I do eagerly await the Backup, Back Down episode.
Ugh, that mission is terrible.
I do eagerly await the Backup, Back Down episode.
Dan Ryckert ‏@DanRyckert
Putting the finishing touches on a real asshole of a Super Mario Maker level. This one's for you, @patrickklepek.
Dan Ryckert ‏@DanRyckert
It took me about 50 tries to upload it, but Spikeshoe Plains is now uploaded on Super Mario Maker. You can play it at 6E3C-0000-008D-C11F.
Dan Ryckert ‏@DanRyckert
There have been 400 attempts on Spikeshoe Plains as of right now, but no one has beaten it yet. Try it out! 6E3C-0000-008D-C11F
Ugh, that mission is terrible.
Dan has made a new difficult Mario Maker level. 6E3C-0000-008D-C11F
Ugh, that mission is terrible.
I'm already tired of Dan's levels. I'm done with "check out how much of an asshole my level is." There's no shortage of that shit.
I'm already tired of Dan's levels. I'm done with "check out how much of an asshole my level is." There's no shortage of that shit.
I'm exactly the same way. I'm starting to regret my purchase of that game, it is so full of those levels, the great stuff is so hard to find. I actually wish there was more of the Nintendo made levels... also building a continous course of worlds and adding in a overworld would also help as well. The making of the levels is fun, but I just feel like there could be a lot more that should be added to make it a better overall experiance. I had a fun couple hours every few days for a while, but I think I'm done with Super Mario Maker and if they ever update it, I might go back to it.
nelsonfalker asked:Jeff, what does "Girl got a penitentiary body" mean?
This knucklehead drug dealer dude that I co-announced an all-womens arm wrestling tournament with used it to describe one of the women competing and it was the funniest shit I had ever heard at that moment.
I really want to know about how Jeff came about announcing thatJeff answers what we've all been wondering for years.
I really want to know about how Jeff came about announcing that
"knucklehead drug dealer dude"
good stuff
also I always kind of assumed that it was either a body that would get you put in the penitentiary or a body that you would only want if you had just gotten out of the penitentiary
It was played out long before Mario Maker even came out. It just empowered a whole lot of uncreative assholes to make themselves feel clever.
Jeff answers what we've all been wondering for years.
Ugh, that mission is terrible.
finished catching up on qls and made p4dan the last one
urge to rewatch the whole er has never been stronger
It's a body like this:"knucklehead drug dealer dude"
good stuff
also I always kind of assumed that it was either a body that would get you put in the penitentiary or a body that you would only want if you had just gotten out of the penitentiary
"A Thousand Spikes, A Thousand Dans"Dan has made a new difficult Mario Maker level. 6E3C-0000-008D-C11F
I don't think the backlash on TPP will retroactively ruin the fun people had with the game. It'll be a Hideo Kojima GotY
i thought that until i finished it
it didn't ruin it per say but it took a lot of convincing myself it didn't ruin it, which is probably a sign it actually did kind of ruin it
A few things:
1) Hey Myggen, are you on OT #17? (One of these days I will volunteer, but I'm a little scared.)
2) Because of describing different games as assholes earlier in the threat, my dumb brain put this together and I have to clear it out:
Giant Bomb #17 | An oil rig full of drivatars
3) Has anyone put together a GBGaf PS4 community? If not, I will gladly do so tonight.
I think it made it even better. Not to get into spoiler territory, but I really think it made it all the much better. Smile on my face better.
Is this Destiny thingmabob worth watching?
at the end of the year, we should have people pick their top 10 GB videos of the year. would be kind of interesting to see.
it probably wouldn't make my top 10 (or just barely) but i'd reckon mpp5 would fare well in such a vote
contradiction is way up there for me
it's been an eventful year
I feel like I can't separate all the contradiction videos (or Until Dawn videos) in my mind. I think I would have to vote on those as a block which would complicate things.
I think it made it even better. Not to get into spoiler territory, but I really think it made it all the much better. Smile on my face better.
I thought it was greateven though people had been calling that shit for a year or two before it even came out
Honestly I think that made it even better. Kojima saying V wasn't the real 5, the fact that the writing on the wall has been in your face since the beginning, and that's exactly what happened. It wasn't some ass pull of 'Oh Ishmael was a hallucination!', and at the end it's a huge 'fuck you' to people who wanted to play Big Boss.
I loved it.
I loved it becauseeveryone thought he was a clone, but no, he's a fucking different guy entirely, just with a Big Boss plastic surgery face
And it works withthe whole series, seeing as how each game has been trying to disassemble the legend of Big Boss, that he was just another soldier in the right circumstances, that ended up buying into his own legend which was his eventual downfall
It also explains whySnake doesn't have amazing S++ stats like Big Boss totally would
Christ we're only a few months away and I'll have consumed whatever a year's worth of Giant Bomb videos amounts to.
... I wonder how much data that is.
EvenBig Boss only had A++ stats in Peace Walker. Kojimas been trying to nail in that Big Boss was just a soldier in the right place at the right time.
now try 'almost every single piece of content since the start of the site' (in my case, all podcasts except wrestling/alt+f1, all videos except most of daily dota and a few spookin' eps i got in my backlog)
someone should crunch the numbers on that
And it works withthe whole series, seeing as how each game has been trying to disassemble the legend of Big Boss, that he was just another soldier in the right circumstances, that ended up buying into his own legend which was his eventual downfall
I meanyeah I totally get what's cool about those implications. And I think it's fine! I just think the core idea (that the game was sold on!) of "this legendary hero descends into darkness and becomes a horrible hero would be a way more interesting story than a Kojima-go-fuck-yourself.
So beat it?