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Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection // Announcement Trailer


So far I am not impressed with it. They used some cheap mechanics for their difficulty. Also I thought I was gonna love the art but I just don't like the puppet animation on some enemies. The weapons also suck. Only 1 or 2 are good..the rest are useless.
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I made it pretty far yesterday in Knight after learning the levels on Squire. It really wasn't so bad! I feel like the checkpoints are perfectly placed. Multiple times I would just barely make it to the next checkpoint. It feels like they played and replayed these levels to get them just right.
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I made it pretty far yesterday in Knight after learning the levels on Squire. It really wasn't so bad! I feel like the checkpoints are perfectly placed. Multiple times I would just barely make it to the next checkpoint. It feels like they played and replayed these levels to get them just right.
I will say that Legend difficulty is absolutely unforgiving in its lack of checkpoints. The game is so hard on Legend, but it gives an immense sense of satisfaction, when you finally pull through. Im at the last stage on the second loop. I do know that finishing the second loop, wont provide you with the true ending ( you need to do something else ) and as far as I can tell, completing the game on Legend, doesnt give you anything else, over the other difficulties, except for more grey hairs. But I started on Legend, and will finish it on Legend!
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I will say that Legend difficulty is absolutely unforgiving in its lack of checkpoints. The game is so hard on Legend, but it gives an immense sense of satisfaction, when you finally pull through. Im at the last stage on the second loop. I do know that finishing the second loop, wont provide you with the true ending ( you need to do something else ) and as far as I can tell, completing the game on Legend, doesnt give you anything else, over the other difficulties, except for more grey hairs. But I started on Legend, and will finish it on Legend!
Can't believe you can do it lol. Thats insane dude!


The game is a cunt. I don't think I've played a game this cunty since Monkeyball. It's truly horrible.

But it's absolutely brilliant. Like being trapped in the mind of a fiend, second guessing everything you do and torturing you with it's godlike abilities. I love it.

They really know the originals well and understand what makes these games tick. Nice Metal Slug zombies too. An absolutely superb game, literally the only thing wrong with it is that it takes to long to slot in bees.
The game gets harder at further playthroughs. I thought it stoppede at two. But im on my 3rd playthrough, because I missed 3 shadow orbs, for the true ending. And the game speeds even more up, more spawns, the snakes that you ride in stage 3, also starts attacking you. Wonder how crazy it will get.
I reckon ill be done with the true ending this weekend, and will post a screenshot of playtime then. ( then I need to work on collecting all the bees ) loving this game, worth every penny, if you like challenging gameplay.


Gold Member
Maybe they should turn those grapes into whine.
This might be the best unintentional (?) wordplay I'll read this year.

So far I managed to get to the Dark Fortress on Legend. The level before that was... something. I can't imagine doing it all again with the game getting harder. And it gets even harder on the third loop?

There's times I'm tempted to just say screw it and do it on Knight, but it feels so damn easy with all those checkpoints.
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Part of the fun is over overcoming those challenges. The game is ruthless, youll die over and over, until your brain memorises, all those button presses needed. You can feel the adrenline going, once you make it, just a tiny bit further, untill you finally beat the level. Keep going on Legendary, you can do it!


Finally managed to kick lucifers ass, loop 2 is indeed fun i love how it all changes the stages so it keeps things interesting. Still no idea where the fuck some umbral bees are in the new stages as it says there are 16 in the first 2 and yet i am at the end of the first 2 stages and only find a handful and thats with leaping everywhere and shooting everything to trigger hidden chests.
Finally got the true ending on Legend difficulty, took 22 hours. Now all thats left is the missing bees.


Gold Member
The last stage of loop 1 was a cinch.

First stage of loop 2? Fucking HELL.

I don't know if I still have it in me to go on.

Please tell me not all the stages in loop 2 are based on that gimmick. Please.


LOL the evilness of that time altering metronome in the options, fine that it could slow stages down to make them easier but now there's also 2 speed settings to make the game play faster. I can't begin to imagine the hell of playing legendary on double speed lololol.
The stage with the undulating floor and eyeballs that spawn enemies if hit is pure hell.
Much harder than anything in Super/Ghouls n Ghosts.
I finished Super GnG while quaffing a full bottle of Zinfandel.
Resurrection is definitely a Coffee/Taurine game.
On the next iteration, they all spawn a red arremer 🤭


Gold Member
Holy fk is this game infuriating. Not sure how well a game that purposely tries to fuck you over nonstop is going to do in the year 2021 as opposed to making a stages that are difficult but still reasonably doable. Dying nonstop is only fun if you still have a fair chance and dont fight with shit controls on top of it.

I finished the old G&G games and im really having a hard time staying motivated to finish this

EDIT-- Just finished my first run through. Damn this game pissed me off lol but in the end it was worth it despite the issues above. Gonna do the 2nd run stuff now for whatever the real ending is lol. Just gonna say....with some of these bosses the input reading is obvious. I havent seen this much input reading since the AI in the classic MK arcade games
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Gold Member
I think I’ll finally get the true ending in a session or two at the most.
Managed to complete Loop 2, except I didn’t get all the requirements and instead of sending me back to the map to collect what’s left, the game put me at the start of Loop 3 with only the first two levels unlocked. Tried the first one and NOPEd out so fast. I has to start again from scratch, so this time I’m also getting all the bees and I’m pretty close to the goal. I only need to get the remaining bees in a couple of levels and then it’s on to the final one, which isn’t that hard really.

This game is painful, anyway. The level design is excellent, but yep, sometimes the input reading is arcade Street Fighter 2-level.
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