Actually I think the best QL went a little something like this... Let me grab my bass.Velvet Sundown may be the best quick look they've ever done.
Actually I think the best QL went a little something like this... Let me grab my bass.Velvet Sundown may be the best quick look they've ever done.
Can't even fault Drew for being so bad at MGS2, both control-wise and design-wise it's aged nearly as poorly as MGS1. The controls for doing extremely simple things are just awful, especially compared with modern stealth-action games. Having an overhead camera to navigate complex locations while getting spotted by enemies completely outside of your range of vision is just way too disempowering to the player. Subsistence converting to a proper 3rd person camera was a revelation years overdue for the franchise.
I love MGS as a series but let's not act like it plays well. Especially for new players. Especially in the year 2014.
I'd like it in future if Drew played the game for 5-10 minutes to get reaccustomed to the controls before recording, so that he has it in his head how to play the game. He seems to take a while to warm up when he starts the recording.
He played the original PS1 MGS1 and is now playing the MGS2 HD Collection on PS3.edit: Wait, is Drew playing the original versions of them, with fixed cameras?
edit: Wait, is Drew playing the original versions of them, with fixed cameras?
All versions of MGS1 and 2 have fixed cameras, so I'm unsure as to what you're hinting.
I really really hope they play the Subsistence or whatever version of MGS3 for Drew's sake.
MGS3 is fundamentally broken without the free camera,
I wholeheartedly disagree, but Subsistence is still the better version.
But really, the thing i wanna see is if Dan tells drew about using the dpad to sneak. I didn't know that was a thing when i first played through Snake Eater and was getting really annoyed that the enemies kept noticing me at the very last moment when i went in for the stealth kill. It's such a stupid way do to that, goddamnit, to put that on the dpad instead of making it part of an analog movement system
The hyperest bowlMGS3 is fundamentally broken without the free camera
The hyperest bowl
But really, the thing i wanna see is if Dan tells drew about using the dpad to sneak. I didn't know that was a thing when i first played through Snake Eater and was getting really annoyed that the enemies kept noticing me at the very last moment when i went in for the stealth kill. It's such a stupid way do to that, goddamnit, to put that on the dpad instead of making it part of an analog movement system
I wonder if Dan will tell everyone that Mario Party 3 has an option to significantly increase text and board movement speed, or if he'll keep it at the default, slow level as a means of hilarious torture.
Can't even fault Drew for being so bad at MGS2, both control-wise and design-wise it's aged nearly as poorly as MGS1. The controls for doing extremely simple things are just awful, especially compared with modern stealth-action games. Having an overhead camera to navigate complex locations while getting spotted by enemies completely outside of your range of vision is just way too disempowering to the player. Subsistence converting to a proper 3rd person camera was a revelation years overdue for the franchise.
I love MGS as a series but let's not act like it plays well. Especially for new players. Especially in the year 2014.
MGS3 is fundamentally broken without the free camera, and this comes from someone who played it on the PS2, when it was released. Luckily, they're playing the HD version of 2 and i assume that if they continue they'll play 3 on there, as well, meaning that he'll not only have the free camera but also that smooth ass framerate, too.
more stuff
That was great. Rorie is fantastic at just waxing lyrical, I really miss Screened. Wish he had more free time at work to do a regular feature aside from UPF.
You're criminally underutilized.Rorie is criminally underutilized.
That was great. Rorie is fantastic at just waxing lyrical, I really miss Screened. Wish he had more free time at work to do a regular feature aside from UPF.
You're criminally underutilized.
Rorie was really great on the bombcast this week. I'd love it if he could show up more regularly although I'm sure moderating takes a lot of his time during the week.
I wonder who will do the Persona Q(L)
Jeff x Dan pls
Maybe there won't be one.
fine fine, it's not broken but it sure as hell plays much assier than the Subsistence version.
After 60 Hours with Tales of Vesperia, I am starting this...
I have no idea; what has gotten into me.
After 60 Hours with Tales of Vesperia, I am starting this...
I have no idea; what has gotten into me.
Behind the Screened DoorBox Office Bomb should be a weekly thing. Only Premium podcast I care about. Heck, fortnightly would also be a huge improvement.
What am I looking at? Persona 4 or Persona Q?
Did you finish Vesperia?
Charlie has been my Go To RPG name for 5 years.
I am starting Dragon Age Inquisition as a lady tomorrow and I legit cant think of a decent female name.
I guess Charlie sounds a bit feminine so it doesn't really matter?
I could go with Charlotte but then I will be thinking of Ric Flair the entire time.
Finished main story, with a team at Lvl 72. I know I missed a ton of side-quests though
Charlie has been my Go To RPG name for 5 years.
I am starting Dragon Age Inquisition as a lady tomorrow and I legit cant think of a decent female name.
I guess Charlie sounds a bit feminine so it doesn't really matter?
I could go with Charlotte but then I will be thinking of Ric Flair the entire time.