gatotsu911 said:Thread title should be updated to read "BROS TO THE END". (Or "dudebros to the end"?)
Like the term "dudebro", that's a lame idea.
gatotsu911 said:Thread title should be updated to read "BROS TO THE END". (Or "dudebros to the end"?)
gatotsu911 said:Thread title should be updated to read "BROS TO THE END". (Or "dudebros to the end"?)
Xamdou said:Still pissed off that they gimped the retro lancer, Gears 3 is going to be another shotgun fest like Gears 2.
Xamdou said:Still pissed off that they gimped the retro lancer, Gears 3 is going to be another shotgun fest like Gears 2.
Satchel said:FUCK only a week
Let's dance!!!
Xamdou said:Still pissed off that they gimped the retro lancer, Gears 3 is going to be another shotgun fest like Gears 2.
Shogun PaiN said:Wouldn't be Gears without the CQC shotgun battles. It's the reason a lot of the kills are so personal and gives GOW the edge when it comes to kill satisfaction.
OdysseusVA said:Just use the SOS![]()
Net_Wrecker said:Agreed. I had absolutely no issue with the Retro in the beta. The SOS was, by far, the biggest issue weapon balance wise with the ridiculous spread on that thing. No reason to gimp the Retro because people charging in with Shottys were complaining about the same thing they were about to do with the Shotty o___0
malfcn said:PXG, I think went XBOX LiVE went down, the bonus got nuked too.
Where is this from?
Same here. Last night I was getting extra (not sure if x20 or x25 though), but now I'm getting nothing.-PXG- said:I was getting x25 EXP early, now I'm not. Either Epic dun goofed or I'm just joining rooms that started before Epic activated the EXP bonus.
Aww I was really hoping that one of the customizable sounds would be Cole doing his signature "whoo!". Or at least the Lancer chainsaw sound. But those sounds are nice as well!kaizoku said:everyone mentions the Ice-T unboxing but this one's better as you see the console for more than 2 seconds and you hear the sounds.
Net_Wrecker said:Agreed. I had absolutely no issue with the Retro in the beta. The SOS was, by far, the biggest issue weapon balance wise with the ridiculous spread on that thing. No reason to gimp the Retro because people charging in with Shottys were complaining about the same thing they were about to do with the Shotty o___0
Xamdou said:I understand that but the retro lancer gives players an good close/mid range alternate weapon to use rather than the shotgun. During the beta I didn't even use the shotgun, all my kills were from the retro lancer. It was my new favorite weapon and now they nerfed it by adding insane recoil on it.
Gr1mLock said:Wat? Hipfire retro was like 45 shotguns duct taped together. No reason in the world why that weapon should be more powerful up close than every weapon built for close combat combined.
Xamdou said:Still pissed off that they gimped the retro lancer, Gears 3 is going to be another shotgun fest like Gears 2.
I hear that XBL is actually down for some people.Mr Solo Dolo said:Might just be my internet but anyone else struggling to find Horde matches in Gears 2?
How is the Sawed-off?LosDaddie said:Agreed.
It was nice to have another weapon to use in CQC. Oh well![]()
The retro was very effective at mid-range.Net_Wrecker said:The Gnasher hip fired in the range that you're talking about was still the most used weapon in the beta. Gimping the most unique feature of the Retro, which is that it's a rifle but good in close quarters, just places it in a zone now where it's merely "OK" in CQC and worthless everywhere else. All that does is ensure that the wallboucing maniacs will trample people whereas before the Retro could maybe stop them.
shichishito said:The retro was very effective at mid-range.
All 3 tags are being handled by PXG, and I'm sure he still has to sort through and add a bunch of Tags and stuff.XxCGSxX said:I sent the friend request to Gears 3 Gaf. Not been accepted yet :'( am I not cool enough D:
LosDaddie said:Like the term "dudebro", that's a lame idea.
Net_Wrecker said:The Gnasher hip fired in the range that you're talking about was still the most used weapon in the beta. Gimping the most unique feature of the Retro, which is that it's a rifle but good in close quarters, just places it in a zone now where it's merely "OK" in CQC and worthless everywhere else. All that does is ensure that the wallboucing maniacs will trample people whereas before the Retro could maybe stop them.
-PXG- said:Gears 3 GAF (the first one) still has space. Fill that one up first.
-PXG- said:Gears 3 GAF (the first one) still has space. Fill that one up first.
kaizoku said:I don't really understand how these tags work. Is it basically just an easy way for us to look at the tag's friend list and add a bunch of friends?
Or is there more to it than that?
kaizoku said:I don't really understand how these tags work. Is it basically just an easy way for us to look at the tag's friend list and add a bunch of friends?
Or is there more to it than that?
Well you can add them, but the point is to send them invites to your lobby so you can roll in multiplayer with a full party. You're probably going to be receiving invites from people if you're on the tag as well.kaizoku said:I don't really understand how these tags work. Is it basically just an easy way for us to look at the tag's friend list and add a bunch of friends?
Or is there more to it than that?
-PXG- said:Gears 3 GAF (the first one) still has space. Fill that one up first.
Gr1mLock said:Except that the firing rate and power in the effective range of the shotguns is easily trumped by hip fire retro. Saying that some people cant deal with wallbouncing cqc shotgun players isnt a good case for making a weapon which almost nullifies the entire shotgun class. In what other situations are shotguns strong aside from cqc based skirmishes involving the players skill in mobility?
Using the friends of friends feature, you'll be able to see other gaffers that are online, and invite them.kaizoku said:I don't really understand how these tags work. Is it basically just an easy way for us to look at the tag's friend list and add a bunch of friends?
Or is there more to it than that?
kaizoku said:I don't really understand how these tags work. Is it basically just an easy way for us to look at the tag's friend list and add a bunch of friends?
Or is there more to it than that?
-PXG- said:Gears 3 GAF (the first one) still has space. Fill that one up first.
Agreed, that's the thing that hurt Gears in the past and I am just hoping that with the Retro and SOS, it makes a difference but I hope it's enough.Net_Wrecker said:I'm sure we'll adapt. I'm just hoping it doesn't devolve to Gnasher dancing 100% of the time.
Net_Wrecker said:The Retro in NO way nullified the entire shotgun class, that's a huge exaggeration. There was an outcry from people that wanted nothing more than Gnasher vs. Gnasher in CQC who were now being stopped straight up because the shotty rush was no longer working. In the case of the SOS it was completely justified because the spread on that thing was ridiculous and you could kill people without even aiming at them. The outcry for the Retro on the other hand was largely overblown IMO.
In any case, what happened happened, and I'm sure we'll adapt. I'm just hoping it doesn't devolve to Gnasher dancing 100% of the time.
Sent.-PXG- said:Gears 3 GAF (the first one) still has space. Fill that one up first.