That we’re paying for joke upgrades?I know..
If you own Ghost of Tsushima:
- $20 for Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut (includes DLC), $10 extra for PS5 version upgrade
If you do not own Ghost of Tsushima:
- $60 for Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut (includes DLC), $10 extra for PS5 version upgrade
What's the problem?
Who is? Don't spend the $10 if you don't want to. Its fucking optional.That we’re paying for joke upgrades?
Don't pay don't complainThat we’re paying for joke upgrades?
If texture upgrade was something real sony would scream that from the highest roof dude.I think this includes texture upgrade. We'll see.
I admit I haven't followed the development of Factions and I was under the impression that it would always launch later and it would make sense to turn it into a separate entity. But yeah, I still think you can't complain about not getting enough content for your money as TLoU2 is much bigger and longer than the first game.The multiplayer was free in the last game and from what we understand about the troubled development was removed at the last minute to focus on shipping the game out
now people are suddenly happy to pay for something that was free????
Theres bound to be, like all the other companys i dont think sonys got out big to release this year, so director cuts etc with minor ps5 upgrades at a price is a easy todo to get cash back in for sonyApparently more director's cut releases will follow:
PlayStation Studios Head Teases More Director's Cut Releases After Ghost of Tsushima
PlayStation Studios head Hermen Hulst has teased the arrival of more Director's Cut game releases after Ghost of
Totally agree it would have been the first thing on the list texture upgrade, rt reflectrions etc, but it wasnt, if this had been like the Spiderman upgrade then would have been tempted but will wait for the df comparison that will come out before seeing if i upgrade, as 3d audio , jap lipsync and dualsense support is pointless upgrade and more like free upgradesIf texture upgrade was something real sony would scream that from the highest roof dude.
Only a moron would list controller gimmicks and jap lip sync instead of improved texture as a selling point for a payed upgrade, especially in tsushima where a lot of textures were pretty mediocre.
If there is a noticeable texture upgrade i'm gonna change my name in pussy of tsushima for a month...
If there is a noticeable texture upgrade i'm gonna change my name in pussy of tsushima for a month...
Another garbage post where you don't even MENTION the $20 DLC that is included making the update only $10. And then the usual GP shilling 'I just realized that GP is amazing' fucking lol just say it was your only reason of posting here and be done. Bye.Except it’s 30 and 70 dollars. I’m not gonna lie, yeah I’ve enjoyed Sony’s output but this is the one upgrade that’s REALLY sticking out to me compared to everything so far.
Between 70 dollar games (which I accepted, I could tell this was coming years before they announced it.) and their unbelievable shitty upgrade policies and for next gen upgrades costing money that Microsoft and other companies are giving away On Xbox but not on PlayStation without charging I'm not really a fan of these moves they're making the past few weeks.
On one hand, yes I get work went into the upgrade but it’s barely better than what was a free patch on PS5. They’ve announced no upgraded textures, no increase in Draw Distance, no 120 option when you could’ve already had 60 on the PS4 patch, nothing so far says “yes, go ahead and pay for the barely upgraded PS4 60 FPS patch.” Sure, it’s nice of them to rerender cutscenes and do the lip syncing but it’s kind of ridiculous to have this upgrade cost a full 70 dollars for new players or 30 dollar upgrade for PS5 players when it’s at best 10-15 dollars.
Metro just released a patch that doubled the frame rate, introduced ray tracing to the point the PC version needs a Ray tracing GPU just to even launch, high resolution textures... and it only cost me whatever I payed for it be it 10 or 60 dollars.
Retail this should be a budget rerelease at 40 max on PS5 to accommodate the new work, pressing the disc and shipping to your local retail place or to your door but even for double dipping this is greed and they know it. The 70 dollar standard isn’t applied equally, I accepted it for the Demon’s Souls remake because top to bottom it was rebuilt to be played on PS5, but this an already completed game that received less work than a PS3 remake being sold at the same price.
Just saying, realize that if you bought 5 of the exclusive’s so far you just paid for 2 years of Gamepass.... which even if I don’t like or agree with the model the fact of the matter is this Ghost Upgrade situation REALLY just pointed out the value in it regardless if my fellow Sony Pony’s want to admit it or not.
