I know this seems like an insane proposal, but does anyone want to run through the survival maps? I think 3-4 people should be able to do it pretty easily on casual. My GT is RockGotham. I'll probably be working on finishing up my cog tag collecting tonight and playing overrun otherwise.
"It's never to hot"....to
The map pack features a new mode and three new maps. The mode, Master at Arms, is a game type that asks players to score a kill with each of the game's 20 weapons without using grenades or melee attacks. Blood Drive is set in a hospital, Terminal takes place in a train terminal and Boneyard is a grim site full of hasty burials for the casualties of the war against the Locust. The map pack also comes with six armor and gun skins.
Boneyard (reskinned mausoleum from gears1?)
Three new maps and a new mode were announced today. It will be available April 23 for season pass holders and the 30th for everyone else. It'll be 1000 allards.
No shame but blood drive is a great map.are they honestly reselling a map that was free for GoW 3?
this fucking game
are they honestly reselling a map that was free for GoW 3?
this fucking game
are they honestly reselling a map that was free for GoW 3?
this fucking game
are they honestly reselling a map that was free for GoW 3?
this fucking game
I must say, everyone should reserve judgmentlol until they fall 3 stories and headshot some poor unsuspecting bastard with a Gnasher, just before hitting the ground and rising on one knee like a boss.
Who am I kidding? While that certainly was very cool, the game is largely taking the piss.
They were reselling free maps from previous Gears in Gears 3 so nothing has changed![]()
There's a big difference between an expansion adding maps from the previous game for money and a whole new sequel doing it though.
How is that different at all?
Because of the proximity of release.
A lot of people felt that Judgement would have worked better as DLC for GoW3 to begin with so that the additions and community could all stay within one game without being further segmented.
If I buy Halo 3 I don't have an issue with Halo 2 maps being remade for it and sold.
However, if Halo ODST tried to include a Halo 3 Map as paid DLC, I'd have an issue.
ODST came with all new maps including all H3 maps, which is something a lot of GoW3 fans would have liked to see with Judgement. It's not the same thing.
And stop making the Judgement changes out to be some unbelievable new game shit. The game is just a chaotic mess with verticality added a bunch of dumb guns, sticky nades and a new control scheme. There's absolutely nothing there that couldn't be added to GoW3 base in a title update. The fact that a lot of GoW3 maps are flat is irrelevant.
People who felt GoWJ should have been an expansion are morons. It is by far the most different of the Gears games, and it would be nuts to have totally different controls on some maps but not others. I cant believe that only numbered entries in a series are allowed to take and modify maps from earlier games. This is a full Gears game and it makes sense for them to take maps from earlier games since they are adding this new vertical mechanic to the maps. BTW ODST did come with Halo 3 maps, which you had to buy if you didnt buy ODST.
Judgment MP would have been the worst Gears 3 title update ever.
1000 MSP for 1 new map, 1 remake and 1 I won't play (Overrun). No new characters and FFA mode... Wow.
In a nutshell, yeh. really pathetic.
GOWJ is essentially dead online, this has never happened so soon after release not even on GOW2 did this happen, the content just isnt there.
good on for those few people still sticking through with GOWJ but 400,000+ copys npd sales speaks volumes, word of mouth on this game has
been terrible since its debut.
Majority have spoken,
GOW fans/Gamers didnt purchase, didnt play, didnt like and simply did not support in numbers
GOW fans whether casual or hardcore were not going to support the MP direction out of the gate,
after the dust is settle all thats left is a fractured community (again) some who still want to help (againx3)
to get back on track where they need to be as a base (GOW1/3), with feedback.
Proof is in the pudding
they are already trying revert things back and admitting to mistakes, the new playlist is out
Gnasher Rifle combo default, Complete removal of stims, 3 melee kill, all this is great but it may be to little to late,
these needed to be there right out of the box and the MP design, content needed to be high quality & plentiful.
Gears should always been designed on Team Combat not FFA.
Gears is one of the Greatest MP shooters out there, its just EPIC dont want to embrace it or believe in its own MP product,
their is numerous familiarity/inconsistency problems throughout each release.
In a nutshell, yeh. really pathetic.
