Are there people out there who legitimately like to play Mario party? I want to know so I can make fun of them.
Are there people out there who legitimately like to play Mario party? I want to know so I can make fun of them.
Are there people out there who legitimately like to play Mario party? I want to know so I can make fun of them.
Are there people out there who legitimately like to play Mario party? I want to know so I can make fun of them.
I can see it being fun with friends, but i cannot imagine anyone playing it alone.
I can see it being fun with friends, but i cannot imagine anyone playing it alone.
Are there people out there who legitimately like to play Mario party? I want to know so I can make fun of them.
A) not the way to approach someone you perceive to be misunderstanding somethingDan STILL hasn't learned from his ridiculous comments on Resident Evil's inventory.
You never need to carry ink ribbons, typewriters are ALWAYS next to an inventory box.
And he doesn't understand how anyone can finish the game as Chris? Jesus christ, how stupid.
A) not the way to approach someone you perceive to be misunderstanding something
B) he explained that he doesn't like the inventory limitations regardless of the purpose of it
18) to further your point even more so, you'll almost always find an ink ribbon whenever you approach a new typewriter, negating the reason to ever carry one with you.
It's hardly even much of a limitation though if you manage your inventory correctly, deposit items you don't need into the item box and leave space free with the expectation that you'll find something new.
Re1 fandom is reaching that creepy threshold.
The saves rooms are not even that far apart.
Dan and Drew are in the office. Where is my MGScanlon 3!
resident evil is serious business
in other news:
my god
Dan STILL hasn't learned from his ridiculous comments on Resident Evil's inventory.
You never need to carry ink ribbons, typewriters are ALWAYS next to an inventory box.
And he doesn't understand how anyone can finish the game as Chris? Jesus christ, how stupid.
I agree that the ink ribbon stuff is easily avoidable, though it's still a nuisance to have to go to the box to swap out for a ribbon, go to the typewriter, save, and then go back to the box to swap back. It's an archaic mechanic that thankfully RE4 removed. I love what I played of REmake back in the GCN days and Resident Evil 2 on Nintendo 64, but RE4 is significantly better for a variety of reasons. With that said, I'd love if they could make a Resident Evil that played like RE4 while still keeping the tension/horror of its predecessors.
or Sonic, god forbid
Dan STILL hasn't learned from his ridiculous comments on Resident Evil's inventory.
You never need to carry ink ribbons, typewriters are ALWAYS next to an inventory box.
And he doesn't understand how anyone can finish the game as Chris? Jesus christ, how stupid.
I agree that the ink ribbon stuff is easily avoidable, though it's still a nuisance to have to go to the box to swap out for a ribbon, go to the typewriter, save, and then go back to the box to swap back. It's an archaic mechanic that thankfully RE4 removed. I love what I played of REmake back in the GCN days and Resident Evil 2 on Nintendo 64, but RE4 is significantly better for a variety of reasons. With that said, I'd love if they could make a Resident Evil that played like RE4 while still keeping the tension/horror of its predecessors.
resident evil is serious business
in other news:
Sonic fandom is nowhere as sociopathic as Driveclub fandom.
right, at least Sonic was good once.
resident evil is serious business
in other news:
Sonic fandom is nowhere as sociopathic as Driveclub fandom.
I've received death threats over this:
As in people threatening me (and the others) for not releasing stuff fast enough, or not releasing stuff to people's expectations.
People on the internet are crazy.
resident evil is serious business
in other news:
I'm not sure if that's possible, given how most people know how to demolish enemies in RE4. Free aiming is super duper powerful combined with melee attacks.
Maybe if they literally only gave you 30 bullets throughout the entire game lol
So, is the framerate in the Dying Light ql representative of the actual game on ps4?
Just quoting this again if you are still wondering
Locked framerate on the PS4 version Via Digital foundry If you noticed judder that was the game going above the locked framerate in spots.
not so fast:
from the latest Sarkeesian thread
How is the framerate locked if the game sometimes goes above the locked framerate?
There are also a select few instances on PS4 where the game jumps above 30fps for a brief moment while looking in a specific direction. It's not clear what is happening during these sections or why it's occurring, but it adds a bit of judder to the scene when it manifests. It's rare enough not to become a real issue but it is curious nonetheless. Still, by and large, the PS4 delivers a solid enough 30fps experience.
We'll also be taking a look at the PC version of the game, which offers us the ability to scale well beyond the engine's console implementation. First impressions suggest a demanding title that seems to be CPU-limited, making it rather difficult to hit 60fps without dropping the distance slider down a great deal, but we'll have the full story later this week.
all these open world survival early access games look exactly the same and exactly as unfun
all these open world survival early access games look exactly the same and exactly as unfun
They couldn't get the PC impressions but have this to say
all these open world survival early access games look exactly the same and exactly as unfun