e: I'll add the extra life stream later, have to do some other stuff now.
Oh my.
e: I'll add the extra life stream later, have to do some other stuff now.
Jungle all the Way
I'd watch a Arnie movie called Jungle all the Way
Only if its about the 90's rave scene in england
brad dota 2 christmas stream incoming
Does anyone know what I would do to return a Giant Bomb shirt that is too small in exchange for another size?
support at giant bomb dot com
also, ask them when final fantasy 16 comes out
Does anyone know what I would do to return a Giant Bomb shirt that is too small in exchange for another size?
Please don't have stream guests, please don't have stream guests. I become very jealous when Brad spends time on the stream talking to his dota stream friends. I want chat to be the only thing keeping Brad sane. Extra life streams are easy on the streamer and boring to watch if the streamer just talks to "real" people. Thumbs up if agree.
Their shirts do run incredibly small.
Was wondering that.
I got a $15 code to burn and thought about getting a shirt but the only good onces are old shirts they now only have in small. I was wondering if those where small, small or American small aka medium.
I think I've bought one game each in the last two steam sales. They're consistently bad now. I guess that's the price we pay for refunds.
I bought five games already.
You guys might say they're weak but the numbers show this makes more sales.
I bought five games already.
You guys might say they're weak but the numbers show this makes more sales.
I found the old system of "wait don't buy anything in case it goes on super sale later" caustic and unintuitive.
Yeah, I was after the new Sherlock Holmes, and it was actually on sale for a lower amount last weekend (60% off) than the winter sale (50% off).
This is what I do all day.
It's 75% off on EU PSN if that helps.
Happy Christmas you lot!
You all seem very certain that the stream is going to happen
Those were the days
I bought Overcooked because of Giant Bomb and EZA and ABZU because 6.
Seek professional help.
so do you guys think Uncharted will make the list
so do you guys think Uncharted will make the list
Probably not. I'm thinking stardew, inside, overwatch, hitman, doom, titanfall and the witness are locks.
That leaves 3 spots between Uncharted, Thumper, Gears 4, Firewatch, Watch Dogs 2, Superhot, Overcooked, Abzu, Forza Horizon 3, Ratchet & Clank, The Division and Deus Ex.
Probably not. I'm thinking stardew, inside, overwatch, hitman, doom, titanfall and the witness are locks.
That leaves 3 spots between Uncharted, Thumper, Gears 4, Firewatch, Watch Dogs 2, Superhot, Overcooked, Abzu, Forza Horizon 3, Ratchet & Clank, The Division and Deus Ex.
Eh maybe it will. I think it deserves the spot, just matters how hard Brad and Dan will fight for it.
Bolded are "lol as if"s.