Wow it’s like someone didn’t check my post history AT ALL where I’ve shit all over Gamepass. The fact of the matter is the dlc is the only thing worth paying for, the upgrades should’ve been free or a budget release.Another garbage post where you don't even MENTION the $20 DLC that is included making the update only $10. And then the usual GP shilling 'I just realized that GP is amazing' fucking lol just say it was your only reason of posting here and be done. Bye.
The fact of the matter is the dlc is the only thing worth paying for, the upgrades should’ve been free or a budget release.
Metro Exodus is a larger upgrade than this and was free and it only cost me 15 bucks for the complete edition lol.Why?
At what point did people become entitled to endless free upgrades? Sure, it'd be nice if it was free, but there can be no reasonable expectation of that especially on a game thats already had a bunch of post-release additions and improvements.
I mean, if the game was broken or incomplete and they were charging for fixes then there'd be a justification for complaint. But there isn't and there is none.
Sorry but attitudes like yours basically make the case for doing the absolute minimum and simply moving on, hit-and-run style, to the next project. As you don't think the effort is worth paying for, why should they bother? They've already delivered a hit game, and people seem happy with it, so why not just let it be, as-is?
You've played the expansion?The expansion isn't worth $30, and the so called enhancements have come for free for most other games (doom, metro, etc.)
Then go play that. In fact there are thousands of games right now that are 100% free that you can play. Why do you care?Metro Exodus is a larger upgrade than this and was free and it only cost me 15 bucks for the complete edition lol.
Metro Exodus is a larger upgrade than this and was free and it only cost me 15 bucks for the complete edition lol.
The last of us 2 seems an obvious one.Apparently more director's cut releases will follow:
PlayStation Studios Head Teases More Director's Cut Releases After Ghost of Tsushima
PlayStation Studios head Hermen Hulst has teased the arrival of more Director's Cut game releases after Ghost of
If you don't charge your own userbase for upgrades, then who DO you charge?metro update is absolutely amazing and sort of came out of nowhere and some have mentioned some other great free updates to third party titles
It does look pretty embarrassing when you are charging your own userbase for upgrades when other 3rd parties spend the time and deliver something like the metro upgrade for free
Phil spencer does have a point as much as it triggers some people in here
And? Just because one product offers a certain deal you shouldn't expect it to be standard for all games.
I mean, is Metro Exodus a bad deal because it didn't get a free multi-player addon shortly after launch?
You don’t need to charge anything….it should be a reward for people who supported the game on release and people new to the game can buy the $70 Sony tax editionIf you don't charge your own userbase for upgrades, then who DO you charge?
Companies get money from their users, that is the point of users.
If anything, I am more suspicius of anything offered for free these days. Nothing is truly FREE. They want something from you, either pay now or pay later.
Personally i rather pay than to suffer from free things with caveat attached.
Not announced yet.So when is this coming to PC?
The game has already been patched to play at 60fps in the high res mode, you don't need to spend a dime on things you think are jokes, the PS5 already improves the base game for you. If you don't want the lip synching or the haptics etc you don't have to get them.That we’re paying for joke upgrades?
You don’t need to charge anything….it should be a reward for people who supported the game on release and people new to the game can buy the $70 Sony tax edition
third parties have grasped this concept…seems rather stupid that Sony still hold out their hand for more money considering their userbase is pretty set
You are entitled to your opinion and it’s obvious you are happy to keep paying for trickle updatesReward? It wasn't a gift and it wasn't charity.... They made a game, you bought it, thats it.
Folks out here really making it sound as if its now not enough to just fucking buy a game based on what its being marketed for, its now a case for "they owe us" as if out of the kindness of your heart you reluctantly, against your better judgement bought the game.
The fuck is wrong with the gaming community?
Even if you argue "it should be a reward" , one could argue that "reward" was free multiplayer mode and free PS5 update that already happened this year. When they announce Ghost Of Tsushima 2, you going to fucking tell me the reward for supporting 1, is now getting 2 for free or?
