund Giantsbane since his introduction in season 3.


Which one is the scene that everyone is talking about - that long shot scene?

Overall, a great episode.. i don't know why people have problem with this episode.. yeah, if you don't care about the Wall stuff, then maybe, but even for somebody like me (i too don't care that much for the Wall things) it was really interesting and sad to see some people (that were from the start with use) get killed.. and so many great scenes.. many were asking for action, so there you have it.. i think it's on par with Blackwater episode


Which one is the scene that everyone is talking about - that long shot scene?

It's just after Jon jumps from the cage and rolls then kills some poeple and heads down the stairs, it starts to pan out then circles the keep showing numerous fights, then I believe it ends on Sam opening Ghosts' cage and Ghost then pouncing someone. It was really impressive, if at least for the fact that they had built the set as a whole and had everything is choreographed fighting that looked believable all at the same time.


I liked the episode. Ser Allistar redeemed himself, he was badass. The giants and mammoths looked cool as fuck, especially the giant archer. Loved the tracking shot and a lot of minor characters died today, sad to see Jon's mateys die but they held off a giant. And Ygritte, she was a bad person so I'm not too sad to see her go.

I'm glad this episode purely focused on the Wall. If other story arcs were to come back in this episode, the battle of the Wall would seem smallish. Now it didn't.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I think the series, well the show as a whole, has warrented at least one episode to be dedicated wholly on one place concerning a battle - every episode advances the storyline for multiple characters - and I disagree that this was just all action. It tied up Ygritte and Jon, in the end she was just all words, and they still loved each other. It would be interesting to see what happened if Ollie (?) hadn't shot her. Then there's the question of what will happen to Jon in beyond the wall, will he meet up with Bran perhaps? Will Mance kill him, will they strike a bargain, or will Jon kill him. Plus surely word would get out to the other kingdoms, is anyone going to supply an army to help protect the wall? The only person who has taken note of the situation in the North is Stannis, so is he going to send people there somehow? If so how does his war for the throne go along with that. If all goes well will Jon be able to become the commander, when he hears what's happened to his family will he seek revenge? Sam, sort of, surprisingly survived, I think Maester Aemon too, I doubt they're going to stay at the watch so if they don't, a night's watch vow surely will no longer hold him to not laying claim to the throne, being a Targaryen after all. Then if I remember correctly, didn't he say he had a kid with someone, therefore they have claims to the throne too.

Basically all valid questions and why I'm still invested in Snow but still nothing that touches the multifaceted political hotpot that was Blackwater. Aemon has no claim to the throne, nor should his children, and you can't walk out of a vow to the watch. Even if he did, who would give a shit? Aemon's arc is that he once held claim to the throne and let it go so his brother could sit it instead. He highlights the difficulties the Watch must go through, as his family was slaughtered during the rebellion and he could do nothing. He's more of a reminder of how crazy politics and honour are in Westeros than anything else.

I liked the episode. I just didn't give half as much of a shit about the narrative than I did with Blackwater.


I wasn't a huge fan of this episode either. Couldn't bring myself to care at all about Ygritte's death because, frankly, she was a poor character (at least as written in the show). Her entire relationship to Jon Snow felt half-baked, ultra-predictable, and she wasn't given any real character development on her own. You can chalk this up to time constraints in the show, but either way, the end result is what it is.

It's probably the least impacting death in the story so far when it comes to relatively notable characters. Every other comparable death was imbued with some degree meaning and memorability, but this one was pretty forgettable and relatively hokey given the rough, uncompromising nature of the rest of the show.

The action itself was fun, and I don't have any problems with the Night's Watch storyline in general. Jon Snow's growth into a formidable leader is well-portrayed if entirely expected, and I am curious to see where his potential interaction with Mance goes. But this episode as a whole, especially relative to what's come before in this season and the fallout from Tyrion's trial next week, just fell a bit flat for me.


It's just after Jon jumps from the cage and rolls then kills some poeple and heads down the stairs, it starts to pan out then circles the keep showing numerous fights, then I believe it ends on Sam opening Ghosts' cage and Ghost then pouncing someone. It was really impressive, if at least for the fact that they had built the set as a whole and had everything is choreographed fighting that looked believable all at the same time.

Ohhh, yeah.. that scene.. yes, that is one pretty fine scene :)


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I liked the episode. I just didn't give half as much of a shit about the narrative than I did with Blackwater.
I complete agree with what you've written regarding this episode.

If this episode were a movie, it would fall flat. People would be confused (eg, see people not knowing which guy is Mance :p), uninterested, or only amused because there's action! Boom. Beyond that, there's nothing interesting about the plot. It didn't really capture me. (Some scenes felt really odd, too, like a Hollywood movie or a video game, and not quite GoT.)

The resolution was so flat that after last week's episode, it didn't even register on the level of Blackwater, for me.
Some awesome moments but overall it was nowhere near as good as Blackwater, or even last weeks episode. Still, cool to have these more filmic standalone episodes but I'm looking forward to getting back to King's Landing next week...
well there is another red haired women in the show...

and another one still..

