A big part of Gears multiplayer was the sound that the characters made when running/rolling and IIRC back in the Gears 1 days, people would pick characters like Baird who were almost silent for that reason. Now that the maps are more vertical, sound travels through solid objects and everybody's COG, it becomes impossible to gauge whether the noises you hear are friendly or not.
I watched your video and... holy shit.what in the actual fuck is going through the heads at EPIC
25% Rifle increase across all rifles.
Basically, everyone now has a active Lancer/Hammerburst's/Marksa FULL CLIP.
Enough talk about the player base already dwindling and closely on par with GOW3 2 years out, but the current state of the multiplayer has taken some pretty hard hits, the competitive scene atm is just completely up in the air by the imbalances, no mater what settings/mode/map nothing seems to go right, its not a team orientated competitive game. (very few exceptions, EG:Execution:Haven)
GOWJ is purely based on FFA and works best at it, maps are over layered and standard loadouts were balanced for all sorts of usage, but as of right now teamplay and balance has gone out the window with this franchise, i urge people to go 5 marksa/lancer withs stim and they will trump any combination. majority of complaints have mainly been directed at the lack of content, lack of map/modes and map design, Rifle Damage? not even here on GAF was it thoroughly discussed or debated about.
watch some competitive streams for reference
I find Epics's MP lead designers are purely basing buffs on statistics of weapons not being used as frequently which is a flawed way to go about balance because it doesnt always play out that way (Retro,SOS,Scorcher for happened GOW3) Majority of EPIC's Online players use the Gnasher because thats what they like/grown accustom, why are we still going through major weapon balances when GOW3 was near damn perfect (except Retro)
im glad im not invested in GOWJ but clearly the direction for MP is in a odd place, we just want consistency. look through your own history EPIC, you lack direction, even when you happen to stumble out and strike gold, TWICE!
I watched your video and... holy shit.
I'm still having a fucking blast with the game, but i guess i'll be returning to my old Lancer soon now, LOL.
I did love the Lancer and used that all the time in Gears 3 (along with the sawed off), but i felt it was basically useless in Judgment and rapidly switched to the Gnasher.
Thanks for the video,man..This wasnt my video, but the skyzyn is a HUGE supporter of the franchise and has been really trying to get fans to support GOWJ, the message in this video is very clear and on point.
The maps aren't really made with execution in mind. The maps are big. Next to Haven, you will have a vastly inferior experience compared to the older games. You are also locked into a specific role, because of load out changes. It changes the game flow a lot. In Gears 1 it was critical which path you took. Everything feels random in Judgment.Is Execution any good in this, or does it still feel very different compared to Gears 1?
Is Execution any good in this, or does it still feel very different compared to Gears 1?
At least against bots on Normal or Hardcore playing TDM or Execution, I feel the Lancer is my only viable option to start off with. The maps are too big to rush with a Gnasher without rifle support. The Lancer has good (now even better) power and range, and in CQC the chainsaw bayonet gives me a fighting chance. Going at it essentially solo I can't pick another weapon in Judgment without watching my kill streaks suffer.After playing few rounds of execution I can say, that the mode feels very different compared to first Gears and I didn't like it anymore. Mostly, because the maps didn't really work with the mode; they felt too big and open for my taste. But also, because the forced selection between lancer or gnasher felt limiting.
I care about that stuff quite a bit. The Gears of War mythology is pretty fucking cool when you get down to it. At it's best you really feel like there's a fleshed out world beyond those chest-high walls.
I haven't read a book based on a video game since the Doom novels back in the 1990's, lol.Ever read the books? Traviss did an incredible job adding substance.
I haven't read a book based on a video game since the Doom novels back in the 1990's, lol.
But I've considered reading the Gears books. For me to even consider reading a work of fiction is a gargantuan accomplishment these days, so that still counts for something. Nonetheless, the Gears universe is in steeped in interesting lore, and the idea of a Gears book is a whole lot more palatable than the Gears board game I saw at PAX a few years back.
Is there any wonder as to why I gave up on video game novels?Oh God, those books and their incorporation of the Mormon religion into the plot were the worst.
Oh God, those books and their incorporation of the Mormon religion into the plot were the worst.
I liked the Gears books too. Was super bummed when they ruined Bernie in Gears 3 compared to how she was in the books - completely different. That being said, Bernie was still super awesome and my go-to character in 3 until the almighty Barrick emerged.
Yeah she was barely in Gears 3 at all. I was disappointed by that too.
Yeah man, really a bummer. I want the original vision for Boomer Lady goddammit!
Well to be fair, she IS older than Hoffman. I'd be concerned if she looked like Alex Brand.
Haven is a great map.
I expected more meat on her bones, more muscle - instead she looked like a witch! A witch! God I love her horrible voice when I would play horde. "Taaaaarget my maaaaark"
- Shortened the melee stun significantly, and added a very, very short delay after melee swing with the Gnasher. Note that Sawed Off now inherits from the Gnasher, so this change will affect both. Melee was getting more kills than all other weapons in the game combined, excluding the Gnasher.
- Lancer buffed (about a 15% increase). My gut says that's a bit much - and Pete is wary as well - but we wanted to let it play out a bit and see how it shifted the balance of gameplay. In the first week of release, approx. 80% of all kills in MP were from the Gnasher. (Were you one of the people who claimed this was going to be a Rifle only game? Eat your words!) I would love to hear your thoughts as to whether this is because the Gnasher is the preferred weapon (not a problem) or if the Gnasher is the only way to play because balance is off (a problem). Obviously, the true answer lies somewhere in the middle, but we should still look at it.
- Retro and HB both given a very, very, small buff (1 bullet fewer to kill with Retro, and a fraction of a bullet less (math is fun!) for the HB) to help them hang with the new and improved (?) Lancer.
PeteNub tweeted this link to show everything they've changed so far, and it looks like it'll be where every change will be posted at alongside his tweets: http://forums.epicgames.com/threads/952066-What-are-we-doing-
In that log, it also shows that:
Okay, the 2 piece is fixed.
FUCK THE LANCER. It's so fucking annoying and overpowered. They need to change that ASAP.
Yea, my real problem lay with the gnasher. It wasn't so much that the lancer and other weapons weren't powerful enough, it was that the gnasher was so OP. Especially since considering the lack of DBNO this added to the reduction of your character's ability to eat bullets as in previous Gears games.The melee is essentially useless again, finally! Two piecing was out of control. I don't agree with the buffs on the assault weapons though.
Yes. Exactly.Blergh. Fucking EPIC. Suck it up and realise that the Gnasher is the primary differentiator between your game and the plethora of other shitty shooters out there; it is why fans of the series hang around, so stop trying to bury it.
Why can't EPIC just admit that Gears is supposed to be a gnasher fest and make everything but it and the longshot suck like back in Gears 1.
Dont agree
Gears is not just about Gnasher, its way more than that, without getting into a long post the Rifles have always been an important part of the franchise, GOW1/2/3 rifles in both casual & competitive environment was essential for getting the win/map dominance and power weapons, if you went out wit all Gnasher, you and your team would be over very quick. Gears is about great compact maps (ala GOW1) balanced maps,spawns & weapons with both opposing teams (COG vs Locust) fighting over map dominance and pushing to gain Power Weapon to your teams advantage.
Heres some in depth GOWJ discussion
Just a thought that keeps crossing over my head, why in the fuck after 4 titles have they not been consistent in the direction of the MP franchise, why are we still fighting the mechanics/metagame/modes/weapons/content/maps/updates damn near 7 damn years out since GOW1.
Because they wanted to attract a new audience is what I've heard.