I had fun with Catalyst, but it was a disappointing sequel overall. The movement system was still awesome, just wish they hadnt made it an open world game and cluttered it up.
Depends on how much love Jeff still has for The Witness. I think Brad would prefer Inside.Which finishes higher- The Witness or Inside?
Naw, Brad loved Inside too much for it to not be argued for. I think it will make the top 10.
Inside will place, just below The Witness and DOOM. Titanfall 2 will be on there. Uncharted 4 will be #10 if Dan pushes for it to be on there. Dark Souls 3 and Mafia 3 will more than likely show up too. Still unsure of what is actually in the top spot or what else will round it out.
Edit: Oh right...Overwatch.
Did Jeff even ever finish Inside?
Did Jeff even ever finish Inside?
Alex needs to defend Overwatch with his life. I'm counting on The Wolf to have it high on the list!
EDIT: I play video-games just to know what is happening come GOTY discussions.
what will be this years invisible inc
some other game I forgot existed probablywhat will be this years invisible inc
Don't forget the flaming hot sequel to 2012's GOTY arrived in 2016, too:
I picked up XCOM 2 for the Xbone in my quest to find a fun, turn-based combat game to take the place of FTL. I originally tried it on my PC but it's old and the performance was terrible.
The game has a really aesthetic going on. Limiting the AI's awareness so you can move around undetected and set traps is a huge addition, to say the least.
But holy FUCK is this game difficult. I have it set to Regular and I got absolutely massacred on the second mission! I mean if this is a 30 to 50 mission campaign then I am absolutely boned. But there was a time when I thought FTL was impossibly difficult, too. But XCOM's got a lot more moving parts to deal with during a fight than FTL does, to say the least.
I'd say that Firaxis sacrificed any hopes of this game repeating its previous success by ramping the difficulty up this high. I mean as a fan of the original series I do appreciate it, but god damn. I'm not used to getting so brutally slapped around by a game when I'm on my second mission beyond the tutorial.
I'm thinking about buying Superhot just to be prepared for GOTY spoilers. Other than that I'm ok I think. Not much else to spoil or any other big surprises this year I feel like.
Nobody remembers Inside since its gameplay was just as unremarkable as LIMBO's. But omg the ending you guys. So smart and thoughtful you guys. Whatever, its atmosphere is worth it in the end.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions for GOTY. (I've played it for an hour or something so far.)
One of the reasons I played Doom was because of GOTY. Aside from Inside I don't know what's left that I really want to play.
I'm buying Oxenfree soon but that's not because of Giant Bomb. I might try to finish The Witness so I don't have to avoid spoilers but I don't know how going back to it is going to feel like.
Shenzen I/O, hopefully.what will be this years invisible inc
I'm thinking about buying Superhot just to be prepared for GOTY spoilers. Other than that I'm ok I think. Not much else to spoil or any other big surprises this year I feel like.
Well they are putting out contentIs Waypoint just Bizarro Giant Bomb? They have two guys named Dan and Jason who get along real well and work peacefully with one another?
get superhot
Well they are putting out content
I had fun with Catalyst, but it was a disappointing sequel overall. The movement system was still awesome, just wish they hadnt made it an open world game and cluttered it up.
Why can't Giant Bomb produce quality #content like this:
1 Million views. Just kill me already
That's what happens when your business model mirrors shenmue 3I've been watching a bit of EZA lately (the Dragon Quest Builders videos got me) and the amount of content those guys crank out is amazing. They are "just" streams mind you but still. So many different games. Worst thing about them is they always sing when someone subscribes. Lame.
Well they are putting out content
I dunno, I started to like the Open World, simply because I had fun running around. I ended up 100% completing the game, though I still prefer the original.
But by god was the story a bunch of drivel.
I mean.. they had 50 people in the control room and nearly broke themselves from lack of sleep. But except for that, it's a perfectly valid comparison, I guess.Yeah, I mean Waypoint put out 72 hours of content in the last 3 days, I bet GB didn't even put out half as much video.
I mean.. they had 50 people in the control room and nearly broke themselves from lack of sleep. But except for that, it's a perfectly valid comparison, I guess.
Yea I could see that. I should have been more specific, I felt like they added a bunch of open world bloat (collectibles etc) just because most big games are open world. Like I said, I loved the movement system and that did make the exploration fun. Agreed at the story lol
Looking back at this year's releases is an eye opener. This has been a big, big year.
Remember The Division?
How about Far Cry Primal?
Quantum Break, remember?
Don't you ever insult my friend the giantbomb manIt was a joke
I wish Austin was still at GB
He would shut down any talk of The Witness making it anywhere near the top 10
Well, he'd be wrong and this time he wouldn't be the new guy so the others wouldn't have to give him his sympathy top ten slot.
Down with Witness