Piston Hyundai
remember when games used to be fast as fuck
You don't buy games will actually play in steam salesIts funny how quickly you stop caring about steam sales when you just buy the games you want to play when they come out
brad not in a flannel shirt is too jarring for me
It's like they had Cyber Monday before Amazon and just decided it was too exciting.Moreover, they changed the structure of the Steam sale in recent years so all planned discounts are applied from the start of the sale and there are no flash/special sales.
So is GOTY content this year just normal content in Christmas sweaters?
Getting drunk with a bunch of people and playing Rock Band in a warm room while it's cold outside is the best thing around Xmas.
Yeah, I think that'd be fine. I'd actually suggest giving The Dark Id's LP a try. It's primarily text and screenshots but he adds in pieces of the soundtrack (ripped or recorded segments/variations of tracks not present in the official soundtrack release), which adds a lot. He even includes relevant info from Drakengard where appropriate (which he also did an LP of, which I recommend because BOY that game is fucked up).E: can I get away just watching a playthrough of Nier? Don't have access to a PS3 anymore and I don't really feel like picking one up for a single game. I've never really "watched" a full playthrough of a game and I don't want to gloss over Nier if it truly is worth my time
E: can I get away just watching a playthrough of Nier? Don't have access to a PS3 anymore and I don't really feel like picking one up for a single game. I've never really "watched" a full playthrough of a game and I don't want to gloss over Nier if it truly is worth my time
I just finished The Last Guardian...
Best moment of 2016? SON, that game had moments for days.
Maybe? To fully appreciate Nier you need to play it three times. So if you just want to get caught up on it for Nier Automata, it might be a lot to go through.
11 and 12 were pretty bad, and 09 was definitely the best.Code:(2008) 1. GTA IV 2. MGS 4
Code:(2009) 1. Uncharted 2 2. Batman Arkham Asylum
Code:(2010) 1. Mass Effect 2 x. Red Dead Redemption x. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood x. Star Craft 2 Wings of Liberty x. Need for Speed Hot Pursit
Code:(2011) 1. Skyrim 2. Saints Row The Third 3. Bastion 4. Portal 2 5. Dead Space 2 6. The Witcher 2 7. Batman Arkham City 8. Gears of War 3 9. L.A. Noire 10. Rayman Origins
Code:(2012) 1. X-COM: Enemy Unknown 2. The Walking Dead 3. Far Cry 3 4. Fez 5. Journey 6. Mark of the Ninja 7. Syndicate 8. Mass Effect 3 9. ZombiU 10. Sleeping Dogs
Code:(2013) 1. The Last of Us 2. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds 3. BioShock Infinite 4. Gone Home 5. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 6. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag 7. Dota 2 8. Divekick 9. Papers, Please 10. Rogue Legacy
Code:(2014) 1. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor 2. Bayonetta 2 3. Far Cry 4 4. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 5. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 6. South Park: The Stick of Truth 7. Jazzpunk 8. Shovel Knight 9. Mario Kart 8 10. Destiny
Code:(2015) 1. Super Mario Maker 2. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain 3. Rocket League 4. Kerbal Space Program 5. Splatoon 6. Rise of the Tomb Raider 7. Undertale 8. Grow Home 9. Invisible Inc. 10. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
It's gonna be 30 degrees Celsius here ��
It's going to be like 40 degrees celscius down here on christmas.(((
2014 and 2015 might be the worst lists with the most entries of games that only one person was passionate about rather than the whole group liking it.
2012 has Zombi U and Syndicate. What the hell is that list.
2012 has Zombi U and Syndicate. What the hell is that list.
Let's headcannon 2012 and swap those 2 for VLR and Xenoblade Chronicles.
Boom, amazing list.
I mean is it even a game?I still can't believe a level editor won GOTY last year...
I mean is it even a game?
I mean is it even a game?
So before we get a fresh one next week, and since I had nothing better to do that past all these...
8. Mass Effect 3
I think it was a Vinny-Patrick alliance.How did the Witcher 2 get up there on 2011's GotY list? Dave and Vinny double-team?
I need to listen to those GotYcasts again. If I have at all.
I think it was a Vinny-Patrick alliance.
Maybe Ryan helped too? He was on the quick look.