Love the Stay Frosty playlist. Turns the game into something other than Shotguns McShotgunfest.
Yeah, it turns it into Camping McCampingfest. You move, you're dead. Ugh.
Love the Stay Frosty playlist. Turns the game into something other than Shotguns McShotgunfest.
Love the Stay Frosty playlist. Turns the game into something other than Shotguns McShotgunfest.
Look, I know that the dedicated "hardcore" VS players love the shotguns, wallbouncing, etc. Personally, I hate that shit. I don't like what it turns firefights into, so that's why I really dig on Stay Frosty. I don't mind getting one-shotted with AR Pistols, because I can do that to somebody else and I can defend from it by moving smartly and playing carefully. Its the shit where some guy goes from cover to cover to cover (without actually taking cover) and then BOOMyou'redead that drives me nuts.
But hey, what do I know? I'm 95% Horde player anyway.
Ranked KOTH![]()
But if you simply don't want to learn, just use the sawed-off.
so... is there a fix for this party glitch thing?
I haven't been able to play the game properly for 2 days.
Yes we are working vigorously to resolve the "Lost connection to host" issue. Apologize for the inconvenience everyone.
so... is there a fix for this party glitch thing?
I haven't been able to play the game properly for 2 days.
Well I for one am enjoying the stay frosty playlist. I love the hammerburst.
THIS. Everyone keeps talking about knashers for some reason.
Can someone answer this question:
Do you have to purchase DLC in order to be on dedicated servers?
They're working on it. Tweeted by @quinndelhoyo :
thanks for finding that. I hope it's fixed soon.
Had this happen last night playing Ranked KOTH on the The Slab.Do ranked matches ever end up on servers? If not, thats some bull shit. I'm in the middle of a game and the host dropped. What the fuck, epic...
I have been lucky enough to never have my stats reset in gears2 or 3 but i wanted to make a back up anyway so I went ahead and backed up my gears3 files on CloudStorage. I know its not exactly what your looking for but it might help out out.
the RESET & BACKUP thread was created by Thievius Sisko on the Epic forums are is very nicely done. videos and text. all you'll probably need
YES. It even tells you so when you go to play. The maps are on the servers, so if you don't have the maps then you can't play on the servers.
Did not tell me this when I purchased the game.
Any ideas for the |OT2| subtitle, -PXG-?
I've enjoyed all the maps so far. Although most of you think they're really big, I feel they're all the right size. There's open spaces for rifles, and lots of cover for shotgun fights. Really going to add a lot of value to the multiplayer.
I didn't know about this. Absolutely shameless.As I've tried to say, the game doesn't say this. There's absolutely nothing about having Fenix Rising to get dedis in-game.
Wait.. so if you do not buy any DLC all the games you play on stock macks are p2p?YES. It even tells you so when you go to play. The maps are on the servers, so if you don't have the maps then you can't play on the servers.
God, tried to get into some new maps today. No go. Stay Frosty is STUPID, what were they thinking? So glad that Alpha is Execution-only now. When did these playlist changes happen? Also, when did Execution become Warzone/Execution...guess these split playlists are really getting to Epic. They should just scrap CTL and Wingman and have 5 Playlists: Team Deathmatch, King Of The Hill, Warzone/Execution, Stranded, and Alpha-Execution; then have a 6th slot for playlist events when they happen like One Shot One Kill, etc.
I was tired so only stayed on for about 15 minutes. Will get in a long session tomorrow when fresh. Sure to play some new maps.
IMO they should merge KOTH and CTL
but Stranded does need to be permanent
Why no?
Chances are it will always be KOTH that wins anyway. Just like Warzone/Execution.
I'm hoping PCF have a "merc" playlist from the getgo with their offering.
I guess EPIC feels they're not alienating the Warzone community too much because Execution has a similar premise.. And well Warzone is the lowest in numbers.
Koth and CTL are totally different. There's a larger trade off. We all know Koth will always win, so we're pretty much killing off that mode and anyone who plays it religiously. CTL is slightly more popular than Warzone as well..
If that was what I played, I'd be upset to be constantly trying to out vote Koth just to play my mode. With Warzone, Execution might not necessarily play the same, but it's a close second.
Wait.. so if you do not buy any DLC all the games you play on stock macks are p2p?
If so, there are no words for how fucking stupid this system is. Wow.
Ran a speed test. Is 2+ down and 1+ up not enough? Again, some nights I can beast. But recently this game has devolved into Gears 2 status. Bulletlag, no hit detection etc. First months were great, but is going down the shitter.
Wait.. so if you do not buy any DLC all the games you play on stock macks are p2p?
If so, there are no words for how fucking stupid this system is. Wow.
Q: I do not have the Fenix Rising DLC and since it was released, I am unable to play on the dedicated servers. Is there anything else I need to do?
A: If you do not have the latest DLC, please choose the Players Choice playlist if you would like to play on dedicated servers. Players Choice is a mix of different game types that does not require any paid DLC.
So if you don't have the Fenix Rising DLC, you'll need to use the Player's Choice playlist in order to play on dedis.