DarkSansa! <3 and Melisandre <3333

but they are different ... shades? of red. I think. Idk, I appreciate all three though <3

Having let it sink a bit since an hour ago, I would say that this episode was a necessary episode but a little bit of a down stream, pacing and drama wise, from The Mountain and the Viper. I enjoyed seeing the panic and the fear of the night watchmen, clearly, they were not prepared and yet they did their best and for once, the good side held (in the usually good-guys-gets-fucked-over-realm of GRRM)

the five men that held the inner gate was a nice touch. I think this is the bit that was quite dramatic within the hoppity-hoppity angles of all the battles. I really liked the skirmish in the Southern gate, as well. And I like Jon's fight with the Thenn dude, and how he finished him off with the hammer. Was satisfying.

Nice to see Ghost was not left out of action. I know it's kind of hard to include the CGI direwolf in the series, but I really like them wolves. rrrrrr.

I like Ser Alliser's bit as well. His little speech with Jon was cute.

But yea, contents wise, it was mostly just battles. And although it was well done, I wanted plot advancement. HOWEVER. I understand that this was a needed stop, big vision wise.

after last week's episode though! i really wanted more tyrion! waw!!!

*pining for next week's episode already*
That whole fucking family has some sorta stupid gene embedded somewhere in their DNA.

The beginning part with Sam and Jon talking almost bored me to sleep. But when the action started, I sat up and had a huge grin on my face. Hahaha Even Sam got a kiss and got accepted by his crush. What's wrong with you Jorah the Fedora? No King's Landings scenes make me sad, and knowing that Mace and his 99,000 are still out there, makes me worried that the finale will have a lot of the wall scenes.

dunno man arya and sansa seem to be learning. bran too
so whats the prediction for next week

will the castle black storyline go on or will they pick up on the other fronts.

my feeling is we will not see much from sansa and little finger as they seem to be done for the episode

daenaerys seems to be in a good place to end the season as well.

brans storyline should also be featured as we havent seen anything from them after they escaped crasters

stannis should be interesting. he is prepping up and i wonder if we will know a bit more what melissandre and stannis is planning next

arya and the hound and bryanne and podrick will each get a short scene is my prediction.

i do think we will see a good bit of kings landing next episode for obvious reasons


I know the show has a large cast of characters and myriad large and small storylines, so some things may be a bit unclear, but I'm genuinely surprised by the amount of people who have no idea who Mance is. I thought they established him pretty well, but apparently not!


Episode felt oddly out of place among everything else that preceeded it this season. Also, a little hokey I must say.

Some of the soundtrack too felt like something in a low budget history channel mini series.

Anyway, on to episode 10.
I know the show has a large cast of characters and myriad large and small storylines, so some things may be a bit unclear, but I'm genuinely surprised by the amount of people who have no idea who Mance is. I thought they established him pretty well, but apparently not!

I mean, it's been a whole season since we have seen his face.


I know the show has a large cast of characters and myriad large and small storylines, so some things may be a bit unclear, but I'm genuinely surprised by the amount of people who have no idea who Mance is. I thought they established him pretty well, but apparently not!

Same, especially people confusing him with Tormund. The introduction of Mance even involved Jon thinking that Tormund was Mance and then kneeling to him, it made it explicitly clear who was who. This episode even mentions the two seperately as well.

Also, I still can't help but see that picture as Mance as a video game model.
Have to agree. Good thing a bad episode in GoT standards is still great TV. The action was good, the speeches good. Allister stepping up was nice, got some quick points. I thought Ygritte might kill Snow for a second there. What was annoying is this whole "100" crows bit, and it's taking forever to kill everyone despite how quickly the kill count is racking up. Didn't flow well for me. Best part were the 1-on-1 duels though.

Anyway, reason why this wasn't really great to me is because the wall basically blows. I really cannot stand when Sam is taking up screen time. I have a hard time relating to him in any way compared to any other character. His "practical get-it-done" attitude wasn't surprising, and not believable. You're shit Sam. Who genuinely likes this guy? Perhaps someone as Charmin soft as him? Watching prostitutes burp songs is more interesting.

Looks like next episode is back to good shit. Then a year of waiting again...


this so much, thoughhh. sam is so dull and so nice-guy-ish ... like, i know he's not nice-guy-TM he's ~genuinely~ nice *rolls eyes*

and look he gets his girl.


he's got so much plot armour like whoa. wouldnt be surprised if he's GRRM's self projection into the series. at some degree. he's got similar build. lol.

gosh. that episode was too short and very lacking in tyrion's fate advancement ;__; makes me sad.


What a fucking great episode, sure almost nothing happened but it was so damn awesome to watch. Literally can't wait for the finale!


Everything is moe to me
Why did we get a sad sympathetic scene for a character who bragged about killing more civilians than the fucking cannibal.


Very solid episode. I liked blackwater more but still, a good episode. Jon's and Ygritte's final encounter was a lot shorter than I expected, but maybe it would be against the show's ethos to have a more cliche and drawn-out encounter.


Well this episode turned out different than i expected but it made me like Jon Snow more actually. And i dont really get why people are so eager to see more of Stannis and Davos those are easily the worst parts in the show for me.
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