Yelan official birthday art.
So this is the new "thing" now, posing all of the females so you can't see their chests or asses for official art.
We lose.
Yelan official birthday art.
So this is the new "thing" now, posing all of the females so you can't see their chests or asses for official art.
Your prayers have been heard:You know what I just thought of - they either haven't done a "web event" in a long time
Umbasa, praise MiHoyo.
I wonder if Klee's outfit is like a mini version of Alice? Maybe we'll meet her finally? I don't have a problem with the outfit, but I always dislike when Klee is a focus character. It's like having a normal character, but retarded, that steals too much screen time. Also I don't like her gameplay so that probably factors in. You're probably right about Kaeya. Diluc's mini-event was because it was the first 5* skin, and I doubt Kaya will get something like that for a freebie.Kaeya's skin looks Sumeru-inspired, so it's probably gonna be similar to Lisa's "event" where he shows up for three minutes and we just do some unrelated stuff to unlock it. At least, that's what I expect since all the effort will likely go into the islands again.
I kinda like Klee's outfit, but it could be a bit more different from her usual look. Why not just put her in a summer dress with a straw hat or something? Might still get it though.
I don't remember any recent leaks talking about his death. I think there might have been stuff back when it was rumored that Scara was going to kill Childe after Childe was sent to Sumeru to get the gnosis he stole, which never happened.Was Dainslif supposed to die before Fountaine?
I kind of like Kaeya but I hate his colors set and ESPECIALLY that ridiculous fur. So I kinda wanted a new skin for him to change the tone.3.8 info
3.8 islands
“Pure Hydro (T/L: likely ‘Oceanid’) Mirage”
Event characters: Eula Klee Kaeya Kokomi
Skin: Klee Kaeya
Klee again for summer islands patch?
Kaeya skin:
And Klee:
One and done, correct?
Also doesn't make sense. What the fuck has Kaeya to do with Sumeru?Kaeya skin basically make him look like a generic Sumeru NPC
I took the costume to be an "Arabian Knights" theme thing.Also doesn't make sense. What the fuck has Kaeya to do with Sumeru?
Am I missing something here?
Also doesn't make sense. What the fuck has Kaeya to do with Sumeru?
Am I missing something here?
Finished the main world quest for the new region last night.
- Overall the quest was fine, there was some decent lore drops, but the theme was awfully similar to the Aranara questline. "Go here, collect 3 things to purify the magical plant, deal with some cutesy & quirky mystical creatures". They did upgrade the gameplay mechanics, which were better than the half-baked musical thing with the Aranara.
- Did anyone else feel a little disappointed that the devs didn't subvert expectations and have the lead Skeptic guy not betray us? They wrote him as being obviously suspicious, so I was hoping the twist would be him not aligning with the Abyss and that the MC & Paimon were too quick to judge him. That would have been a lot more interesting than the discount Enjou interaction.
- Feels like half the chests in the new region are teapot furniture. As someone that doesn't mess around with the teapot much these days, those green chests are always disappointing.
- Hopefully the writers take a break from the "haughty" event characters verbally jousting with Paimon. Between Lilopar and Sorush, these interactions are increasingly tiresome.
-I guess you could say it's similar to the Aranara, but every area is going to have its own gimmick or set quest types. I think they did a decent job of rotating between the different puzzle types in this area, so that I didn't feel that one was done too much or too little. Certainly better than putting 100 of those glowing statue quests everywhere like in the 3.4 area. I'm also impressed at the number of weird chests that I've found in the 3.6 area. Like one of the remote cliffs on the very edge of the map had a dancing non-aggressive hilichurl waving and dancing to a flying vulture way off in the distance. When I killed him, the vulture agro'd and flew in to fight me, and then when I killed it, I got a hidden chest. I also really enjoyed the longer and more complicated Dendro orb collection stuff, particularly the 70+ node one from around the big tree. If Genshin wasn't so casualized, I could see that being a fun minigame like the escape sequences from the Ori games. As itt is currently, it's a fun spectacle but not very challenging, which is a shame.
