StalkerUKCG said:Trying alpha paylist now will report back with feelings.
And its awesome, So Alpha, if this playlist ever goes ill sacrafice puppys
StalkerUKCG said:Trying alpha paylist now will report back with feelings.
Brakara said:I honestly doesn't understand the bitching about the free maps. The maps in the Horde pack are not playable in public versus. We all knew that. The free maps are only playable in public versus. I.e. the free maps don't take anything away from what we have paid for in the Horde pack.
allan-bh said:I play in Rustlung in public TDM.
Come on, man. The Sandbar game I played had no one picking up the SOS (I thought it was a boltok on the overhead map) and when someone used it they got taken out so fast and then quit. This is a playlist with hardly any SOS usage, if any.AnEternalEnigma said:Get rid of the SOS entirely and then I'll care.
Oh please its pretty much irrelevant on Alpha.AnEternalEnigma said:Get rid of the SOS entirely and then I'll care.
mickcenary said:Don't be trollin', mang! (I hope you aren't)
AnEternalEnigma said:Get rid of the SOS entirely and then I'll care.
Seth Balmore said:Not having to worry about a Retro or an SOS around every corner...
allan-bh said:Seriously.
Apparently can happen when you're not playing on dedicated server.
AndyMoogle said:What are we supposed to complain about now? There has to be something.
Technically, since the weapons respawn quicker and the SOS is a pickup, it's possible (especially in TDM) for teams to run around with the SOS.AndyMoogle said:What are we supposed to complain about now? There has to be something.
mickcenary said:I assume that I'll be able to use the DLC character skins and weapon skins in versus TDM right away - correct? And are they exclusive to this DLC?
They'll work.mickcenary said:Shameless self-bump!
I have a legitimate complaint; a legitimate fear, actually: the fact that this current iteration of Alpha is temporary (it's a constantly evolving playlist) and that the awesomeness that it is in its current form may never be made into a permanent playlist.AndyMoogle said:What are we supposed to complain about now? There has to be something.
AndyMoogle said:They'll work.
allan-bh said:I play in Rustlung in public TDM.
-PXG- said:Alpha''s...beautiful...
Oh my God it's like the game relaunched.
exYle said:Hopefully this signals the end of the "EPIC DOESN'T LISTEN" posts
I think about 75% of my deaths were from the SOSFull Recovery said:I can already feel my KDR rising.
exYle said:Hopefully this signals the end of the "EPIC DOESN'T LISTEN" posts
mickcenary said:I really don't see how you can do anything but commend Epic. Sure, they've had some missteps, but at least they're DOING STUFF. So many devs will not even touch their game post-launch, so let's be grateful.
Also, I'm scared to part with my Retro as a starting weapon in Alpha. I need bigger cojones.
Stat Flow said:I think the Lancer and Gnasher have perfect synergy in this shit. The Hammy is a great rifle, BUT I really think that the Lancer being powerful now makes people think twice about immediately rushing even when they're in plain site of their target.
I'm fine with 4v4, makes it feel more organized/tighter (especially on execution).
I've been really lucky and haven't gotten one KOTH game. If I ever do, I'll just leave. I trust that when Epic gets their feedback, they will make it so that we're able to choose a gametype after choosing Alpha.
I've hardly seen any SOS usage, in the last game I played it was all Gnasher when it came to CQC.
zlatko said:Regular Lancer is superior. Cutting men in half and 900 bullets that fire super accurately? What's not to love?
I'm still in the boat of Lancer could make due with less bullets in its clip though. It should have more than Hburst and Retro, but the amount it has now is a little absurd, especially when put into context in Alpha where you have 4 people who are all guaranteed to be using it.
It's my go to rifle, but being on the receiving end when you are pinned to a spot and waiting for him to finally have to reload is a LONG time in which one of his buddies can show up, or if you jump the gun to approach him too early you'll get bopped. Return fire just signals him to duck and active up the bullets he had already sprayed at you, then it's even harder to try to put pressure back on him.
Fallacy said:omg I love the alpha playlist!
Also the gears facebook page mentioned a double XP event anyone know anything about that?
Seth Balmore said:I remember. Where's Alienshogun by the way? Haven't seen him in a while.
Deez said:You better play Alpha zlatko. Just sayin'.
AndyMoogle said:What are we supposed to complain about now? There has to be something.