Gold Member
My brother and best gaming buddy through thick and thin
is currently in surgery getting a total knee replacement (one for now). Any well wishes or good thoughts, prayers, good energy for my bro would mean a lot.
I'll never forget the first time we played a multi-player game together. It was Battlefield II. He and my other brother played the original Battlefield quite a bit and so they were experienced. Me? Not so much. I was roaming around in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on my Xbox 360. I didn't have computer at the time. It took a while to piece one together as well as save up for a video card that could run Battlefield II in a manageable framerate.
Fast forward to Battlefield 2. We're all in the transport chopper and I'm the pilot. I think it was the Karkland map the one where there's a runway by a high rise that's under construction. Unbeknownst to me, as it turned out it was one of those "hardcore" servers and had no 3rd person view. These players were serious, battle-hardened veterans of warfare. It was my first time flying in the game. I didn't tell anyone that because how difficult could it be? Plus, they probably would have kicked me for being a noob. And so I waited until the chopper was fully loaded for maximum offensive capability. "Leeeeeet's gooo!" and "Drop us on the roof!" appeared in the chat. Morale was high and so up we went. Straight up I figured it was best to gain altitude prior to entering the enemy area of operation. A good pilot is always aware of his surroundings both above and below the horizon. I noticed something right away, however. The controls seemed reversed. That and with a hand me down mouse that looked like it was through an actual war itself, I had no choice but to remain calm and remember my training. Except though..
AA fire was thick I remember, we were in a hellfire of enemy flak. Whoever was in the enemy AA gun was way too accurate. Almost as if they had some kind of auto aim. Eh, it was probably their training for sure. "No problem boys, we got this!" the chat encouraged. "Yes, Sir!". Those would be the last words of most of Bravo Squad. I tried going around the building up near the roof, as ordered. Tail rotor hits the side of the building and over the chopper went, tumbling down the building into a hill below. Those who weren't lucky enough to bail out and survive the fall would spent the next few seconds cursing in chat. "Learn hot to fly, a$%hole" and "f^$7ing hell man you drunk?" or "Uninstall the game" I read in global chat. "My grandmother can do better", the Commander shouted. I didn't know I could to reverse my mouse controls for forward and reverse in the game options. "You have been banned for excessive teamkilling" was the last thing I see on my screen. Hope this made some laugh. Get well soon, my brother.
This is from Bad Company II but it kinda went something like this but way up in the air, juuuust a little bit.
video by, "John Kelly"

I'll never forget the first time we played a multi-player game together. It was Battlefield II. He and my other brother played the original Battlefield quite a bit and so they were experienced. Me? Not so much. I was roaming around in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on my Xbox 360. I didn't have computer at the time. It took a while to piece one together as well as save up for a video card that could run Battlefield II in a manageable framerate.
Fast forward to Battlefield 2. We're all in the transport chopper and I'm the pilot. I think it was the Karkland map the one where there's a runway by a high rise that's under construction. Unbeknownst to me, as it turned out it was one of those "hardcore" servers and had no 3rd person view. These players were serious, battle-hardened veterans of warfare. It was my first time flying in the game. I didn't tell anyone that because how difficult could it be? Plus, they probably would have kicked me for being a noob. And so I waited until the chopper was fully loaded for maximum offensive capability. "Leeeeeet's gooo!" and "Drop us on the roof!" appeared in the chat. Morale was high and so up we went. Straight up I figured it was best to gain altitude prior to entering the enemy area of operation. A good pilot is always aware of his surroundings both above and below the horizon. I noticed something right away, however. The controls seemed reversed. That and with a hand me down mouse that looked like it was through an actual war itself, I had no choice but to remain calm and remember my training. Except though..
I didn't have any training
AA fire was thick I remember, we were in a hellfire of enemy flak. Whoever was in the enemy AA gun was way too accurate. Almost as if they had some kind of auto aim. Eh, it was probably their training for sure. "No problem boys, we got this!" the chat encouraged. "Yes, Sir!". Those would be the last words of most of Bravo Squad. I tried going around the building up near the roof, as ordered. Tail rotor hits the side of the building and over the chopper went, tumbling down the building into a hill below. Those who weren't lucky enough to bail out and survive the fall would spent the next few seconds cursing in chat. "Learn hot to fly, a$%hole" and "f^$7ing hell man you drunk?" or "Uninstall the game" I read in global chat. "My grandmother can do better", the Commander shouted. I didn't know I could to reverse my mouse controls for forward and reverse in the game options. "You have been banned for excessive teamkilling" was the last thing I see on my screen. Hope this made some laugh. Get well soon, my brother.
This is from Bad Company II but it kinda went something like this but way up in the air, juuuust a little bit.
video by, "John Kelly"
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