-Yea the Skeptic questline could have been so much better. Even half of the dialogue options were calling the guy shifty to his face during the quest, so the betrayal was the least impactful one yet. Just like how we knew that milf Babel was going to betray us halfway into the quest in the 3.4. They teased the one-armed guy that left the skeptics for Sumeru for the whole quest, and we never even went to visit him, despite him being the one that funded the commission to begin with. At least we didn't have to read 3 pages of dialogue about how awesome Light Novels are. It would have been better if the Skeptic guy double crossed both us and the abyss, and they could have done that without changing really anything with how the story flowed, but at least give it a little twist
-I don't mind the furniture chests anymore since they give more primos on average than the common/precious chests you usually find. If it's between furniture or 3 blue xp books and a green artifact, I'll take the furniture.
-I loved Liloupar, Sorush was ok, but yea it's weird that they did it back to back. I think they were going for a more tsundere character with Sorush, but she just came off as haughty and rude most of the time, especially to her fellow Pari. It's still such a wasted potential to have Sorush be only usable in her area to fly around. That would have been a great unique "end of quest" reward to let us drone her around in other areas after we finish the 3.6 area. I would love to use her to scout chests and oculi and stuff in other areas, even if she couldn't interact with anything.
It's all yours tomorrow, I have all of the spincrystals currently released. I don't even check that shop anymore, other than the random teapot I join to do the BP mission.I tried to steal somePejo stuff on his teapot, but forgot about the cd.
It's all yours tomorrow, I have all of the spincrystals currently released. I don't even check that shop anymore, other than the random teapot I join to do the BP mission.
So I just did the past event and the new one up to the 2nd stage today. They weren't bad, but you can barely classify them as "events". I used my default team on all challenges of the challenge event and got 9k-10k score each time, without even thinking/reading the buffs.
This new event is the type I like - fly to a camp, bust them up, go to the next, but I wish they had enemy drops and that it was just... more. 3 camps of like 6 enemies per stage isn't really enough. I do like the fact that they have a bit of ongoing story for each step though. Maybe it will get more complex once the gun is introduced. I'd like it if the enemies spawn randomly at the charging devices and you have to bounce between them while the canon charges, then blast the wenut with the fully charged canon. I doubt MHY would do something like that in modern genshin, but it could be a fun encounter.
I pretty much wait until the last day for all of those mini events anymore. There's just not enough content most times to bother doing it for ~10 mins and then stopping until reset. Major events like Lantern Rite and Windblume and stuff, I'll do every day though, since there's some actual meat to the content, or at least several activities to do.They're not bad, just avarage to OK. At least you fight like 2 parts of the event per day.
The last one is like 'hey come back in the next two days'. wtf.
I pretty much wait until the last day for all of those mini events anymore. There's just not enough content most times to bother doing it for ~10 mins and then stopping until reset. Major events like Lantern Rite and Windblume and stuff, I'll do every day though, since there's some actual meat to the content, or at least several activities to do.
So, what the fuck is the new event about? Anybody had the stomach to actually follow it?
Just 2 researchers arguing about how to make the gun work to take out the wenuts, and then "oh no enemies are showing up and fucking up our plans". Traveler is trying to get them to stop bickering. That's it so far.So, what the fuck is the new event about? Anybody had the stomach to actually follow it?
Again - they talk SO FUCKING MUCH that it's unbearable to read. And this comes from someone who used to talk to every single NPC in Final Fantasy/Baldur's Gate/WoW and pretty much any game where you can.
Got auto skip and alt-tabbed the shit out of that miserable experience.
So, what the fuck is the new event about? Anybody had the stomach to actually follow it?
Again - they talk SO FUCKING MUCH that it's unbearable to read. And this comes from someone who used to talk to every single NPC in Final Fantasy/Baldur's Gate/WoW and pretty much any game where you can.
Got auto skip and alt-tabbed the shit out of that miserable experience.
Today it struck me because of how long I've been alt-tabbed. They went on and on and on, on some stupid shit nobody cares about.Resumes basically whats going on in current GI. I just find incruciating that they don't have a skip the entire conversation button. Makes absolute no difference whatsoever.
With no way to really replay dialog, they'd probably get too many complaints from peps accidentally hitting the button to skip a conversation.
FGO has an option to skip text if you tap and hold the screen, and I accidentally trigger it with my palm on the edge of the screen all the time.How many people accindentally hold a button for skipping? Or is this an entirelly a new concept for them?
Is anyone really enjoying playing this anymore? Its getting too big and bloated for its own good. Hundreds of gadgets, thousands of mechanisms each needing different elements or gadgets many of which are very similar but with different look etc. Quests are walls of text with very little interesting things to do. Its a slog to even log in and do the dailies and burn resin. I gave up have way in the new region when the drums showed up. Not sure how they are going to keep players interested with the remaining regions.
