Such a shame it doesn't give you enough gems equivalent to all the money he has spent on gacha games period. It's a fake code illustrating someone's sad hatred for one of the Twitch influencers. I can't stand him either but it's kinda hilarious someone made a fake code for him.Doesn't work. 4ch lied to me D:
Those that play on PC are probably more likely to be F2P and are more "hardcore" gamers than iOS players. iOS is usually the worst platform to play any game on if given another choice. You'll get the casual audience there that have never bumped up against gacha games and the predatory monetization, and get fully hooked by it. Plus, there's still JP and CN, where it's actually a social standing thing to be able to afford to whale in gacha, instead of a shameful thing like in the west.![]()
Countries that spent the most on mobile:
China - 302 million dollars
Japan - 278,3 million dollars
USA - 189 million dollars
iOS brings 65% of profits.
I'm surprised that mobile is so dominant money wise considering how many people play it on PC. I wonder if that's the reason for Sony's neglect of GI.
I'm surprised that mobile is so dominant money wise considering how many people play it on PC. I wonder if that's the reason for Sony's neglect of GI.
Sadly this sentiment is changing. It's getting more and more accepted. I gamed long enough to remember the good ole days when whales were constantly shamed and they did it in secret. Better times.instead of a shameful thing like in the west.
Yes, the artwork for the story quests and character quests are new in the 1.4 update. Before, they just showed the characters' constellation.I've read somewhere else... people log on mobile to buy because it's faster (I would too if I had a phone capable of running the game), then play on PC.
Sadly this sentiment is changing. It's getting more and more accepted. I gamed long enough to remember the good ole days when whales were constantly shamed and they did it in secret. Better times.
Hi whales, let me tell something to you: you're harmful, pathetic and embarassing. Your only way to win at games is to pay money.
Wait, are those new?
All I'm getting when playing with GI friends is "uwu, I want Klee, uwu, best gurl, uwu, too cute".
None worked for me, maybe I already used them xDGS6ACJ775KNV (60 primo)
SBNBUK67M37Z (30 primo)
TT7BVJNPL249 (60 primo)
All old for me.GS6ACJ775KNV (60 primo)
SBNBUK67M37Z (30 primo)
TT7BVJNPL249 (60 primo)
STOP LINKING THEM!*I just check this site from time to time after a new version drops to see if something was given. Found those there.
Throw me 10 primos and I'll dance naked around a pole.I'll only use codes that give me at least 160 gems. I'm that petty.
77 more wishes and still no gold meteorite.
Probably gonna be able to get Venti before the end, but I'm broke now. Guys, pls support my children if there's a surprise Diluc banner soon, because I'm gonna kill myself.
On a good note, though, I finally got the Dragon's Bane. I wanted it for a very long time for my XIanling. I'm actually happy.
i just upgrade some characters to get some free wishes i got him in standard banner i wanted a weapon.
Donating to the Fuz GoFundMe.77 more wishes and still no gold meteorite.
Probably gonna be able to get Venti before the end, but I'm broke now. Guys, pls support my children if there's a surprise Diluc banner soon, because I'm gonna kill myself.
On a good note, though, I finally got the Dragon's Bane. I wanted it for a very long time for my XIanling. I'm actually happy.
Childe+Rosaria+Bennet it's the best banner of the lot for me. Too bad I'm broke.![]()
Can't confirm that it's real, but... but you all should probably NOT pull on next banner;D
Bennett should be at C1. If you have C1, you can use him as is without further investments. If you really want Rosaria so much, don't waste wishes on next banner, wait for Klee's. I mean if you do believe that this leak is genuine. Personally I couldn't care less about Rosaria or EULA, so I would probably save my guarantee for Geo Lord. C0 Klee is already TOO good...Hmm, I've been saving primos for a Zhongli or Jean banner, so I should have enough for a pity soon, but it will be 50/50. Coincidently, my last 50/50 was on the original Zhongli banner and I ended up with Keqing.
I haven't pulled on the character banner since Ganyu, so I might put 30-40 wishes on the Childe banner to try for Rosaria, plus I wouldn't mind constellations for Bennett or Fischl. Then ,assuming this leak is accurate, go for pity on Zhongli's banner (Eula doesn't look all that interesting). Unfortunately, the 4 stars on the 1.5 update are either characters I don't use (Diona, Xinyan, Ningguang), already have near max constellation (Barbara), or "Don't have but don't care about" (Beidou, Yanfei).
