I read a feature on the making of the second Wipeout game in Retro Gamer magazine, and they said it was called Wipeout XL in the US because someone at Pysgnosis didn't think Americans would recognize 2097 as a year, and they would wonder if there were 2,096 previous Wipeout games
RE7 demo is really fucking promising, man. Most promise that series has shown in years. Seems like they're taking big cues from things like Outlast, Slender, and PT, but it's really good. Doesn't hurt that it seems like they're putting out a quality PC version.
I'll be fair though that I'm looking forward to the game and I'd take a horror RE game rather than an action RE game anyday of the week. However, I can't help but be abit disappointed based on what I saw(which is not much so I'm being too quick to judge). To me RE has always been about exploration, solving puzzles and growing as a player within the environment you're in. In the sense that you know your way around the map efficiently, to the point of going wherever you want, in the quickest way possible by planning your routes and saving as much resources as you can.
One might say, it's an adventure game of sorts. Of course the story is total cheeseballs for the most part but the characters are memorable and the cherry on top for me has always been the soundtrack. The soundtrack in RE games are amazing, you'll be able to know what part of the game this is based on the track alone. Now, I don't know if the new one will have all that but I'm willing to wait and see, I'm excited to get it but it seems that Capcom is still willing to experiment with RE and I guess that's a good thing in the end. Now Capcom has to start worrying about FPS fans after RE7 is out lol.
What I'm mostly excited for though is REmake 2. If they have the same work ethic as Mikami did(I doubt it but pls prove me wrong Capcom), we're in for a treat.
If the demo is anything to go on, it's definitely the most adventure game-y the series has been since the old ones. It feels like exactly what you're saying: learning the environment and how to effectively navigate it to solve puzzles. As for the bolded games, I meant more that they're taking inspiration from them with things like the first person perspective and the found footage gimmick, which I am definitely a fan of. And there seems to be a large PT-esque puzzle in the demo to get a good ending to unlock something in the larger game.
As I said, I'm definitely being judgemental as I haven't seen much. As long as they don't focus on making the player hide from the enemy too much and all, then that's great. What I have always loved about RE is being forced into retreating because of your own decisions, not because the game is forcing you to retreat or hide.
I still need to see the first Jon Whick.
Super Hot seems really cool.
Living out your favorite action movies.
But still isnt sold on VR.
I don't know how many more standing around shooting at things VR games I can take. The.onger VR is out the more itjust seems like a bummer.
I still need to see the first Jon Whick.
Bullet Train looks great.
Chris Kohler was just let go by Wired. I think he would be a good fit with Giantbomb
Huh? Is Wired not covering games in any serious capacity any longer?
I don't know, it already got a little old seeing Keanu Reeves flip people over and shoot them in the face halfway through the first film, but this one has Ruby Rose so hnngnngnng I'll watch it I guess
This movie is not needed, at all.
First one was great tho.
The world around him made the first movie more interesting to be honest and it seems they are gonna go more into that aspect (along with him still murdering fools like a boss) so i'm game.
The first John Wick is pretty fantastic but I wasn't exactly salivating over the prospect of a sequel. It's got Common though so it's probably going to be dope.
It's just one of those things you gotta experience to really get into. Watching videos of others doesn't do it justice, Superhot VR is fucking legit.
Aside from that, it's mainly flight/space sims and racing sims that make VR worth it for me, though having good wheel and HOTAS setups really helps. Can't go back to triple monitor setups for those.
I do agree that VR stuff needs to get more diverse, but it doesn't help that GB chooses very samey games for the VRodeo. There is so much interesting stuff that they've ignored in favor of more arcade wave shooting games.
So, which video is the one where Vinny bashes his hands while playing a VR game?
Also, have they announced when their GOTY podcasts will start going up?
Tell me two games to buy for my Vive rn.
Word. Thanks!That was UPF from like three weeks ago.
As always GOTY stuff happens between Christmas and the new year.
I do agree that VR stuff needs to get more diverse, but it doesn't help that GB chooses very samey games for the VRodeo. There is so much interesting stuff that they've ignored in favor of more arcade wave shooting games.
Are they choosing samey games or is this simply a lack of things to choose from?
I do wish they'd back off on the VR coverage, it's starting to feel kind of forced the same way the Kinect stuff did once the novelty wore off.
Are they choosing samey games or is this simply a lack of things to choose from?
I do wish they'd back off on the VR coverage, it's starting to feel kind of forced the same way the Kinect stuff did once the novelty wore off.
But if less content is what you want, GB will be happy to oblige.
Chris Kohler was just let go by Wired. I think he would be a good fit with Giantbomb
They're choosing samey games. As I said.
Hah, ain't it the truth.
I don't think it's just that though. What were the big two announcements during the last Oculus event? Right two of those games with Robo Recall and that game from 4A Games.
Do emanates respawn in Hitman or can you actually completely empty a map if you try hard enough?
Yeah I do think we need to move beyond arcade wave-based shooters in VR. Shooting is a super obvious (and fun) thing in VR, but it can be so much more than it is now. I think Raw Data pretty much nailed that style game early, and otehr games are still catching up.