Here are my thoughts on the design on Gears of War Judgment and the MP of the GOW franchise
Gears of War as a franchise has lost its own identity with Multiplayer
Its been 3 sequels/prequels and we finally have got back to this point,
Gears from a Multiplayer standpoint cannot stand its own success, We had the undeniable great success with GOW1,
the scummy dirty pits of GOW2 to the amazing resurgence of GOW3, Now we have Gears of War Judgement .
GOW3 came out with blazing success and offered all players new/casual/hardcore, the GOW3 beta provided crucial feedback
which EPIC took on board and hence we as a fanbase got to enjoy. GOW3 provided everything, a player from any kind could enjoy.
This bring us to GOWJ
Every fundamental that EPIC had been built up/perfected throughout the years from GOW1/2*/3 has been stript away and put to the weigh side,
everything the MP fans supported and fought for in GOW1-3 has been completely abolished and in return we have a Uncharted/Halo/COD knock off.
GOWJ's competitive Multiplayer (TDM,FFA,DOM) doesn't not flow right or have any resemblance from previous titles, it completely removes itself away
from any of the fundamentals that brought EPIC a unique and great MP success.
Gears at its core works at its best with asymmetrical maps (& Semi asymmetric -GOW3-), its easy to follow, Its action focused and its streamlined
while also giving the player multiple options and choices. Gears works at its upmost best when its Grounded, base flat and which incorporates
some low and slightly elevated places around the map (eg:Gridlock,Warmachine,Checkout,Oldtown,Security)
GOW previously (through 1/2/3) always encouraged the player/teams to work to secure map control, GOW3 also maintained the asymmetrical map design
but had a great twist with multiple entrys and exit's that were open to give the players options, and focused on where they needed
to go and what to options to push 1v1 on the left or 3v1 on the right, giving players the ability to break down the opponents.
The industry buzz word for the last couple of years has been "vertical Combat/Verticality" these words having sadly creep into the MP design
and hence spoilt GOWJ and the rich GOW experience. it has been thrown around here alot but, GOWJ does follow the MP traits and design of
a Call of Duty/Halo (Map Design) and some gameplay traits of Halo (Battle Rifles,Sticky nades animations and COG/COG), Gears of War as a franchise has sadly lost its identity with mp
Here is some Multiplayer Overheads for reference of dropped Quality and focus
GOW1-3 Unique quality style maps focused on Teamplay, GOWJ: Random stairs and pathways with no unique places, built soley for FFA with randomly placed Weapon spawns.
Default Loadouts and Power weapons placements is what gives Gears its edge and uniqueness, its unlike any MP title and stems from the roots of Unreal Tournament.
Why has all this changed? its simple, they wanted people to fall/roll/jump off buildings.
with just this one monumental decision EPIC ran with, they killed their own fundamental traits and success, also notice how you cant climb up? another GOWJ design flaw.
Why has Epic chosen to remove locust? its simple, The armour cameos are not universal
and would made development time way longer create seperate indivial parts for each type locust.
NO ONE wanted Locust removed from MP, I repeat NO ONE.
I haven't even started with gameplay choices such Jumping off buildings, and core gameplay Mechanics of Gears of War Judgment
No DBNO, only One Primary Loadout, Stim Grenade Exploit & Cheapness, Return of the 2 peice, OP'd Scorcher, No locust, 4 Tdm/FFA maps, 8 gnasher bullets,
no fighting for map control and pushing for weapons, no memorable control and teamplay battles. etc.
i could go on but i wont (probably already did), you cant fight it, its all the there it honestly would have beneficial for EPIC to release this as a new IP instead of Shitting up the GOW MP franchise,
i know alot of people around here hate Call of Duty but there is one thing they never fuck with, is the successful franchise traits that have kept the identity and player familiar with their game .
Simply, I put all the blame on EPIC GAMES & the entire GOWJ MP team, more specifically the lead designers, Screw them for not following there own foundation,uniqueness, success and fans.
All this fuss and long post for a GOW game that only has 4 maps, oh sorry its 8 because Overun is what we want to play, or is it 10 maps? those 2 free maps next month confirmed and played by Youtubers which now is posing as supposed "free" DLC. Glad mine is rented, waiting on a preowned title and price drop.
