You might be jumping to conclusions. I thought that last bit where selmy saved worm from the vital spot getting stabbed is supposed to signify his survival. Idk if either of them died to be honest.Ser Berry and Greyworm dying wasn't shocking me like other deaths did but still left their mark; even though in Berry's case it makes sense since I assume Tyrion will take his spot. Makes you think about what would have happened if Berry was still alive and would have been at the first meeting as well.
I view the unsullied the same way as Roman legions. They kick ass in a formation as a unit since they're well-trained, but can easily be taken out in ambushes or 1-on-1 fighting.
Anyone with good combat skills, especially gladiators, should be able to handle them in a fight like that.
This show is a master of giving subtle forewarning of what turns out to be future events. I was listening to Selmy's tale about Reagar Targaryan wanting to walk among the people. Wanting to sing to the people. Gave his money to the poor. Basically Regar Targaryan was for the people, but end up becoming the Mad King...."Burn Them All!" If that's not a forewarning about "The Savior" Daenerys Targaryan, then I don't know what is! I do not trust her.
Rhaegar was the mad king's son.
This show is a master of giving subtle forewarning of what turns out to be future events. I was listening to Selmy's tale about Reagar Targaryan wanting to walk among the people. Wanting to sing to the people. Gave his money to the poor. Basically Regar Targaryan was for the people, but end up becoming the Mad King...."Burn Them All!" If that's not a forewarning about "The Savior" Daenerys Targaryan, then I don't know what is! I do not trust her.
ok, but it still seems like a forewarning.
Yeah the point of that rant was that she should be more like Prince Rhaegar, who was supposed to be an amazing fighter and amazingly kind instead of the mad king. You are likely seeing something that you want to see but is not really there.Rhaegar was the mad king's son.
Yeah the point of that rant was that she should be more like Prince Rhaegar, who was supposed to be an amazing fighter and amazingly kind instead of the mad king. You are likely seeing something that you want to see but is not really there.
Fighting some random rabble with daggers and losing is " going out like a legend? "
Legends die in Wars or during battles of meaning. He did neither. He died to a bunch of slavers with daggers and no armor on. Yeh It took a lot of them but why not just slide into a corner and start slicing ankles at anyone who comes forward? Legend.
I'm pissed about Barristan. Dude was supposed to be one of if not the greatest swordsman who lived and he goes out like that?
He told fully armored knights of the kings guard he could cut through all eight of them like carving a cake. Then gets killed by that group.
And that was the first time we got to see him fight!!! AUGH
tommen is such a baby
he let those crazy freaks walk all over him
Stannis is father of the year right now. Let's see how he reacts to whatever the red witch has planned for her.
Why do I have a feeling that Jamie is going to rescue Myrcella and return her to King's Landing just in time for him, Myrcella, Tommen, and Cersei to be killed by the religious fanatics?
tommen is such a baby
he let those crazy freaks walk all over him
Its just too crowded. Either axe like 6-7 of those or combine them together. Which they have in the past with Sansa / Littlefinger or Arya / Hound or whatever. The thing about some of those above storylines is, they are all separated. Before, most of them were in Kings Landing so the individual storylines collided with each other quite often. Now? Everything is separate. For now.
Yeah I'm not really sure what's going on there either.
Well you could argue Jaime's storyline is crossing with Oberyn's wife's storyline, Tyrion and Daeny's story is about to become one, Sansa, Littlefinger, and Brienne are going to cross paths soon. Or at least just Sansa and Brienne. The Wildlings storyline is a direct part of Jon Snow's storyline, not sure why it's listed separate. Same with Stannis, sure they're separate characters but that's all happening as part of the same thread: The Wall/Winterfell conflict. There seems to be a lot happening but a lot of them appear to be being set up to cross and become whole.Just too many threads if you ask me. I think even they are getting that feeling which is starting to harm the individual storylines themselves. Its just too crowded, too chaotic. Many storylines need to end this season and stick with like, at most, 3 main storylines with maybe 1 other side storyline building toward something. Right now we have
Tyrion's storyline
Jon Snow's storyline
Daeny's storyline
Obery's wifes storyline
Arya starks storyline
Bran's storyline
Sansa Starks storyline
Stannis Baratheon's storyline
Cersei Lannister's storyline
Tommen Lannister's storyline
Littlefinger's storyline
Brienne's storyline
Jamie Lannister's storyline
Wildlings storyline
White Walkers storyline ( laugh )
Its just too crowded. Either axe like 6-7 of those or combine them together. Which they have in the past with Sansa / Littlefinger or Arya / Hound or whatever. The thing about some of those above storylines is, they are all separated. Before, most of them were in Kings Landing so the individual storylines collided with each other quite often. Now? Everything is separate. For now.
This show is a master of giving subtle forewarning of what turns out to be future events. I was listening to Selmy's tale about Reagar Targaryan wanting to walk among the people. Wanting to sing to the people. Gave his money to the poor. Basically Regar Targaryan was for the people, but end up becoming the Mad King...."Burn Them All!" If that's not a forewarning about "The Savior" Daenerys Targaryan, then I don't know what is! I do not trust her.
I'd think Snow would have a shot at dragon powers like Daenerys if he is the son of a Targaryen. But he doesn't. Fire hurts Snow.
Jon did get burned by the lamp when fighting the wight(wight?) in Castle Black. He's no dragon.
One thing to note - Ser Meryn Trant is "protecting" daddy Tyrell on his trip Bravos, in clear stabbing distance of Arya. Hooray!
Also, Rhaegar apparently was already married to Ellia Martell and he still made this move on Lyanna? What's up with that?
I have a personal theory about why Stannis is the way he is...
