So theres no way to download the dlc normally if your a season pass guy? You just have to do it through the menu on the disc? Yarg, its at 2 percent after like 10 minutes. Gonna have to try to dl the bulk of it tomorrow morning. Also, I hate having to leave the game running while its downloading.
uuuhh, I'm trying to download Raam's shadow but I can't do background download? I have to go to work and leave my xbox on the download screen?
Did you even read my post?
This will probably be a stupid question, but a friend of mine is getting Gears 3 next week and I was thinking it would be cool to get him a Season Pass for Christmas. There's no way I can buy him a code for it, is there? (UK BTW)
You can't gift XBL items unless Microsoft put out pre-packaged codes. I think they do that for COD and HALO but I've not seen it for anything else.
your best bet is to buy point cards and let them buy it
So, I've only really played through the initial few skirmishes in Raam's Shadow, but the very first thought that I had was, "wow, they've managed to make Gears really fucking ugly with this". Dem jaggies, man. Everything looked off, come to think of it.
Kim liked to jump in to emergence holes in my playthrough. The two times it happened it was pretty funny.
So, I've only really played through the initial few skirmishes in Raam's Shadow, but the very first thought that I had was, "wow, they've managed to make Gears really fucking ugly with this". Dem jaggies, man. Everything looked off, come to think of it.
another game character with an eye scar
so original
Thanks bud.Start the download through the menu, exit back to xbox home and go to your download history and restart the download. It will be added to your queue and downloaded in the background.
I feel sorry for anyone playing Versus and using Minh as their default COG. It's like an invitation to a gangrape.
Theres a achievement for executing Minh while playing as RAAM. So everyone is just chasing Minh's around.How so? Does he have a larger hitbox?
Theres a achievement for executing Minh while playing as RAAM. So everyone is just chasing Minh's around.
Does it have to be in ranked or can I cheese that one in friendly player matcher or local 2P?
Approximately how long did it take those with the RAAM DLC to complete it? Just curious.
3 hours.
Hence why players are going for Minhs like frenzied sharks.Has to be Ranked or Quick.
So, I've only really played through the initial few skirmishes in Raam's Shadow, but the very first thought that I had was, "wow, they've managed to make Gears really fucking ugly with this". Dem jaggies, man. Everything looked off, come to think of it.
RAAM's Shadow >>>>> entire Gears 3 campaign.
This was reminiscent of Gears 1 on almost every single level. Epic captured pretty much everything that made the first game feel as intimate, creepy and dark as it was. The architecture of Ilima, transitioning from area to area, the close quarters combat. All of it..It screams Gears 1...well done.
You guys should be proud.
Seriously, for those who haven't played it yet, if you loved Gears 1's campaign and how it played, you'll enjoy RAAM's Shadow.
That achievement sucks since Minh was my favorite Gears 2 Mp character. I might have to stick with Samantha until this whole business dies down a bit in a few weeks.
AE 2012
Hence why players are going for Minhs like frenzied sharks.![]()
Does anyone know how to unlock Prescott fast? Also I haven't unlocked Savage Theron Guard and still need help on that, but I can't today because I have to study for my final tomorrow.
no fast way to play 300 of each gametype. especially wingman.
I just played Team Deathmatch (on Bullet Marsh) for the first time online in probably six weeks. I was a complete and utter disgrace to my team, to put it bluntly.
Also, I've decided that I just hate the writing in Gears so much. Cringe-worthy efforts so far:
Tai: "I see signs of life here, but no thing living". We get it, Tai. You're a spiritual douche. Shut it.
I'm guessing I'm near the end of Raam's and to be honest, pure meh. I mean, sure, it's probably a bit more engaging than the vanilla campaign, but I still find it VERY dull, which only really speaks for myself and my perception of Gears as an SP game.
Also, I've decided that I just hate the writing in Gears so much. Cringe-worthy efforts so far:
Tai: "I see signs of life here, but no thing living". We get it, Tai. You're a spiritual douche. Shut it.
Also, Barrick likening the toughness of ato that of his ex.Berserker