Yeah, I think 2 is much better than 1 in most areas, the music is the main thing I'd say 1 had over it. I know people were disappointed in the final "boss" in 2, or how Skorge was easy and not really what people expected, but I still preferred that to RAAM who was a brick wall right at the end of otherwise fun act.
Anyway, I got the maps and I always just play bot matches to get a feel for them before I go online(bots are something more games need again

), and they're all pretty good. I like how they don't have a central theme like the last two packs, and they seem a lot darker themed and kinda remind me of Gears 1. I haven't played them online yet, but I also dl'd TU4 when I got the maps and noticed from the bot matches that the smoke nades don't ragdoll, that seems like a great change since the ragdoll took forever at times and never really made since anyway.