It seems Bullet Marsh, Clock Tower and the new characters from DLC 2 are on the disc too. Youtube videos are starting to surface.
can we get some links plz
It seems Bullet Marsh, Clock Tower and the new characters from DLC 2 are on the disc too. Youtube videos are starting to surface.
can we get some links plz
Bullet Marsh:
I can probably play.
COD is beginning to bore me.
Feels like it's time to get back into Gears. Just in time for new maps.
I just finished the campaign and I'm looking for GAF people to play Gears with, looking to play all modes
GT: xgho5tx:
RAAM's Shadow cant come soon enough. Tai <3
"Tai? Good to see ya."
Fun MP skin too.
GN: What is your exact position at Epic Games, and can you tell us a little about what all you did on Gears of War 3 including this upcoming DLC?
Quinn: My current position at Epic Games is Level Designer. I worked extensively on the multiplayer side of the game. I helped design the maps, weapon mechanics, ribbons, and medal system.
GN: Do you design portions of the map, or entire maps, specifically with Horde/Beast Mode or TDM/Execution/Warzone/KotH/CTL in mind?
Quinn: When we design maps we primarily do so with competitive multiplayer in mind. Once we feel that it shows merit, we then start layering on Horde features.
GN: Can you give us some background on how you first got into level design? Was it always your role when you first started working for Epic?
Quinn: As with most professionals in the game industry our passion for craft began at a young age. As a kid I would always draw up levels on paper. I then started making some maps in real-time Strategy games like StarCraft and Command & Conquer. Epic hired me on as a Level Designer.
GN: When designing some maps, is inspiration drawn from previous maps in the series to re-create the same atmosphere, such as Mansion and Hotel, Mercy and Gridlock, or Canals and River? Where else do you draw you inspiration from when designing maps?
Quinn: Some of the level design in Gears 3 began with inspiration of classic maps in the franchise. Hotel, for example, was created with Mansion’s basic weapon layout and level design. We also look at real world environments as well as architecture. If you are an aspiring level designer, you should learn as much as you can about real world spaces and how we interact with them because you want players to interact in your virtual world in a similar fashion.
GN: Why did you guys decide to add Gridlock for a third time? What was the thought behind the new palette and setting?
Quinn: We decided to add Gridlock because it’s historically known as the quintessential Gears map that all other Gears maps were built upon. The visual theme of the map was originally a bright, dry, and sandy look. We eventually wanted more variety in our maps and decided to give it the dark treatment, as well as utilize the setting of Char, which is found in the campaign.
GN: How do you feel about the heavy weapons – Mortar, Mulcher, and the One Shot as well as the double-barreled shotgun? Do you feel any of them should have a place in competitive play as a power weapon?
Quinn: The heavy weapons are tough because they restrict movement, which is key to survival in Gears multiplayer. So it’s hard for teams to justify fighting over those weapons for that reason. Plus, it is pretty easy to avoid getting killed by them.
The Sawed-Off Shotgun wouldn’t be used in the competitive scene because it tends to be inferior to the Gnasher. The Gnasher is much more versatile and deadly in a variety of ways. If a player were to equip the Sawed-Off Shotgun in a tournament, it would be a detriment to their team’s odds at winning.
GN: Was there a conscious decision to create three choke points for maps in Gears 3 vs most of the maps having just two in Gears 2?
Quinn: We tried to open up the maps more in Gears 3 but there are instances where we were held back. Sandbar’s fort comes to mind. Originally, we had four entries into that area but playtesters felt that it was too difficult to get a bearing on where the enemy was coming from. Looking back, I personally wish we had stuck with our original design.
GN: Have you always been a fan of competitive Gears? What do you expect to happen in Gears 3 now that MLG and Epic are working together?
Quinn: I’ve always been a fan of competition in general. The multiplayer in Gears is very competitive but relies heavily on teamwork to be successful. It’s because of the team involvement that I think Gears is very cooperative as well, and I’ve found that the teams that cooperate are more successful than those that don’t, even if those teams’ individual players are higher skilled.
What do I expect to happen with Gears 3 in regards to MLG and Epic? Stay tuned.
GN: What went into the process of deciding to remove the risk of being stunned while meleeing between Gears 1 and Gears 2? Has there ever been internal talks of bringing it back?
Quinn: I actually don’t know the answer to this question as I was not involved with Gears 1 or 2. I can say that we have not discussed bringing back the melee stun.
GN: We’ve heard of so called “House rules” from Epic when internally playing the game, where 2 players would use Lancers, 1 would use a Hammerburst, and one would use a Retro as their starting AR. Has there ever been talks of implementing this as a feature into the game via private match options, or even its own playlist?
Quinn: This is a funny question. I think this stems from my interview with GCON a couple months back when I was asked about MLG and weapon restrictions. I remember saying that I think it would be interesting if the weapons were treated as positions that you could find in a traditional sport. Each player would play a position that was tied to their weapon.
Thanks for reminding me about this idea. Could be an interesting idea to pursue internally and see how it could work.