So they put in the world for that expansion and extra features, you are free not to buy it, skip it etc and they are free to charge for what they put in. Seems fucking stupid to not understand basic business here. No one is forcing anyone to do anything and Sony isn't simply just asking for more money for zero work done or something. They are correct to still actually operate as a business. 3rd parties still fucking charge for updates too though, that isn't a 100% always free thing. Several publishers have no issue letting you know their extra work won't be free.
Why the fuck should it?
Soooooo just cause SOME publishers have no issue making stuff free to get more users, doesn't mean all publishers will or should do the same etc. That is a case by case thing. Nothing to do with "grasping" any concept bud. IF someone wants to make a free to play like Apex, they are free to.
If someone wants that money up front, they are free to do that too.
I don't even get why gamers force this idea like it MUST be this 1 way as if all publishers are the same or something.
You are entitled to your opinion and it’s obvious you are happy to keep paying for trickle updates
where as most third parties have offered these sorts of updates for free.
Never said anything about the free patches…they were great…I’m talking about a first party charging their own users for updates for a game they already purchased …..if they don’t own the game already then charge away but it’s a shit way to reward your userbase…..a third party I would understand but a majority don’t…Xbox doesn’t…not sure about NintendoI'm not buying this at all bud...
What I'm saying isn't based on if I want this or not, its simply that someone does, the developer put work in it and you are free to go else where, they are free to charge.
I don't see anything in this that is wrong, or unethical or anything like that.
Sony is one of those publishers that literally has free fucking updates....
Ghost of Tsushima adds co-op multiplayer for free
The online mode, Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, comes to the PS4 game on
Ghost Of Tsushima Runs Like a Dream On PS5 With 60 FPS Upgrade
Sucker Punch's open-world knockout is a whole new game on
God of War is getting a PS5 optimization patch tomorrow
This will allow PS5 users to play the game at 4K with
The Last of Us Part II performance patch for PS5
Play The Last of Us Part II, targeting 60 FPS, on PS5
But hey, we are going to keep pretending no updates happened for free or? You have another goal post to move don't you? Now its not about free updates, now its about all things free regardless after the purchase lol =)
You don't fucking care about free updates bud, you simply don't want to pay for anything as to why you ignored the free updates they already gave out only to cry over a remaster no one is forcing you to buy. This has nothing to do with free updates, you just want nothing charged for, cause why else would you literally fucking ignore the very free updates that Sony already gave out?
Other 3rd parties having free shit doesn't mean ALL PUBLISHERS must do the same. Its like arguing that Free to play is better cause you pay nothing and how anti consumer of Sony to be out here expecting money for games that studios worked on, the horror /s
Never said anything about the free patches…they were great…I’m talking about a first party charging their own users for updates for a game they already purchased …..if they don’t own the game already then charge away but it’s a shit way to reward your userbase…..a third party I would understand but a majority don’t…Xbox doesn’t…not sure about Nintendo
EA…lol would not expect anything less….but its a third party and one of the worst companies for extracting your money for pointless shitThey already got updates for free, so the reward is the team should never get paid for any of the extras they do?
Where is the reward for their work in creating extra content? smh.
The user wants the game, they part with their money, that's it. I see no reason to force this idea that a "reward" is needed as if NOTHING was received when they parted with their money. Like I said before, the free MP mode and the free update could literally be argued as a "reward" that you are even talking about, to goal post this shit into the remaster, you might as well fucking argue the sequel should be free as the reward, Ghost 3 should be free too, I mean you helped them out of the kindness of your heart and they expect to be paid with money to feed themselves? Nah, get me Ghost Of Tsushima 2, Ghost Of Kyoto and Ghost Of Tokyo all for free for buying 1 game 20 years ago lol /s
You got a free MP mode and a free update for PS5, but now that the remaster was announced, suddenly that isn't enough?
Sounds like a glass half empty entitled Karen argument to me man..
