Astral Dog
This game never looked good imo, they should have made TEW3
I kinda pushed my way through and didn't explore much, I just wrapped up the campaign at 6 hours and 9 minutes. It's an enjoyable game, but I didn't do too much looking around for the statues an whatnot cause I just wanted to finish it up. I literally just ran through far cry 6, dying light 2, horizon forbidden west, halo infinite, and elden ring so I had severe open world brain fog lol. Im gonna go play some gt7/forza and triangle strategy now to give my mind a break from this type of game.The climbing animation is kinda nonexistent, it just happens. It works though so I can't really complain about it, it just looks weird. The jumping can feel off at times and sometimes I accidentally glide when I don't mean to but I'm getting better at it and it doesn't happen all that much anymore.
Other than that it's just a pretty basic game that manages to scratch a certain kind of itch. The last two mornings I've woke up like 2-3 hours earlier than I normally would just so I can play the game (5 - 5:30 am). It's so fucking chill. Just sipping coffee, gaming with headphones on. Dog comes down and sits on my lap. It's a total joy, ha.
Right on. I'm 10 hours in. Just made it to the mall and I feel like the game just keeps opening up to me. I checked out photo mode and that's pretty neat, I now understand why there's different outfits. I also realized that there's a music player and you can listen to it while playing the game. It was perfect timing, some R&B turned techno song came on right as I was about to fight a mob of ghosts and it was one of those brilliant moments you can only get with gaming. Scissor lady reveal was great too, I need to remember to block cause she was dealing some serious damage.I kinda pushed my way through and didn't explore much, I just wrapped up the campaign at 6 hours and 9 minutes. It's an enjoyable game, but I didn't do too much looking around for the statues an whatnot cause I just wanted to finish it up. I literally just ran through far cry 6, dying light 2, horizon forbidden west, halo infinite, and elden ring so I had severe open world brain fog lol. Im gonna go play some gt7/forza and triangle strategy now to give my mind a break from this type of game.
I'd give it a B- if I had to review it. Solid cool game, but I feel like they should have leaned into the horror aspect a little bit more cause it would have given it that edge it needs..the art style and look of things is amazing, the interior areas really needed to be shown more love in the previews cause they all look amazing/cool to me, and I know reviewers called the combat simple but I rather enjoyed it.
Love your impressions. This looks like something I'm going to love it may not be a huge AAA game but I love the atmosphere and design.Right on. I'm 10 hours in. Just made it to the mall and I feel like the game just keeps opening up to me. I checked out photo mode and that's pretty neat, I now understand why there's different outfits. I also realized that there's a music player and you can listen to it while playing the game. It was perfect timing, some R&B turned techno song came on and it was one of those brilliant moments you can only get with gaming. Scissor lady reveal was great too, I need to remember to block cause she was dealing some serious damage.
This game is a frigging treat, I'll probably end up putting 40 hours into it like the reviewer who gave it a 10/10, I'm just having a total blast with it.
Thanks dude. This game is going to become an all-time favorite for some people. It's turning into that for me the more I play.Love your impressions. This looks like something I'm going to love it may not be a huge AAA game but I love the atmosphere and design.
Honestly, slap the dvd cover of the movie 'Carved' on a gif of her at the initial reveal and you basically have the game in a nutshell.I think the game was dead on arrival as soon as I heard Ikumi Nakamura resigned.
The first announcement trailer was interesting but when they showed the gameplay after she parted, nah.
I wonder what changes it had after she left.
Then again this could be what she had planned all along and they just finished what she started.
Agreed, Performance is the way to go. Quality mode was janky as fuckSome of the negative comments in reviews make much more sense after I switched over to Quality Mode and explored the other graphics options last night.
If you get this game, for the love of God, play it in standard Performance Mode. The game feels downright awful on Quality Mode. It's seriously like an underpowered PC trying to play Crysis. It felt downright awful and slow as balls.
The other modes kinda felt equally as bad too. Standard Perfomance Mode IMO is the only way to go. The game looks gorgeous regardless and please believe me, you're gonna want the framerate to be as stable to 60 as you can get it.
That's something I want to see in reviews from now on, what mode did you play it on? Cause for this game, it's seriously a night and day difference, I wouldn't be able to play it if it was only available in Quality Mode.
LOL, what can I say 10$ was the sweet spot.
Right on. I'm 10 hours in. Just made it to the mall and I feel like the game just keeps opening up to me. I checked out photo mode and that's pretty neat, I now understand why there's different outfits. I also realized that there's a music player and you can listen to it while playing the game. It was perfect timing, some R&B turned techno song came on right as I was about to fight a mob of ghosts and it was one of those brilliant moments you can only get with gaming. Scissor lady reveal was great too, I need to remember to block cause she was dealing some serious damage.
This game is a frigging treat, I'll probably end up putting 40 hours into it like the reviewer who gave it a 10/10, I'm just having a total blast with it.
Everyone seems to be saying that so far with the PC version.3080ti hitting this shit at 80fps 4k rt maxed 165hz hdr, all the bells and whitles. i have audio lag on cutscenes though, dunno why, but teveyrhting else runs smooth as butter...the rt on the city is crazy good, too bad the game seems mediocre so far.