GN: From interviews and other sources, it seems that the Sawed-off Shotgun was originally designed to be a pickup weapon. What went into the decision to make it a starting weapon? How do you think that decision has influenced gameplay?
Quinn: The Sawed-Off Shotgun was never designed to be a pick-up weapon. It was a load out weapon from day one. It’s pretty clear what impact it has had on the game. It terrorizes Gnasher players because they are used to dominating with impunity. The Sawed-Off took over that role the Gnasher had in so many players’ eyes in Gears 1 and 2.
GN: The Lancer in Gears of War 3 is essentially a total turnaround from the original design we saw in Gears 1 statistically. What caused the decision to change the Lancer from a high fire rate, low damage weapon into a lower fire rate, higher damage weapon over the course of the 3 games?
Quinn: Again, I wasn’t around for Gears 1 and 2 development but if you remember, the Gears 2 Lancer’s rate of fire was toned down and its magazine size was lessened. When working on Gears 3, we wanted to return its mag size back to Gears 1 scale so that it can suppress more effectively. The rate of fire stayed for the same reason. Plus, increasing its rate of fire could get too complicated with its damage per second calculations.
GN: You recently changed some of the weapons swaps on Sandbar and Overpass, what was the general idea behind these changes?
Quinn: Sandbar’s changes were to help balance out the power of the fort on top of the plateau. Moving the Boomshot down on the sandbar has really improved that map’s value. Overpass’s swaps are an attempt to lure players to go for the Boomshot because of how valuable it is. The Torque Bow is, in my opinion, a little easier to use against teams holding the overpass. The Hammer of Dawn is really difficult to use when attacking from below.
GN: Do you have any plans for changing the weapons swaps on any of the other maps?
Quinn: We are always willing to make our maps better via weapon swaps. None of these swaps are permanent and can be changed. Overpass in particular is one that we are still looking at.
GN: Tell us the weirdest moment you have had while developing Gears of War 3?
Quinn: During my first multiplayer playtest, I was playing Gears 3 MP for the first time on early builds of the game while sitting next to Cliff (Bleszinski). He was still “Cliffy B” in my eyes because I hadn’t really met him yet. I was so nervous, the game felt so different than Gears 2, and I wasn’t playing too well. Then, out of nowhere, Cliff started talking serious trash every time he killed someone. I was blown away! It was at that moment I relaxed a bit and realized how great it is to work at Epic Games and be around such amazing people.
It's actually silly what GoW3 has done to my general perception of video games. Everything just seems so boring and half-baked in comparison.
Uncharted 3? Complete chore to play; I was forever yearning for the fluidity of Gears' sublime cover mechanics (and UC3 is no slouch in this field, let me tell you).
Assassin's Creed Revelations? Bought it today and managed to play 10 minutes before day-dreaming of Gnasherin' someone; I'll definitely be taking advantage of that 7 day return policy.
It's hard for me to talk about Gears and not sound like some stupidly devoted fan-boy.
The new maps looks insane, by the way. God, it's going to be nice to jump in on the 24th and have FIVE new maps to play with.
So I should have posted this earlier, but one of the websites im working with has posted up the first in a series of interviews with Epic staff. This first one was with Quinn Del Hoyo.
We will be doing these monthly and have Dave Nash (lead single player level designer), and Joe Graf (lead gameplay programmer) lined up for the next two months. So I will post those up when we get them for you guys if there is an interest. We are working with Epic to try and keep this going for a year and interview people from every facet of the development process over there. The guys over at Epic have been super nice about things so far and have been very helpful.
Can somebody post the quick way to gain levels in Gears 3? There was a post somewhere in this thread were I read you could play a certain chapter to gain levels quickly.
Can't find the post though![]()
Another map from Bulletstorm leak,Artillery
I hope there will be more Gears 1 remakes than Clocktower and Bulletmarsh![]()
Another map from Bulletstorm leak,Artillery
I hope there will be more Gears 1 remakes than Clocktower and Bulletmarsh![]()
Bullet Marsh is the odd one out though
I got your FR.
I might try to set up an Insane Horde w/Mutators run this week with GAFers. You are definitely invited.
links are dead now. damnit i want to see more bullet marsh. that map seriously gets me hyper. my Thanksgiving evening will be spent saying "Fuck you" to my family and saying "hello" to being a dick to people by killing them with kryll.
links are dead now. damnit i want to see more bullet marsh. that map seriously gets me hyper. my Thanksgiving evening will be spent saying "Fuck you" to my family and saying "hello" to being a dick to people by killing them with kryll.
What did these show?
A pic of the menu with a new 'cheevo and status tracker bar.
A pic of the pre-match menu with a new locust skin.
A pic of the pre-match menu with a different new locust skin.
Each video was about 3 seconds long and might as well have been photos instead of videos.
was thrashball locust in it?
Random Q: did people who enjoyed Gears 3 like Bulletstorm as well? Thinking about picking that up at some point. IIRC it unlocks a weapon skin in Gears 3 as well.
Is there any pics of all the new character skins coming? Like the female who nobody seems to know about? there any pics of all the new character skins coming? Like the female who nobody seems to know about?
cant wait to rip her arms off and beat her with it