A 3rd party would understand? lol Nah bud. Publishers all behave differently on this regardless of first or 3rd party. Sony has been doing cross buy for literally generations, MS started with this gen, Nintendo.........well Nintendo not no bitch and they will ask for that money upfront on all ports regardless lol Either way, publishers don't have some 1 size fits all regarding this. So to say " a third party would understand" is silly.
ANOTHER COMPANY could understand? Sure, but 3rd party IN GENERAL? I'ma need you to pull back a bit on that hyperbole man.
Battlefield 2042 is $69.99 on PS5, Series X, no free next-gen upgrade
EA confirms BF2042 is $69.99 on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S consoles and $59.99 on PS4, Xbox One without a free next-gen
But hey, a 3rd party really understands right?
how they are going to do nothing but keep releasing "Directors cuts"
when most third parties or their competitors offer updates for free
Oh yes, because they didn't give a free update and they don't have BC right? /s
If only Death Stranding could be played thru BC and EVIL SONY wouldn't be able to do this, oh wait!
After all this crying, this shit is like $10 for the dlc if you already own Death Stranding, you literally are paying $10 for a shit load of new content.
Death Stranding Director's Cut PS5 Upgrade Costs $10
Game priced at £44.99/$
^ ZOMGBBQ how dare a developer want to get paid for extra content from the work they put in, a honest developer would not want to get paid so I could get it for free /s
Like this or?
Ghost Of Tsushima Runs Like a Dream On PS5 With 60 FPS Upgrade
Sucker Punch's open-world knockout is a whole new game on
Doesn't fit your fucking narrative does it?
Its a patch for PS5, for free, a update.....for free.
Yet they are doing "nothing but" directors cuts huh? lol ok pal.
Sounds like a free fucking update and BC isn't enough for you, this has nothing to do with that, it has to do with you wanting all that they make to be free and you pay nothing for work rendered. So you'll cry about a free update, when the update comes its great, but when a directors cut comes, suddenly its not enough lol
Sounds like entitled karen shit to me man, you just sound like you will cry to get all things for free ignoring the fucking game is supported thru BC and has a free PS5 update already.
But, goal post away bud, its so bad when developer get paid I guess. =)
So at this point you are in tears for options bud.
You can keep the original and play it on PS5. You can pay $10 to get the DLC if you already own Death Stranding, but that would be the case for MOST post launch content as this isn't a fucking charity, its a business, they WORK, to get paid. Next thing you know you'll be telling me about some free to play shit and how those developers from China with free to play games are the real saints or something.
I don't see charging for work done on a fucking optional directors cut as "taking a shit on" etc.something which is taking a shit on their own userbase
Nah, I'd say you have a major issue paying for content when you are literally begging for free DLC and being mad hurt that they are charging for the work of developers.I have no issues in paying for content
you love giving Sony free money and defending them for it.
Is the $10 ps5 upgrade available to purchase yet?
it's also fucking stupid.Who is? Don't spend the $10 if you don't want to. Its fucking optional.
If it is so stupid, then clearly it isnt important enough for you to need it. Then just don't pay. Go's also fucking stupid.
Sure we have our wallets, but we also have opinions. Sony does this while the competition gives away free upgrades of the same type all the time...If it is so stupid, then clearly it isnt important enough for you to need it. Then just don't pay. Go without.
The extra content is either worth your money or not. But either way you don't get to decide it needs to be free.
As consumers, the only bargaining power we have is with our wallets. You wanting free gifts do not move the needle. Your influence on game developers is proportional to how much you pay. If you no longer wish to pay, you also no longer get to make demands.
Sony does this while the competition gives away free upgrades
Then go and play the competition's games.Sure we have our wallets, but we also have opinions. Sony does this while the competition gives away free upgrades of the same type all the time...
Director's Cut = remaster + DLC .. "DIRECTORS CUT" is sonys new term for REMASTER?
Unless they include single player expansions like Tsushima, I will be skipping them since I already completed the PS4 exclusives that I wanted to play.Apparently more director's cut releases will follow:
PlayStation Studios Head Teases More Director's Cut Releases After Ghost of Tsushima
PlayStation Studios head Hermen Hulst has teased the arrival of more Director's Cut game releases after Ghost of