Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Grisby said:Urg, woke up on a lazy Sunday. Should just self hibernate till midnight tomorrow.
Go get get a bottle of Nyquil. Blue tooth coma FTW.
Grisby said:Urg, woke up on a lazy Sunday. Should just self hibernate till midnight tomorrow.
Dr Eggman said:Regretting for not ordering the Epic Ediiton.
StalkerUKCG said:Jesus!
Hope my source can come threw and get me one dont feel like spending £30+
Edit, so because of a major screw up in advertising looks like UK gamestation buyers (in store) get commando dom and the only way to get Savage Grenadier Elite in the UK is by ordering from Anyone want to trade a SGE for a ComDom?
And the art book.Alienshogun said:Why? At this point the only thing special in it is the statue.
I wanted both but oh well.Alienshogun said:Why? At this point the only thing special in it is the statue.
Ningo said:Whats with all the comdom hate? didn't you take sex ed?
Better use a comdom so you don't get lambent infection.
Alienshogun said:Go get get a bottle of Nyquil. Blue tooth coma FTW.
Seth Balmore said:I'm watching a video made by the same dude that leaked the Blood Drive gameplay one where he shows all the weapon skins on the disc + Mihn, RAAM and Michael Barrick being on the disc too.
Yes, it was confirmed by Rod himself, but still... seeing it just pisses me off.
If you're interested and while it lasts:
@Rumble19: Dizzy is in the game yes but only playable in mutiplayer modes.
Correct.Ningo said:Is what I read correct, the first DLC from the season pass, that is already on the disc, isn't released till november?
Yes, but it will probably have some other content as well.Ningo said:Is what I read correct, the first DLC from the season pass, that is already on the disc, isn't released till november?
Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Someone should just raid a Wal-Mart or something.StalkerUKCG said:If anyone has a savage elite going spare ill take it trying awfully hard to get one without paying a crazzy amountpretty gutted since i was all set for getting one till i leanred its online gamestation orders only
will not play the game untill tomorrow unfortunately, but from what i've seen allready it's a big upgrade from gears 1 and 2. I wonder what the hell these guys will show when they are working 4 years on the xbox720.dorn. said:Just played through to the beginning of Act 5 and I have to say, holy shit at that game. What kind of voodoo did Epic do to make this run on a 360? The lighting, the colors... Amazing setpieces and everything runs so smooth. I had only one noticeable framerate drop. Controls are really tight as well.
Alienshogun said:Edit: Also, I'm REALLY excited for these servers, finally I can play with my European friends without either of us suffering horrid lag.
Domstercool said:Just completed it!! Thanks to an early post by GameStop UK. Solid action game! Just kind of wish they would sort out those damn Unreal Engine 3 problems
Shall play it all again through COOP once people get it.
And on that note it gets the...
Update has been released so you should get your Beta flaming weapons and it's now safe for Veteran Gears to play to get their gold weapons. - Rod Fergusson
Yeah, it doesn't seem to be working properly.JambiBum said:Also does anyone else use the mobile version of gaf? The second app page? I can't seem to be able to post anything with it. Every time I hit the post button it just doesn't respond.
A savage kantus.Superimposer said:Throwing my hat in the ring! All I have is a Mechanic Baird
Trade for...?
Thanks. Just wanted to make sure that it wasn't only me.Addnan said:Yeah, it doesn't seem to be working properly.
JambiBum said:I've stayed up until like 7 the past 3 nights just so I can sleep most of the day away. This game is doing bad things to me. I sort of love it. I haven't been this way about a game in a long time.
Also does anyone else use the mobile version of gaf? The second app page? I can't seem to be able to post anything with it. Every time I hit the post button it just doesn't respond.
abracadaver said:Wow I hope the next time someone gets to interview rod or cliffy they ask them wtf they were thinking with those skin prices and locking so much stuff away as "DLC"
Mizzou Gaming said:Couple of questions I didn't see when I skimmed through the op:
1. Is there a theater mode, ala HALO 3/REACH or is it the same basic setup as GEARS 2 where you can snap photos, but that's about it.
2. Is the Training mode back where you can play all the multiplayer stuff using bots?
-PXG- said:It does that sometimes.
I found the link to video showing that Raam and Kim are on the disc, but it's set to private. Anyone have another mirror or someone care to download it?
Alienshogun said:What did you think of the skins? If the gold omen isn't animated (I'm sure it's probably not) it's pretty disappointing.
Rod said it would have gold accents and a gold omen, but all I saw was a big ass ugly as hell gold colored cog covering the middle.
I honestly didn't see one that interested me outside of the ones you can earn. Onyx looked like it could be pretty slick.
This is going to come off as abrasive as fuck but I don't actually care. Do you do anything other than troll? Almost every post I have seen you make in this thread is shit. It's not even just this thread either. Fits your avatar quite nicely actually.abracadaver said:Wow I hope the next time someone gets to interview rod or cliffy they ask them wtf they were thinking with those skin prices and locking so much stuff away as "DLC"
-PXG- said:I haven't seen the video. It's set to private. Here's the link though.
JambiBum said:This is going to come off as abrasive as fuck but I don't actually care. Do you do anything other than troll? Almost every post I have seen you make in this thread is shit. It's not even just this thread either. Fits your avatar quite nicely actually.
Alienshogun said:Ah, guess I got to see it before he locked it down.
-PXG- said:Not all of his posts are troll posts. He does have a point though. But as Alien said, it would never happen.
Duke + trollface makes me laugh for some reason
-PXG- said:Duke + trollface makes me laugh for some reason
-PXG- said:Not all of his posts are troll posts. He does have a point though. But as Alien said, it would never happen.
Duke + trollface makes me laugh for some reason
LeonSKennedy90 said:There was a video up on YouTube for a bit that showed RAAM and Kim were clearly on the disc, but now its set to private.
Why u no let me be kim, Epic ;_;
edit: beaten like a red-headed stepchild, yo uggggggh
ROBOKITTYZILLA said:It also showed Michael Barrick as playable in the same video, I believe.