Spider from Mars
tap that thorax
I would wait until 2020 if she appeared
needs to prostitute himself to Kristin Bell to make this happen

or me 

Spider from Mars said:I would wait until 2020 if she appeared
Nolan [spoiler] or me :-)[/spoiler] needs to prostitute himself to Kristin Bell to make this happen
I would... ajbfkdsbasf [IMG]http://i37.tinypic.com/24wufea.gif
MisterHero said:wasn't he in a movie with ledger? I thought I saw it somewhere. oh well
RobertM said:So will this movie actually be about the Dark Knight?
Plywood said:You know what's the difference between you and me? I'm not wearing hockey pads.
Rur0ni said:
Conrad Link said:Wish they could have shopped in Kevin Conroy's voice or something. :lol
jett said:We already had one movie solely dedicated to Batman. TDK was dedicated to nobody, it was an ensemble film, and yet it was still very much about The Dark Knight and the effects he had on himself, Gotham City, the citizens and certain other people.
BrandNew said:Oh bullshit. I love TDK, but they only ever made it about him at the end, tying it in a nice little bow and saying "uh, here, he's living martyr!"
The movie was entirely about the negative forces that he brought out, particularly the Joker. Batman is a ridiculous entity, and so he brings out an equally ridiculous source of evil. It was the Joker's show throughout the entire flick and his affect on the system, proving his own points. The Joker might have gone to Arkham at the end, but he definitely won.
I'm pretty confident, though, that the next movie will be either about Batman's downfall as a hero, or his redemption.
jett said:Aw yeah, that saturday morning cartoon voice would've fit right in.
Conrad Link said:Better than Bale grunting out lines surrounded by regular sounding people in the same dark and moody setting did.
Conrad Link said:Better than Bale grunting out lines surrounded by regular sounding people in the same dark and moody setting did.
MisterHero said:wasn't he in a movie with ledger? I thought I saw it somewhere. oh well
I agree.Snowman Prophet of Doom said:The Batvoice is pretty great in Batman Begins; it goes a bit over the top in TDK, but I think the degree to which it is a detriment is vastly overstated by most.
Seriously.Rez said:jesus, he looks like Ledger's long lost brother
Spider from Mars said:I would wait until 2020 if she appeared
Nolanneeds to prostitute himself to Kristin Bell to make this happenor me
Jill Sandwich said:Oh Jesus please make this franchise stop :'(
http://www.aintitcool.com/node/41811I just interviewed Oldman and he back-peddled a bit on it, going from sure to the movie filming next year on the panel to a more "well, I'm sure they want to do another one... it might 2 or 3 years..." I'll have the exact quote for you in my interview, which I hope to have up tomorrow, but maybe them horses need holdin'. Or maybe he slipped and got an earful from Warners. What do you folks think?
darkwings said:No Ledger - No sale
:lolSanjuroTsubaki said:Bruce: Rachel gave how many blowjobs?
Batman: I'm not supposed to be here today.
Not Kristen Bell though, she is not a good enough actress to be in a Nolan Batman movie.Spider from Mars said:I would wait until 2020 if she appeared
Nolanneeds to prostitute himself to Kristin Bell to make this happenor me
Tim-E said:SOLO WINS
SpeedingUptoStop said:SOLO GOT THE BEST OF US.
ezekial45 said:PEOPLE WILL LOSE HOPE.
PhoenixDark said:Solo died for our sins
SpeedingUptoStop said:Solo is just typical comic book morality.
DMczaf said:
Arjen said:I was thinking, the origin story of Bane would be so awesome to see on film, but i don't think the rest of the Knightfall story would work in one film, way to long.
Solo said:Holy fuck! This is why GAF rocks. Love you guys :lol :lol :lol
You sound like the ones claiming Ledger was too much of a pretty boy to play the Joker when he was first cast.bangladesh said:He is too much of a teenager to be playing roles as mature as the Jokers.
Teh Hamburglar said:You don't need an origin. Joker didn't...well he told us 3 different stories but it didn't take up an entire act.
bangladesh said:He is too much of a teenager to be playing roles as mature as the Jokers. Not only that but aside from his facial resemblance, his figure is far different from Heath's.
Nah lol I was never one of those people to say that.. Both Ledger and Gordon-Levitt were in the movie 10 Things I Hate About You, though. In comparison, Heath's height and form just bullies Gordon Levitt's. (Heath - 6'1, Gordon-Levitt 5'10)Lebron said:You sound like the ones claiming Ledger was too much of a pretty boy to play the Joker when he was first cast.
As for Harley Quinn, you're all crazy. Fairuza Balk is the obvious choice.
He still comes off as younger, especially in his latest movie 500 Days Of Summer. And again, we've also got the height issue..Cheebs said:Heath Ledger at the time of filming TDK - 27
Josepth Gordon-Levvit - 28
People had the exact same young looking/pretty boy concerns as Ledger. I don't think he'll be in it or anything but your argument is the exact same one as ledger had lol.bangladesh said:He still comes off as younger, especially in his latest movie 500 Days Of Summer. And again, we've also got the height issue..
Same here. Another Bale Batman vs *INSERT BAD GUY* film won't feel fresh, I can't think of how he can do that and have it top TDK at all. TDKR route works best. a 3-4 year break since filming TDK with a 20 year time shift with some gray put in Bale's hair to make him like 55 can easily work.Solo said:In total agreement that this should go the TDKR route. Show Gotham 20 years in the future, with Bruce no longer fighting crime, and being a crotchety old bastard (should be like riding a bike for Bale amirite) alone in his mansion, with Alfred long dead.
Solo said:In total agreement that this should go the TDKR route. Show Gotham 20 years in the future, with Bruce no longer fighting crime, and being a crotchety old bastard (should be like riding a bike for Bale amirite) alone in his mansion, with Alfred long dead.
EDIT: Levitt is also more talented than Ledger. So if anyone could fill the role, looks AND performance wise, it would be Levitt. But we should all know by now that the fan-wank consensus picks never happen, so Levitt will never be cast. Sorry for you guys also championing Michael Emerson for the Riddler, too. It will never happen.
I did not think Heath Ledger was too young or pretty boy-looking after watching I'm Not There and Brokeback Mountain.Cheebs said:People had the exact same young looking/pretty boy concerns as Ledger. I don't think he'll be in it or anything but your argument is the exact same one as ledger had lol.
tabsina said:Please not Michael Bay.. we all know how much he would fuck it up
OH MY GOD. :lol :lol :lolTacitus_ said::lol :lol :lol
Cheebs said:Same here. Another Bale Batman vs *INSERT BAD GUY* film won't feel fresh, I can't think of how he can do that and have it top TDK at all. TDKR route works best. a 3-4 year break since filming TDK with a 20 year time shift with some gray put in Bale's hair to make him like 55 can easily work.
The major problem though is WB will obviously want to keep this franchise going after Nolan and Bale leave the series behind after part 3. Doing a TDKR time shift for the third film will effectively close out the trilogy for good and they would have to start over from scratch again.
Cheebs said:The sad thing is it was obvious Oldman was mistaken from the get go. What did the others guys think, Inception was some small indy film or something? :lol