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Giant Bomb |OTXXX| Fondle it

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Maybe Kingdom Heartache was a goof and they realized that was a bad idea so they decided to do it after all? However Brad said he wasn't down for 25 hours JRPG and bowed out, so Ben had to rethink things. Ben convinced Abbey for some #Millenial content and they decided to do a cross coast thing. Unfortunately the cross coast setup broke, and they had to delay the whole thing.

I'm basically writing fanfic at this point.
Maybe Kingdom Heartache was a goof and they realized that was a bad idea so they decided to do it after all? However Brad said he wasn't down for 25 hours JRPG and bowed out, so Ben had to rethink things. Ben convinced Abbey for some #Millenial content and they decided to do a cross coast thing. Unfortunately the cross coast setup broke, and they had to delay the whole thing.

I'm basically writing fanfic at this point.

it probably was Brad not wanting to sit in and since Jeff is out sick well

here they are.




Oh I thought this was another photoshopped tweet but it turned out to be real


I would just say that if KH was supposed to be a new series, perhaps it would have been wise to bank 2-3 episodes prior to the first episode going up to prevent this exact scenario from happening.

If you're not doing a series live and you intend to keep a regular schedule, there's no reason not to bank ahead of time.


the holder of the trombone
Like are we actually sure it's a goof though or are we just thinking it's a goof?

The thing about that tweet is that you can take it entirely sincerely or entirely ironic.

And it's purely about your own perceptions.


yo gb i wont sue if you steal my idea of just playing like 30 minutes of each game and the whole aqua passage and act like you know everything about the game as the payoff

i wont

where do i sign jeffrey


the holder of the trombone
Do you just want us to post that Hulk Hogan tweet again?

That's what i don't know really.

That tweet is like rorscharch drawing.

A rorscharch tweet.

Like if i saw that tweet before looking into this thread i would think it's sincere but this thread broke my sincerity detector long ago.
Like are we actually sure it's a goof though or are we just thinking it's a goof?

I think if nothing else Jeff is smart enough to realize that pretending they will be doing a longer series and then not doing it is a bad idea. He would have shut things down immediately if it was just going to be a joke.

It occurs to me that maybe they did record a few episodes upfront, but then something happen to the recordings.
Is it really this serious at all? There'll be another episode. It's pretty obvious.

who the fuck knows at this point. Kind of a shitty "joke" to keep people guessing whether you're doing a feature or not. Great job Ben. To be fair it is actually hard to tell if it's supposed to be a joke or not in that tweet


the holder of the trombone
who the fuck knows at this point. Kind of a shitty "joke" to keep people guessing whether you're doing a feature or not. Great job Ben. To be fair it is actually hard to tell if it's supposed to be a joke or not in that tweet

That's the thing. Are we bringing more to that tweet than there is?


It's funny that he isn't being that vague with that tweet. He straight out tells us that it's a very real series. It's just that we don't trust Ben at all.


the holder of the trombone
Which is the weirder thing that whether you like him or not he seems like a totally alright dude? Like he doesn't seem to have any malice in him from how he presents himself.
Which is the weirder thing that whether you like him or not he seems like a totally alright dude? Like he doesn't seem to have any malice in him from how he presents himself.

That is sort of the problem with constantly doing things ironically for laughs it becomes difficult to figure out when someone is being sincere.
yeah, there's been plenty of dubious language ("totally normal playthrough" ad nauseam) and stuff indicating something's up

and it just so happens that most signs point to them not playing any more of the game

An interesting choice for them to make, considering how rabid the Kingdom Hearts fanbase is.
I can take it or leave it to be honest. Give me some Game tapes and Demo Derby instead!
yeah, there's been plenty of dubious language ("totally normal playthrough" ad nauseam) and stuff indicating something's up

and it just so happens that most signs point to them not playing any more of the game

For me it's the seething with sarcasm? It's like..'THIS IS A REAL SERIES! WE'RE REALLY GONNA DO THIS!' It's like, no you're not, not if you have to hamfist it so much.'

Like, with MGScanlon, they just DID it.


ok here's MEGAMAN!
yeah? well here's Dota 2!

ok then, here's MARIO SUNSHINE
yeah? well here's Dota 2!

ok then, here's XCOMMMM
yeah? well here's Dota 2!


Although isn't the new x-com expansion out this month? Why not wait for the new shit?

*edit, forgot x-com 2 was just x-com 2 and not some subtitled thing. oops
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