3.6 4*s and weapon banners:
The game just feels unsatisfying because there's no natural progression. Your teams only get stronger by spinning the gacha or artifact RNG. Even then there's hardly a point because most enemies are super weak, and they don't give any rewards for defeating them.
Puzzles don't get more complex or demanding as you play through the game. Perhaps the new radial menu can make Zelda-like item swapping possible, opening the way to that kind of challenge, but I doubt it. The gimmick in the new desert area shows a bit of improvement though.
Primos are really the only meaningful progression in this game because they allow you to get new toys. Eventually. It has nothing to do with the actual gameplay itself though. And if the gacha is unkind to you, the progression slows to a crawl.
I think they're spreading themselves thin by trying to appeal to so many people both within Genshin but also with all the other projects they're doing.
I don't know if that's really true. People will be playing Zelda for a month or two and come back when Fontaine hits. Maybe they'll hop in to play the summer event too. That's usually good content as well. I don't think Genshin gets in trouble for a couple of lame updates.As I said before, MHY problem will get started at the middle of may.
I don't know if that's really true. People will be playing Zelda for a month or two and come back when Fontaine hits. Maybe they'll hop in to play the summer event too. That's usually good content as well. I don't think Genshin gets in trouble for a couple of lame updates.
I wonder what the statistics are for Genshin. Has it declined in popularity? I feel like the forest area of Sumeru was very popular, and I wonder if the desert areas changed that perception.
I played one of the closed betas, it literally is turn-based Genshin. All of the shit you hate in Genshin is doubled down on for Honkai Star Rail. The worst part for me is that every character only has 2 skills, which in Genshin is fine because you have fast action party swapping and normal attack combos and stuff, but in HSR, it's VERY boring very quickly. It's like they wanted to make a Persona rip-off, Genshin themed, but then decided to take all of the character growth out of it. If character learned more skills as they leveled up, it could be awesome, but as it is, I recommend staying away.I saw that gamePejo , and from the looks of it sounds more like a Genshin but turn based. When you first look its basically feels like Genshin. Its absurd amount of hud stuff, the character design and even the skill/burst stuff looks similar...didn't feel like a big deal to me outside of the fact it has a turn based combat imo. But they announced 20 millions or something, maybe they want people to migrate just like CoD does.
Yea I'm curious to see what Zelda and Star Rail do to Genshin. I think Star Rail is less peabrain casual player friendly than Genshin is. There's quite a bit of challenge at various points (or there was in beta at least), that you had to carefully consider your party composition and use strategies to win. The launch hype for it is absolutely massive, but I don't think the average Genshin player can handle it, or will want to once they see it's turn-based. Zelda is just gonna be a beast for a few months, especially as far as eating up gaming hours for people (myself included). I thought TotK looked stupid until that last trailer, now I'm officially hyped for it. I've actually been going back through BotW (on Yuzu this time) with unlimited weapon durability and it's a fantastic game with that one change. The extra resolution and framerate doesn't hurt either.As I said before, MHY problem will get started at the middle of may.
I think the last active player count we saw it was growing every month. You can kinda see it with the banner sales infographic, which is nutty. I am willing to bet they will lose active players by quite a bit for 3.7 and maybe 3.8 depending on how hyped the islands are this time. But yea, I fully believe Fontaine will be mega hype for previous players and probably continue pulling in new players. That's why I believe they have something "big" saved for 4.0 though, besides new area/gadgets/gimmicks. Level 100 with character buffs is my #1 wish.I don't know if that's really true. People will be playing Zelda for a month or two and come back when Fontaine hits. Maybe they'll hop in to play the summer event too. That's usually good content as well. I don't think Genshin gets in trouble for a couple of lame updates.
I wonder what the statistics are for Genshin. Has it declined in popularity? I feel like the forest area of Sumeru was very popular, and I wonder if the desert areas changed that perception.
Yea it's been kinda crazy how good 2023 has been compared to past years. Weak release schedules definitely helped Genshin in the past, now it's time to see if they have the staying power since COVID is an afterthought and other stuff is coming out.This year has been a banger, with so many heavy-hitters releasing monthly. It's impossible for Genshin to stay at the player's top of mind when you have so many great games coming out on a monthly basis that enable you to escape Genshi's loop.
How. I've actually been going back through BotW (on Yuzu this time) with unlimited weapon durability
Here's the mod if that's what you mean.