Getting Zhongli is the priority in all this. Playing the late game content, it's clear how much my team comps would benefit from shields and the decrease in attack interruptions.Bennett should be at C1. If you have C1, you can use him as is without further investments. If you really want Rosaria so much, don't waste wishes on next banner, wait for Klee's. I mean if you do believe that this leak is genuine. Personally I couldn't care less about Rosaria or EULA, so I would probably save my guarantee for Geo Lord. C0 Klee is already TOO good...
I just hate how I always get the same 3 events. Even RNG seems suspect for this. I literally haven't done a run of the dungeon yet that I didn't get the falling flowers one. I usually get it, the bubble uphill run, and the falling floor. Over and over. I just want to get some of the other games that are tied to those acheivements.Hard to enjoy this dungeon event with this stupid rng(whose retards keep giving this idea).
Most of them are fun but once I don't get the challenge I have to go all over again in the hope the rng pick the event I want again. This hurts the challenges way too much, not to mention forces the player to play an event he/she might not like.
They really should rethink their approach. If the event was selectable, would be more healthier.
I've had Klee since her banner in October and honestly, I'm pretty tired of playing her.
I've been using Diluc as my pyro DPS the last couple of weeks
C6 Noelle can keep you safe. Unfortunately you can't run duplicates in the Abyss...Getting Zhongli is the priority in all this. Playing the late game content, it's clear how much my team comps would benefit from shields and the decrease in attack interruptions.
Game, that MiHo can steal a lot from. I hope they will xD Well, except for timers. MH can keep the fucking timers.Monster Hunter Rise
If we talk eventually, then eventually we will probably get 90% of 5☆. MiHo and playerbase seems totally OK with heavy reliance on reruns. Sure, it can take years, but as you said, eventually...I was kinda hoping they put Lanfei and Eula on the same banner so I could go for that one next, but if it's a selection between the two I might just pass on both and save up. I'm sure I'll get lots of the 4* eventually no matter what.
Can't confirm that it's real, but... but you all should probably NOT pull on next banner;D
Once I totally forgot about boss fight at the end and picked lvl 50 character. Needless to say, it was one and only failed mission I had during this event lol I'm also constantly nagging Venti owners to actually use his skills during mini games, but most people have no idea how/when/why... ;(I wish Peculiar Wonderland didn't have a boss fight at the end, but whatever. It's not too difficult.
The minigames are kind of half-assed.This event is how it should be done. It involves all characters from the region so even if the quests are again fetch quests it is nice to see the characters interact with each other.
The minigames are kind of half-assed.
I would like them otherwise.
The free fall is plagued by horrible, buggy turning controls. In the musical one you can't rebind the keys, which moves this from "enjoyable" to "fucking chore", and with wide monitors is a fucking pain. Shooting range is the best, most enjoyable of the lot - by far.
Anyway, Venti is super fucking fun to play. I was kind of getting bored with the game, and now I'm back to cursing resin and the lack of unexplored zones.
Or maybe it's just the gambler's high.
I hate musical rhythm minigames with a passion no matter which game they show up in. The archery one is good as I have Ganyu and the gliding one is not bad. I've always liked gliding in GI and in PS5 the controls are fine so I am good with it and actually liked the last gliding event we got.
I'm the same, rhythm games are not for me. But I was willing to give a try just for the rewards.
But since they don't seem to care to fix this crap, I won't bother touching it. If the only fix they can give me is using the default controls(which is not a fix), then I'm better off wasting my time either doing other stuff or not participating at all.
I did that on the two stone hilichurl bosses and deeply regretted it. Minigames are really easy with Venti, yeah.Once I totally forgot about boss fight at the end and picked lvl 50 character. Needless to say, it was one and only failed mission I had during this event lol I'm also constantly nagging Venti owners to actually use his skills during mini games, but most people have no idea how/when/why... ;(
Best DS game.
Pro tip - you can actually squeeze between bubbles with your dash. And Hu Tao ignores bubbles and just teleports past them xDIt's kinda lazy how they have two challenges that involve running up a lane while avoiding bubbles.
RNG was a mistake, yeah. For example I miss just 1 challenge (invisible floor one) and I'm not gonna waste my time trying to get 2 silver books worth of 20 resin lolThe RNG on the Peculiar Wonderland is irritating. For phase three, I needed to play 9-10 times before getting the "one way traffic" game to come up, which I needed to complete in 40 sec for the reward achievement.
For some reason they want to prolong your stay in the event challenges without giving any bonuses worthy of your time if you're already cleared most stages. MiHo should give some rewards for people who are replaying stages. Maybe limit it with something like "first 10/20/30 clears gives you additional purple books".Whoever keep giving this idea have to go away from this game.