The thrashball map looks like male genitalia
The thrashball map looks like male genitalia
Haven't been in this thread in a while.
What's the consensus on Raam's Shadow?
Haven't been in this thread in a while.
What's the consensus on Raam's Shadow?
To me it looks like a Skulltula from day one of the beta, haha.I always thought trenches looked like a skull
Yup.The thrashball map looks like male genitalia
When I finish work today I'm done till the new year, and could really use a party of like-minded fellows to play through the campaign in 4 player co-op on Insane (preferably Arcade as I haven't touched that mode yet) to get the impossible skins, plus related cheesemints for insane/arcade play.
I have the season pass, so if anyone needs to do Raams Shadow or the Horde achievements too I'd be totally down for that as well.
I'm UK time, but the beauty of being off for 2 weeks is that I can stay up as long as I need to.
GT= MonkeylordUK
I am up for that and know a fellow Gaffer who might be to, added bonus that both of us are in the UK.
Haven't been in this thread in a while.
What's the consensus on Raam's Shadow?
Some daytime Grub drubbings are in order then.
I'll actually be available to start from about 20:30-21:00 tonight if we can get 4 of us.
Sorry, didnt check this till now, could have done tonight too. Do we even have a fourth yet?
Sorry, didnt check this till now, could have done tonight too. Do we even have a fourth yet?
At a level 67 now, my K/D ratio isn't getting any better at this point, but I've had so many laggy games that I seem to do poorly in that it feels like lag is the main culprit. Now that I'm approaching the 70 area I've told myself I will grind it out, but it will be a long journey....
I just hit 70 and my KD has been at 2.1 for longer than I can remember. I've only Carmine in my sights; I'm not even thinking about getting my Wings. Brootal.
Look at it this way, once you hit 75 you're halfway homeAnd with some more double XP events it could go by much quicker, but who knows when they'll do that again. 3.8 million XP does seem pretty crazy when you get anywhere from 2000-6000 XP per match once you start doing well in TDM. 8 more levels and I'm halfway there! I'm still amazed that I see so many people at level 100, how much have these people played the damn game?
Remember tomorrow and tomorrow only is 4x XP.
I think I'm almost up to 2 million past rank 100 already. :/
I play this game too much.
Remember tomorrow and tomorrow only is 4x XP.
I think I'm almost up to 2 million past rank 100 already. :/
I play this game too much.
Woah woah, 4X XP today? (Tuesday or Wednesday?)
When!? I've been on for hours the past couple of days playing Gears.Dude...I've been playing this game a ton lately n never see you on
Play more with me!
Anyone got an answer?
why are you people excited about 4x xp? everyones a hundred
why are you people excited about 4x xp? everyones a hundred
Yeah, one game and I was DONE.You people and your non-level 100s
I'm just glad comet is gone from KotH, that was fucking TERRIBLE
Twice now, on 2 separate days, I've gotten to the end of a match (Beast) and it's thrown me out to the main menu stating that my storage device has changed.
Hpe it doesn't do it in the middle of a game at some point!
Anyone else had this/ (I'm using a USB stick, BTW).
Perhaps the USB stick is faulty? Might be a loose connection or something. Try using the stick in another USB port.
Is the 4XP today or tomorrow?
Supposedly today, but I've played 3 TDM and got only 2X XP. Not sure what is going on.
why are you people excited about 4x xp? everyones a hundred
of course i'm sick as shit when 4x xp is out. may get on later if i'm feeling better. currently 64.
Hope you get well soon dude