DREW WHY WOULD YOU TRANQ THAT GUY FIRST. Oh look now the base is on full alert and you have no one but yourself to blame.

DREW WHY WOULD YOU TRANQ THAT GUY FIRST. Oh look now the base is on full alert and you have no one but yourself to blame.
Here specifically. I lost it when Vinny starts yelling "Shake it around, take it out of the other pocket WITH INTERESTTTTTTT"
I feel like it's a sonic game but I can't imagine Ryan wanting to sit in as a sub for a sonic gameI swear that there was another QL that he leaves in the middle, and I want to say Brad tags in.
This was back in the Ryan days, I believe.
When was the last time they ended a Quick Look with somebody walking out? Also, is there a list of all the times someone has left during a QL? I remember there's that Ryan one with the dinosaur game and I think Brad comes in half way through
I swear that there was another QL that he leaves in the middle, and I want to say Brad tags in.
This was back in the Ryan days, I believe.
jeff's bahahaha laugh is the best thing i could ever hear
Holy shit!
It's great because he would immediately want to crash his ship into a planet. And Austin has said "Eldar" at least three times so he's probably into 40k.
Vinny's made references to the Immortal Emperor of Mankind too.
Just couldn't stay away once they announced they're implementing microtransactions, huh?
Enjoy your 20GB patch.
I'm surprised that people still listen to the radio.
I literally saw on that on twitter the second i walked out of gamestop with the game in my bag. almost turned 360 degrees and walked back in.
I bought a physical copy so I at least don't have to download the actual game. Now I just have to download the system update, and the expansions, and the taken king! wonderful! love too download games! good thing i have the day off tomorrow.
The xbone controller is awesome. Miles ahead of the DS4, in my opinion. Can't wait to use it.
those are nice keyboards
The diamond 💎 grip on the controller 🎮 is a nice touch.
thank you. CM Quickfire TKL with gateron PBT blanks in beige and light grey, and a Pok3r with the granite keyset. My pride and joy.
The triggers feel amazing. And it's a much better fit to my hands than the ds4.
I saw that Game Informer re-posted our old Yoshi's Island playthrough in honor of its 20th anniversary. I randomly clicked in the middle of one episode just to see what we were talking about several years ago, and found documented evidence that debunks Jason's claim that everyone there hated me! Video dudes are liars.
I saw that Game Informer re-posted our old Yoshi's Island playthrough in honor of its 20th anniversary. I randomly clicked in the middle of one episode just to see what we were talking about several years ago, and found documented evidence that debunks Jason's claim that everyone there hated me! Video dudes are liars.
I'm surprised that people still listen to the radio.
I saw that Game Informer re-posted our old Yoshi's Island playthrough in honor of its 20th anniversary. I randomly clicked in the middle of one episode just to see what we were talking about several years ago, and found documented evidence that debunks Jason's claim that everyone there hated me! Video dudes are liars.
insert Vinny "the fuck you say?" gif here
That statement was made during the playing of a Yoshi videogame, thus making it invalid.
Vinny and Drew are honest, truthful men. Jason Ostrichmaker is a filthy liar.
Listening to radio while driving is better than not listening to the radio while driving.
Nothing makes me wanna quit watching wrestling more than how they bend over backwards to kiss the ass of that money grubbing scam Susan G Komen.
I believe it's called Gerstmann's law.
I used to think this of Drew but then I saw those Avalon videos and he was way too good at lying.
I didn't want to believe it, but Dan was right: Kirby and the Rainbow Curse isn't very good. I'm struggling to get through it.
Jason Ostrichmaker
You can't fool me, Ostrichmaker.Jason seems like a fine, upstanding, young man to me.
Friend of the site Xavier Woods just closed out Raw after helping dominate John Cena and the Dudley Boyz. That's crazy. The first time he wrote a GOTY Top 10 you'd have been well in your your right to not even know he worked for WWE.
I saw that Game Informer re-posted our old Yoshi's Island playthrough in honor of its 20th anniversary. I randomly clicked in the middle of one episode just to see what we were talking about several years ago, and found documented evidence that debunks Jason's claim that everyone there hated me! Video dudes are liars.