Spoilered just in case:
I think he's dying. A few times in the series he's stated that he's "running out of time" in regards to getting on the throne.
Frankly, I thought Grey Worm put up a much better fight than Barristan.
Well you could argue Jaime's storyline is crossing with Oberyn's wife's storyline, Tyrion and Daeny's story is about to become one, Sansa, Littlefinger, and Brienne are going to cross paths soon. Or at least just Sansa and Brienne. The Wildlings storyline is a direct part of Jon Snow's storyline, not sure why it's listed separate. Same with Stannis, sure they're separate characters but that's all happening as part of the same thread: The Wall/Winterfell conflict. There seems to be a lot happening but a lot of them appear to be being set up to cross and become whole.
Anyway, I agree that the writers humanizing Stannis might indicate that he's gonna die soon.![]()
- cersei has cornered herself good and proper, jaime is gone and cant protect her, tywin is dead, her son is king but he's being turned against her by margery, and i think shes pissed off the council too. arming those religious nut cases who want to stamp out sin, then saying "the wicked/wealthiest are out of reach of justice" when its common knowledge you fucked your brother is a recipe for disaster. not to mention the other cousin she slept with who is now part of this cult.
- that was some fine ass swordsmanship by sir barristan, glad we got to see him in action at least once (i hope he survives though). after jaime got handicapped sir barristan is probably unmatched in combat? the only guys who spring to mind are bronn, rose knight boy and the guy dany is sleeping with.
- speaking of dany, she seems like she is out of her depth and cant utilise her dragons or army of unsullied effectively. she needs talented people around her, which is why i hope sir barristan survives, and that she takes in tyrion and jorah.
tldr: what else do the stannis haters have left? he will rule with an iron fist, but he demonstrated that he does have a compassionate side. each episode is just reinforcing #stannistheonetrueking
Are those the only childs of Oberyn ?
And I shed a manly tear in the mannis scene.
So why did Melisandre go after Jon? Did she want to harvest hisorgansblood?
I've never really paid her much attention so I forget her motivations.
For me that scene, along with Melisandre's comment about Shireen having King's blood just confirmed what they made pretty clear last season -- that Shireen is brought along to die. The Lord of Light demands sacrifices for his favor so if Stannis wants the Throne he has to lose something dear to him first. Selyse saw her daughter's death in Meli's flames and is allowing it to happen.
What I'm not sure of is whether Shireen's dearh will break Stannis, making it easier for Melisandre to bend him towards her will, or if losing the only person he truly loves will cause him to laser focus on attaining the one thing he has left, whatever it takes.
Yeah, the way that scene played out looked like Trant about to take him out back to the shed to shoot him. Straight up killing a Tyrell would be pretty bad though. And he's stupid enough that removing him from the small council permanently would not require a great deal of effort. He's just not worth killing. But Cersei is an impulsive idiot and Trant is a dumb yesman so I wouldn't expect any actual foresight on their end.
What council? lol
All she has left is Qyburn and Pycelle.
who was the guy who got angry and walked away, i wanna say it was her uncle. essentially she has no one left in kings landing to watch her back, unless qyburn wakes up zombie mountain and he gives her a piggyback out of the city
What council? lol
All she has left is Qyburn and Pycelle.
Her powers are not really explained well but that's probably on purpose.Just watched the new episode, and..... it was OK i guess. Not much happened until the very end, and even that fight scene was anything but convincing. Not the strongest of episodes.
Some random thoughts:
- Circi really should just put a dagger into Tommen's hearth herself, it would be quicker and more merciful than whatever is going to happen to him now thanks to her stupid ass decisions.
- Bron+ Jamie is an awesome combo, but I think their adventure will end badly for one, or more likely, both of them.
- I liked sir barristan, so I am sad to see him go, especially in such an unconvincing way.
-Very curious how Dany will react to Tyrion. Does she know he betrayed his own family and thus will thread him less like an enemy? I hope so.
It is clear that if she has sex with someone with royal blood, she can use that to power her magic (see the shadow that killed Renly and the advances she made to Robert's bastard). So it is very likely that Jon is not just some random bastard of Ed stark+ other person of little importance, but actually has some royal blood in him.
And she's been shitting on Pycelle for awhile now. Soon as he gets a chance he'll turn on her.
Good night sweet Ser Barristan, you went out like a G.
They didn't live up to the hype that was given to them in their own show.
I haven't read the books, but there were multiple people heaping praise on Selmy as the 'the best sword in Westeros'
T... Who dies to an untrained mob. And the unsullied were fodder.
That King's Landing chaos. All these fanatics just seemed to appear out of nowhere. The thing that stood out to me the most though is how shitty Tyrion is at arguing for his cause. I could have come up with a million things more clever to say to the captive.
Also that classical movie timing with the Lannister child. Right at the moment when Jaime arrives, the sand woman starts talking about how she wants to capture the child.
That King's Landing chaos. All these fanatics just seemed to appear out of nowhere. The thing that stood out to me the most though is how shitty Tyrion is at arguing for his cause. I could have come up with a million things more clever to say to the captive.
Also that classical movie timing with the Lannister child. Right at the moment when Jaime arrives, the sand woman starts talking about how she wants to capture the child.
Not capture but to use her to start a war.
And it's not the first time she brought it up. I think episode 1 of this season she urged Oberyn's brother to use the child to get back at the Lannisters.
Right right right, but what season was the child sent there? Season 2 or 3? Since it's been a year or two since the child arrived there, I just think it's funny how it was brought up just now, not a couple of months sooner or later, just at this exact moment.
Right right right, but what season was the child sent there? Season 2 or 3? Since it's been a year or two since the child arrived there, I just think it's funny how it was brought up just now, not a couple of months sooner or later, just at this exact moment.