GOWJ is essentially dead online, this has never happened so soon after release not even on GOW2 did this happen, the content just isnt there.
good on for those few people still sticking through with GOWJ but 400,000+ copys npd sales speaks volumes, word of mouth on this game has
been terrible since its debut.
Majority have spoken,
GOW fans/Gamers didnt purchase, didnt play, didnt like and simply did not support in numbers
GOW fans whether casual or hardcore were not going to support the MP direction out of the gate,
after the dust is settle all thats left is a fractured community (again) some who still want to help (againx3)
to get back on track where they need to be as a base (GOW1/3), with feedback.
Proof is in the pudding
they are already trying revert things back and admitting to mistakes, the new playlist is out
Gnasher Rifle combo default, Complete removal of stims, 3 melee kill, all this is great but it may be to little to late,
these needed to be there right out of the box and the MP design, content needed to be high quality & plentiful.
Gears should always been designed on Team Combat not FFA.
Gears is one of the Greatest MP shooters out there, its just EPIC dont want to embrace it or believe in its own MP product,
their is numerous familiarity/inconsistency problems throughout each release.
I thought that people in the NPD thread were saying 700k. Gears 3 did 2m its first month in the US and GoWJ did over 1/3. I dont think that is to bad for a non-numbered sequel by a different dev with very little marketing. The number of people only is low for sure though. I hope the game sells well enough for enough of the changes to become part of Gears 4 but we will have to wait and see what kind of legs it has.
GI.biz reports that he firm’s latest investor note pegs Judgment’s March sales at 425,000 units, compared to first-month sales of Gears of War 3 at over 2 million copies when it launched in September 2011.
GOWJ is a great game on its own. I respect your opinion but I don't want them to make it like GOW3. I don't care that less people are playing it . No matter what they do now the game isn't going to sell more. Go play GOW3 and let me have GOWJ as it is. The GOW3 and GOW1 community that are hardcore are small also. Why can't I have this unique GOWJ that you don't like and you can have GOW3 or GOW1.
Did they really make it so you start with two primaries again?
are they honestly reselling a map that was free for GoW 3?
this fucking game
Forza Horizon did the same thing with it's DLC, selling cars we already had in FM 4.
360 people were in quick match execution on wednesday night when I was playing. Sad really.Picked up the first 3 Gears games day 1, avoided Judgement as it felt too soon. From all of the backlash I'm glad I did, Gears 3 is a great game online which I'm still playing and their is no reason to downgrade to Judgement. I still see between 3,000 and 5,000 people playing Gears 3 late at night on weekdays so the community is still there.
are they honestly reselling a map that was free for GoW 3?
this fucking game
car packs suck anyway unless you get something along side the cars, but yes selling stuff which was in original games blows.
Next up judgement will be selling real locust skins for MP.
The one positive to making the declassified challenges an optional yes/no is that I can just decline all of the timed ones. So there's that ;PI found the declassified stuff to be a bit annoying in that you could say yes/no to it, I would rather have had the campaign without it all and then at the end had a campaign where they integrated everything into the story properly (or gave descriptions etc of things to do with weapons to give a better idea of what actually happened), also while Judgment was longer than I thought it was going to be I don't think it was long enough. I suppose Aftermath makes up for that but there we go.
rofl wow
I think she wasJust finished Aftermath:
So was Sofia killed by COGs? Someone a few pages back just said kidnapped but certainly suggested to me that she was killed. And why would COGs starting kidnapping/killing humans if true? Unless i've missed something
Also I missed the memorial to Loomis, not sure how much have to go back and play it again to see it.
are they honestly reselling a map that was free for GoW 3?
this fucking game
You can go to the Stats and Awards page, then campaign. The last pages, 40-47 or so I believe have that info. It shows you how many stars and if they were declassified. If you see a minus sign, "-", you have not done the declassified yet. This is off the top of my head trying to remember but I am fairly positive it is correctHow do I know what declassified missions I have done? I'm up to Coles testimony and only just got the achievement for 20 (when it should be 21) and Im fairly certain I have done everything so far.
Unless its a bug I have done everything so far. I have 3 stars in everything plus a COG symbol in mission select up to Coles testimony.