Shame. Guess I'll try it when it's dirt cheap.
Lil bit insane the amount of comments like these two. How much more sheep minded does it get than blindly trashing a game cause its a 75 on MC? lmfaooooOne of those games that makes you wonder why it even exists.
Right on.The game is awesome and it's exactly what I needed as a counter to the 95 hours and counting I've put into Elden Ring. It's fun exploring the city and it's also cool learning about Japanese history. You'll find items in the game and it will flash up a one sentence description on the screen, but if you go into the menu it will have a really cool real life history lesson about it which is very interesting.
The visuals are amazing and I'm running max everything including RT on a 3090 with DLSS set to Balanced and I get a constant 60fps at 4K. The did release a patch right before I started and that may have fixed the fps drops I've read about earlier as I haven't had any in the 1st hour I've played. In one section it gave me some FEAR vibes as it changed the perspective of the building I was in and also had some really cool graphical effects when running through a hallway.
I started the game on hard and I'm finding the combat enjoyable and a bit challenging. I've died once and almost died a couple of other times. I'm playing with the Dual sense and it works great on the PC except the button prompts are for the Xbox.
Sure people want a TEW3 but sometimes devs need to cleanse their pallet and do something different and I'll happily reward that. I also bought Tiny Tina's Wonderland and played that for about 30 minutes and then switched over to Ghostwire and I'll keep playing this.
I think this is mainly true of review aggregators ( Metacritic, Open Critic and , even more, Rotten Tomatoes) that tend to reward games without any controversial element, so mostly without any risk takingit really is shocking how many people on here actually still care about review scores... I would have hoped only uninformed casuals actually still listen to what these wannabe critics have to say that have at times been exposed in the past to not even finish games they review or that completely ignored vital parts of them.
video game reviews are useless and should be ignored. that is especially true for reviews released on embargo day by mainstream outlets that rush out reviews because they need to be there day 1 with all the other reviews in order to garner clicks
just a reminder than the way better Evil Within 1 had a way lower score than the dogshit sequel... why? because the sequel was a homogenised game that was stripped of everything unique the first game had to offer, and in doing so became more mass compatible, which critics like because they don't have to actually think while playing.
never mind that the sequel had terrible controls with a shitload of input latency and awful aim acceleration, awful enemy design and boring Leveldesign
it was more mainstream compatible, and so it got an 80% average while the way better first game only reached a 73%
I played it for about 3 hours tonight and if I didn't have to be up early in the morning, I'd probably play all night. This is exactly what I want atm. It has the big city exploration that I love in the Yakuza games, the eerie and creepy feel that SMT games feel in terms of atmosphere and it still has that same addictive qualities that any great RPG has in terms of levelling and choosing how you wish to expand your skills and such in game. I'm playing on hard so I'm not sure how this really affects the overall game but so far it hasn't been anything unmanageable.
I'm playing on the 60fps mode. (Performance Mode?) and it looks and feels fine to me.
No qualms paying full price for this. The game isn't some fast paced FPS. It's an exploration game that encourages combing and searching every nook and cranny to find items that enrich your overall experience. It's like Tango took the openness of TEW2 and ran with it.
Excited to play more tomorrow after work.
I played it for about 3 hours tonight and if I didn't have to be up early in the morning, I'd probably play all night. This is exactly what I want atm. It has the big city exploration that I love in the Yakuza games, the eerie and creepy feel that SMT games feel in terms of atmosphere and it still has that same addictive qualities that any great RPG has in terms of levelling and choosing how you wish to expand your skills and such in game.
I’ve been playing for awhile does the fog that damage ever disappea,it’s a big city to explore but what good is it if the fog damages you from exploring?
Ah cool I did one where you get that paper doll thing,thanks.To this I'd also add that it enjoys an irreverent goofball sense of humour throughout, typical of Japanese games from Mikami or Suda. You really get the sense that they had a lot of fun making this game.
When you exorcise the gates it clears the surrounding fog.
That 4 hours longevity is bullshit, nobody play like that unless you really want to get rid of the game in the fastest way possible (who the fuck buy a semi open world game to do only main mission with zero exploration and side content?).Not to put anyone down if they decide to get it. This game feels very out of place if you’ve grown up around the other pieces of work. It’s like night and day. After watching more footage and reading reviews, I cancelled my preorder. 4 hours for 60 bucks isn’t what I want. This is the The Bouncer coming in at $49.99.
I don’t understand why they made this. It has this weird style to it and a MC who isn’t all that interesting. I’d rather have a quiet MC or better yet acreate-a-character and go from there. It just has this huge “who is this for?” A new audience? I would have bought Evil Within 3. I think a younger audience might like this.
Isn't that a bit exagerate??One of those games that makes you wonder why it even exists.
Isn't that a bit exagerate??
For people who love japanese locations with some lore and supernatural stuff and flashy yet basic naruto combat this sound pretty on point.
I think it has a...strong identity??!It is, I apologize. The game just doesn’t have a strong identity or a hook, but what I said was mean.