a dolphin "handle" something if it's only got fins? a dolphin "handle" something if it's only got fins?
That does explain a lot about Piston.
There's a door at my place of work
when they open it, it sounds like a dolphin
There's a door at my place of work
when they open it, it sounds like a dolphin
I think that means you had a twin that got turned into a frog.There was this one time I was at my parents house and there was this frog I think outside making a noise that sounded just like me when I say "Moooom". Was fucking weird.
Why are you ever saying "moooom"?
it was me you guys
I'm a dolphin and I cannot contain my urges
Dolphins are mammals.
Dolphins are mammals.
Dolphins are mammals.
I don't trust dolphins. They seem fishy to me.
No appreciation for a dum word play. Thanks Whippy...
It's times like this that I turn to Soul Hackers for advice:
How dare you.Dolphins eat lots of fish and hang out around fish so it's fair to call them "fishy"
You are what you eat.Killer whales are dolphins and are badass.
How dare you.
I get called "fishy" in most multiplayer games. So, I wonder if that's a good thing.
Brad still has two Mario Galaxies to play
i actively dread subscriber only content because that means it doesn't go up on youtube which means it fucking hitches every five seconds for whatever god damn fucking reason
i actively dread subscriber only content because that means it doesn't go up on youtube which means it fucking hitches every five seconds for whatever god damn fucking reason
Though since I'm already here: what do I do all day GOD.
i bet it's just aussie internet or something
Just use the download option and it should play through your browser's built in player.i actively dread subscriber only content because that means it doesn't go up on youtube which means it fucking hitches every five seconds for whatever god damn fucking reason
Xcom's sword is trash yo.
Dishonored 2, Dying Light: The following, TMS, Twilight Princess, Hyper Light Drifter, Superhot, Furi, Monster Hunter Generations, Overwatch, Shadow Warrior 2, Titanfall 2, all vastly better swords.
dolphins suck...they are the dumbest animal in the world...whats their point?
they're not good for anything
Should i buy Hitman even though i have watched every GB video of it?
Neither are humans.
Even worse.
Humans are cool.
dolphins suck...they are the dumbest animal in the world...whats their point?
they're not good for anything
Ha, I think they thought Jason was exaggerating when he said the SFV change log is 92 pages, but it literally is.
Yeah that PC launch was a shame, especially since it was an exclusive.
Tbh though, the framerate issues were not as serious in this specific case for me because it's a turn based game. I still have it on my top 10 this year.
Ironically, the first XCOM was the biggest landslide GOTY victory in Giantbomb history. I think the GOTY discussion that year was about 5 minutes.
I legitimately did not understand the performance complaints at all. I have a friend who, to this day, still plays modern new releases on a PC that was budget-tier in 2010. His GPU is a god damned radeon 5770. He played through XCOM 2 just fine. I ran it on max with a 970, a CPU from 2011 and a bit of tweaking. I think there are just a lot of people who jumped to PC from consoles and get indignant about having to turn a setting or two down, or god forbid overclock the K-series CPU they paid extra for.
I didn't encounter bugginess until the final mission, which actually did start to come apart at the seams graphically until I restarted the game. I guess that was about 30 seconds of inconvenience. If that's enough for it to even be considered for 'hottest mess' then that's just crazy to me.
Should i buy Hitman even though i have watched every GB video of it?
Just out of curiosity, did you actually play SF5, or do you play fighting games in general?
The game obviously had problems at first, but even then it was mostly things that were peripheral to actually playing the game. The actual game is pretty great, the net code is the best I've ever seen in a fighting game by a huge margin, the cast of characters is awesome so far, the tournament scene seems healthy.
It's been really weird watching parts of GAF treat SF5 like a dumpster fire all year while I've just been quietly enjoying it.