I can only guess that devs prefer it because a successful live service means job stability?
Most definitely, There's always this constant stream of things being developed but I never really care for the term "live service" because in my opinion they're just describing what we understand with online games anyway and what we're talking about with some team making content Post launch for a long duration of time is something that has occurred before that term even was used to talk about any of this lol but I digress
I hate it.....A massive chunk of the industry is gambling with terrible fucking odds.
Gambling I don't know about any of that there's a lot of data literally showing you how much people are gaming online and it is the overwhelmingly vast majority, I don't see any gamble here. At least not any more than any other type of game being created it's not like there's a fucking guarantee making a single player game it's going to be any more of a slam dunk.
Here's the real problem the gaming industry is becoming creatively bankrupt and it's a safer bet to create a Live Service game!!!
I greatly disagree, There's absolutely nothing safe about creating a live service game you're talking about amongst one of the most difficult types of games to create in the industry , With having to release Post launch content or having to balance out specific aspects of the game on top of providing numerous updates to correct networking issues on top of having to provide a fresh new experience not just for whatever the base game is but continuously altering and changing that aspect to keep people playing
Nothing regarding that sounds safe even remotely , I would even fucking argue a single player game sounds more safe because it's a static thing
As in you have a beginning middle and end you don't even need to fucking make any type of Post launch content and you don't need to drastically update some massive core design concept on the yearly basis
So I would relax on this idea of safe because I don't know if that describes these live service games lol
I would argue online games require even more creativity to get people to not just go into the game but to continuously play it afterwards on top of trying to set themselves apart from an extremely competitive market
I gather you’re counting yearly sports games as GaaS which are popular because they are sports games.
New GaaS isn’t competing in the sports market.
? What does any of that matter though? They are popular because people wish to play with each in those games, to pretend they are moving those units SOLELY based on being "sports games" is a bit naïve
Of all the gamers, why the fuck would sports fans magically not wish to play against other people in a idea literally about competition? So those new games games not all being sports doesn't really change much of any of this considering the licensees needed in a lot of those markets in the first place
semi-moot lol
When I said "It's the future of the medium" I meant "It's the future of the medium."
I mean people could say what they want, But I think a lot of people on here are scared to see the reality regarding a lot of this I can't even say this is the future of the medium, it literally is the current as of right now the vast majority of gaming by in ridiculous degree is online we literally have Call of Duty online mobile with over 600 plus million people...
We could only get to GTAV getting 200 million and clearly this was because it's online portion....
Number of players last year almost matched total amount of console and PC users…
People playing together is not a future idea, that is happening right now as the majority and i think hardcore gamers are either clueless about this or having a hard fucking time with reality and please note, I don't play any of those games, I think the only online IP I even play is Battlefield series.
When something like a online game, live service, GAAS or what ever someone wants to fucking call it like Fortnite has over 650 million users and monthly 100 plus million visits, I think its time to put that horseshit idea to bed about this just being some one off, random thing or something.
That is that majority. I don't know how many times someone needs to hear some fucking game doing 300 million downloads to realize single player games are not the majority.