Gears of War as a franchise has lost its own identity with Multiplayer
Its been 3 sequels/prequels and we finally have got back to this point,
Gears from a Multiplayer standpoint cannot stand its own success, We had the undeniable great success with GOW1,
the scummy dirty pits of GOW2 to the amazing resurgence of GOW3, Now we have Gears of War Judgement .
GOW3 came out with blazing success and offered all players new/casual/hardcore, the GOW3 beta provided crucial feedback
which EPIC took on board and hence we as a fanbase got to enjoy. GOW3 provided everything, a player from any kind could enjoy.
This bring us to GOWJ
Every fundamental that EPIC had been built up/perfected throughout the years from GOW1/2*/3 has been stript away and put to the weigh side,
everything the MP fans supported and fought for in GOW1-3 has been completely abolished and in return we have a Uncharted/Halo/COD knock off.
GOWJ's competitive Multiplayer (TDM,FFA,DOM) doesn't not flow right or have any resemblance from previous titles, it completely removes itself away
from any of the fundamentals that brought EPIC a unique and great MP success.
Gears at its core works at its best with asymmetrical maps (& Semi asymmetric -GOW3-), its easy to follow, Its action focused and its streamlined
while also giving the player multiple options and choices. Gears works at its upmost best when its Grounded, base flat and which incorporates
some low and slightly elevated places around the map (eg:Gridlock,Warmachine,Checkout,Oldtown,Security)
GOW previously (through 1/2/3) always encouraged the player/teams to work to secure map control, GOW3 also maintained the asymmetrical map design
but had a great twist with multiple entrys and exit's that were open to give the players options, and focused on where they needed
to go and what to options to push 1v1 on the left or 3v1 on the right, giving players the ability to break down the opponents.
The industry buzz word for the last couple of years has been "vertical Combat/Verticality" these words having sadly creep into the MP design
and hence spoilt GOWJ and the rich GOW experience. it has been thrown around here alot but, GOWJ does follow the MP traits and design of
a Call of Duty/Halo (Map Design) and some gameplay traits of Halo (Battle Rifles,Sticky nades animations and COG/COG), Gears of War as a franchise has sadly lost its identity with mp
Here is some Multiplayer Overheads for reference of dropped Quality and focus
GOW1-3 Unique quality style maps focused on Teamplay, GOWJ: Random stairs and pathways with no unique places, built soley for FFA with randomly placed Weapon spawns.

Default Loadouts and Power weapons placements is what gives Gears its edge and uniqueness, its unlike any MP title and stems from the roots of Unreal Tournament.
Why has all this changed? its simple, they wanted people to fall/roll/jump off buildings.
with just this one monumental decision EPIC ran with, they killed their own fundamental traits and success, also notice how you cant climb up? another GOWJ design flaw.
Why has Epic chosen to remove locust? its simple, The armour cameos are not universal
and would made development time way longer create seperate indivial parts for each type locust.
NO ONE wanted Locust removed from MP, I repeat NO ONE.
I haven't even started with gameplay choices such Jumping off buildings, and core gameplay Mechanics of Gears of War Judgment
No DBNO, only One Primary Loadout, Stim Grenade Exploit & Cheapness, Return of the 2 peice, OP'd Scorcher, No locust, 4 Tdm/FFA maps, 8 gnasher bullets,
no fighting for map control and pushing for weapons, no memorable control and teamplay battles. etc.
i could go on but i wont (probably already did), you cant fight it, its all the there it honestly would have beneficial for EPIC to release this as a new IP instead of Shitting up the GOW MP franchise,
i know alot of people around here hate Call of Duty but there is one thing they never fuck with, is the successful franchise traits that have kept the identity and player familiar with their game .
Simply, I put all the blame on EPIC GAMES & the entire GOWJ MP team, more specifically the lead designers, Screw them for not following there own foundation,uniqueness, success and fans.
All this fuss and long post for a GOW game that only has 4 maps, oh sorry its 8 because Overun is what we want to play, or is it 10 maps? those 2 free maps next month confirmed and played by Youtubers which now is posing as supposed "free" DLC. Glad mine is rented, waiting on a preowned title and price drop.