Dam I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wonder how did the review embargo got lifted so early
Wonder how did the review embargo got lifted so early
Never used the old one, but I do have this one. I unplug my pc ethernet cable and plug it in my xbox when playing online games. Wireless adapters just means bad latency in most cases and it was terrible in my case.ergo said:
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:It would be nice, but no nearby friends and such.
Raxus said:I am sure there are tons on disc (characters) for future DLC. Kim wouldn't be too hard to bring into the game and I am sure they will include Skorge and Raam sometime in the future.
snack said:Are there any youtube channels that post nice GOW3 online matches?
Drealmcc0y said:This. If they nerfed the SOS slightly, I will be in heaven
Plasmid said:Season pass is campaign / horde / beast / MP only right? No character / weapons skins besides the liquid metal set?
delta25 said:Did I hear that right, Gears 3's campaign can last anywhere from 10-15 hours depending on the difficulty?
Plasmid said:Are there any videos of the new SOS changes? Would like confirmation on the changes.
-PXG- said:The SOS' ability to down you with full health has been removed. So now, it either kills you, misses, or does a tiny bit of damage. It will only down you if you've already taken a significant amount of damage
exYle said:I thought the damage done was near-death? So, if you're hurt at all, the SOS could easily down?
I thought this was true also because I recall it was mentioned in one of the Rod streams, but a guy in the review thread replied saying it's false. We'll just wait and see.-PXG- said:The SOS' ability to down you with full health has been removed. So now, it either kills you, misses, or does a tiny bit of damage. It will only down you if you've already taken a significant amount of damage
Ballistik said:I thought this was true also because I recall it was mentioned in one of the Rod streams, but a guy in the review replied saying it's false. We'll just wait and see.
Well it does it's job at least, which is to make players more cautious about rushing with their gnasher. If you see an SOS guy rushing at you, you CAN down him with your shotgun from a distance before he gets into the SOS insta-death proximity zone. I do agree that it kind of ruins the frantic rushing and one on one gnasher battles, but it's really for the best.Drealmcc0y said:SOS is potentially going to really ruin the game for me. Running around with a Gnasher is my favourite part of the MP.
You cant have a good skilled battle against a SOS player, they either kill you in 1 shot or they run away after they missed. Thats it.
Drealmcc0y said:SOS is potentially going to really ruin the game for me. Running around with a Gnasher is my favourite part of the MP.
You cant have a good skilled battle against a SOS player, they either kill you in 1 shot or they run away after they missed. Thats it.
Ballistik said:Well it does it's job at least, which is to make players more cautious about rushing with their gnasher. If you see an SOS guy rushing at you, you CAN down him with your shotgun from a distance before he gets into the SOS insta-death proximity zone. I do agree that it kind of ruins the frantic rushing and one on one gnasher battles, but it's really for the best.
Drealmcc0y said:But isn't that what makes Gears special?
I mean I love hammerbursting and using the sniper and the other special guns but shotguns battles is what I loved doing the most.
Now that we have dedicated servers and no host advantage, it should be a 50-50 chance between the two players. Battle of skills, no excuses.
I can see myself complaining about the SOS as much as did about host advantage.
Ballistik said:Yeah, it is what makes Gears special, and that's what it's always been about, the shotgun. but I feel like EPIC's been on an ongoing battle with their own game since the beginning trying to swerve away from the shotgun love. They know that they're missing out on a big crowd of people that don't like the chaotic shotgun mess. Too many get destroyed by it the first game they try in multiplayer. I'm pretty sure the whole point of the SOS is to lure those people back in.
Take Gears 2 for example, they tried to balance the Gnasher by making THE Gnasher weaker. (Slower fire rate, the stopping power, etc.). Truth was that the whole hardcore Gnasher crowd didn't like those changes. Who knew, right?
That's why for Gears 3, their hope is to accommodate to both play styles. They kept the Gnasher just as strong and awesome as it ever was, and instead of nerfing it, they whip out the retro lancer and SOS to counter it. They basically brought counters into the mix, and throw in dedicated servers and symmetrical maps and you got one great game.
Drealmcc0y said:I have no problem with making the game more than just a shotgun fest. I love the fact that Gears 2 made the hammerburst useful.
I just dont think the SOS should exist. At all. Ever.
Its only there to anger Gnasher fans. What else good does it do? Its good for noobs to learn the shotgun curve and thats about it.
D4Danger said:go play Gears 2 if you just want to twirl around with your gnasher
Drealmcc0y said:I have no problem with making the game more than just a shotgun fest. I love the fact that Gears 2 made the hammerburst useful.
I just dont think the SOS should exist. At all. Ever.
Its only there to anger Gnasher fans. What else good does it do? Its good for noobs to learn the shotgun curve and thats about it.
Only bad part is no nearby rental service. That said since I moved I figure I can still do a new Gamefly Trial....of course that means I'll get the game in December lol_dementia said:I played LAN Horde Mode in Gears 2 for years with my firends. No XBL subscription necessary for that.
Drealmcc0y said:Seriously, what does SOS add to this game except for noobs to learn the curve?
Drealmcc0y said:Seriously, what does SOS add to this game except for noobs to learn the curve?
Is there an answer?
Ah, I missed this since I've moved, the hunt for the pre-release in NJ/NY, such fond memories.MrCompletely said:any availability news in NYC?
D4Danger said:It's a defensive weapon
It stops a team of twats just charging people with gnashers like they did in 2
hurr durr i'm gud at reading!-PXG- said:Yes. I stated that in the post you quoted...