stump sock
im going to make up what i think spicebox should be and then believe its that

im going to make up what i think spicebox should be and then believe its that
I don't know what kind of person Ralphie May is but I'm assuming he's an extremely unfunny comedian if Jeff apparently was cold reading an ad for one of his specials.
One of the subjects mentioned as a highlight for his stand up in the ad (which Jeff had obviously been sent via script) was "airline travel", and I remember thinking "it's 2015, right? Which fucking comedians are still making air travel jokes?".
One of the subjects mentioned as a highlight for his stand up in the ad (which Jeff had obviously been sent via script) was "airline travel", and I remember thinking "it's 2015, right? Which fucking comedians are still making air travel jokes?".
Yeah, you'd think any comedian worth his or her chops would get the picture after the nth "what's the deal with airline food" joke.
Really, the most offensive thing about the 40 second I watched of that guy was the terrible impression of the yodeling from the Price is Right.
I literally thought they sent you spices each month
I literally thought they sent you spices each month
I thought that.
I know I'm always running out of Old Bay when I need it the most.
I literally thought they sent you spices each month
I thought that.
I just thought of a cool box gimmick I would subscribe to instantly. Weird japanese candies and snacks. Please tell me something like this exists.
Thread's back to a place I can understand what's going on? Great.
I think we'll get a Dan Bloodborne review in the back half of this week, and at least 2 videos on it.
I think if there will be a Pillars QL, it won't be this week. I tend to agree that if anyone drives it, it'll be Rorie, and even if they got a copy early it sounds like he's still on the mend so I'm not sure if he's gotten anywhere in it.
When does Axiom Verge come out?
For that matter, when does Galak-Z come out? When I first watched the mailbag before watching UPF, I somehow convinced myself the Spelunker game was actually Galak-Z and got all excited that maybe it would actually be released soon.
I just thought of a cool box gimmick I would subscribe to instantly. Weird japanese candies and snacks. Please tell me something like this exists.
Skoshbox is actually pretty cool, and if I lived somewhere I didn't have regular access to asian groceries/snacks, I'd probably sign up
im going to make up what i think spicebox should be and then believe its that
unless this was a joke I didn't understand
Nope, just stupid on my part. Completely missed that somehow.
Also hello Giant Bomb thread! Long time lurker, finally able to post-er.
It's about sex.
Also hello Giant Bomb thread! Long time lurker, finally able to post-er.
Totally reasonable life decision to not read the past pages in this thread.![]()
who is your favorite giant bomb dad and why do you dislike rorie so much?
Latest Demo Derby was a dud. Most of the demos were pretty bad and short with no fun videos to mock. Really annoyed they didn't let Drew see the Airship Battles in Skies of Arcadia. I was curious what he thought of them.
I'm just glad they're not advertising MEUNDIES like every other goddamn podcast out there (okay just MBMBM and Idle Thumbs)
Latest Demo Derby was a dud. Most of the demos were pretty bad and short with no fun videos to mock. Really annoyed they didn't let Drew see the Airship Battles in Skies of Arcadia. I was curious what he thought of them.
Latest Demo Derby was a dud. Most of the demos were pretty bad and short with no fun videos to mock. Really annoyed they didn't let Drew see the Airship Battles in Skies of Arcadia. I was curious what he thought of them.
I enjoyed it. The Dreamcast internet segment and that hoverboarding segment were both really funny and the Kiss segment was funny too.
Latest Demo Derby was a dud. Most of the demos were pretty bad and short with no fun videos to mock. Really annoyed they didn't let Drew see the Airship Battles in Skies of Arcadia. I was curious what he thought of them.
I'm surprised no one has commented on this from Jeff's blog yet:
What do you think are the companies that Jeff felt iffy about but still accepted as sponsors?
It's gotta be, right?UNLIMITED ANIME!!!!!!!!!!
to announce that Jeff Green is the newest member of the bombcrew
I enjoyed it. The Dreamcast internet segment and that hoverboarding segment were both really funny and the Kiss segment was funny too.
yea, internet segment was fun. I was just annoyed they didn't check every mode for Skies of Arcadia. one of the rules they made for Demo Derby was to check everything on the discs and they didn't do that. c'mon Dan.
Now I'll probably be disappointed when they announce who the new hire is :/She might forget that she has to show up to announce that Jeff Green is the newest member of the bombcrew. I wouldn't want her to miss it.
Yeah, agree. It's pretty clear that the Playstation discs will have the most crazy stuff on them in general because they're so elaborate, but I wouldn't call this Demo Deby a dud by any means.
Well, the rule isn't to check out everything inside the demo, just to check out every demo. He climbed the ladder and scrolled through some dialog, so they at least followed the letter of Demo Derby law with that one.
If I remember that game correctly, that mode isn't very exciting at all so you didn't miss much. It's not a game that lends itself to a demo.
Ever since some guy at PAX Q&A said "hire Cara Ellison" I now want them to never hire Cara Ellison.
I'm gonna set up a new service called Box Crate. Every month you receive a random box from one of the box services.
most of the DC demos didn't have music either so that didn't help. those publishers really cheaped out on them. hopefully they go back to PS Underground.